Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Historical Discoveries Of Dna And Genetic Material

When most people think of DNA, scientists, laboratories, and twisted ladders come to mind. In reality, DNA makes up genetic material, which makes up proteins that form much of the body and perform vital tasks. The study of DNA and genetic material is something more people should be aware of. As a society, knowing how powerful genetic research and technology are holds the possibility to help, or possibly hurt, people now and in the future. The study of deoxyribonucleic acid, better known as DNA, sounds modern, but in reality has been around for over 150 years. In 1856, Gregor Mendel performed his famous pea plant experiment. This experiment helped determine dominant and recessive traits. Mendel’s work faded for more than 30 years. Based on his research, Reginald Punnett developed Punnett Squares. Punnett Squares predict which traits offspring will inherit based on their parents. In 1885, scientists found chromosomes in cells. Even though there were many contributing factors, one of the most important discoveries about DNA was made by Francis Crick and James Watson. Francis Crick was born in 1916, in Northampton, England. Early in his life, he studied physics but later turned to biology. He attended University in London and earned his Ph.D in molecular biology in 1954. James Watson was born April 26, 1928, in Chicago, Illinois. He enrolled in the University of Chicago when he was just 15 years old. He earned his Ph.D. when he was 22 by completing studies on bacteriophages.Show MoreRelatedHistorical Discoveries Of Dna And Genetic Material1364 Words   |  6 Pagespeople think of DNA, scientists, laboratories, and twisted ladders come to mind. In reality, DNA makes up genetic material, which makes up proteins that form much of the body and perform vital tasks. The study of DNA and genetic material is something more people should be aware of. As a society, knowing how powerful genetic research and technolog y are holds the possibility to help, or possibly hurt, people now and in the future. The study of deoxyribonucleic acid, better known as DNA, sounds modernRead MoreThe Discovery Of Dna Testing1179 Words   |  5 Pagesspecialized tools and processes while utilizing new discoveries to aid understanding of the past. One significant advancement is the discovery of Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA). The discovery of DNA has greatly enhanced our ability to analyze ancient remains and interpret the findings within the field of archeology. To fully demonstrate the impact that DNA has brought to the field of archeology it is important to understand the historical discovery of DNA and initial integration into the field of archeologyRead MoreThe Process Of Evolution And Evolution1679 Words   |  7 Pagesprocess by which different kinds of living organisms are thought to have developed and diversified from earlier forms during the history of the earth,† Google. Google. Google, n.d. Web. 11 Apr. 2015. Evolution is the reason there is change in the genetic makeup of a populat ion, the reason organisms are linked by common ancestors, and evolution is still happening today because of the constant change in environment. This paper focuses on these subjects within evolution and will explore all areas ofRead MoreTransforming Species Into Molecular Biology3591 Words   |  15 Pagesnatural history and suggested he join Captain Robert Fitzroy on a three year journey to the western hemisphere. Little did Darwin know that his curiosity and ability to apply knowledge during this time in his life, would lead him to become a notable historical scientific icon still admirable today. It was due to this opportunity that his work transformed the 19th century scientific path by creating a new mindset of the development of earth (Appleman, 1970). Two other scientists who will not be forgottenRead MoreAntony Flew on Christian Life1823 Words   |  7 Pagesaddressed arguments for the existence of God and tried to disprove them and reveal their invalidity. In this work he argued that before God’s existence can be debated, a definition of who or what God is has to be established. Today he calls this book ‘a historical relic’ (p.52) and uses the arguments for God in his debating for the Christian faith. The last book that I want to mention was published in 1971 and was called ‘The Presumption of Atheism.’ This was his final work in dealing with atheism, in whichRead MoreEthical and Legal Issues with DNA Profiling2693 Words   |  11 Pagesacidity (DNA) fingerprint scanning service is really a fundamental technique which is used all through the global communities every day. The procedure associated with DNA fingerprint scanning service was initially produced by the geneticist, Alec Jefferys, in the University of Leicester situated in England, in the year 1984 (as cited in Lampton, 1991). Both primary kinds of DNA utilized in the actual profiling procedure consist of mitochondrial as well as nuclear DNA (Adams, 2005). DNA fingerprintRead MoreUnderstanding Of The Identity And Health Of African Americans Essay1787 Words   |  8 PagesAssess the materials presented by the National Genome Research Institute in the understanding of the identity and health of African America ns. Note: you may focus on any or a combination of the following major headings: the Ancestral history from genomic information and historical records, Ethnic identity and cultural diversity from historical and genomic information, and the arts and culture from ancestral information. The symposium, The African Diaspora: Integrating Culture Genomics and HistoryRead MoreDna Forensics And The Human Genome2746 Words   |  11 Pages DNA Forensics Before the 1980s, courts relied on testimony and eyewitness accounts as a main source of evidence. Notoriously unreliable, these techniques have since faded away to the stunning reliability of DNA forensics. In 1984, British geneticist Alec Jeffreys of the University of Leicester discovered an interesting new marker in the human genome. Most DNA information is the same in every human, but the junk code between genes is unique to every person. Junk DNA used for investigative purposesRead MoreDna Forensics And The Human Genome2744 Words   |  11 Pagesmain source of evidence. Notoriously unreliable, these techniques have since faded away to the stunning reliability of DNA forensics. In 1984, British geneticist Alec Jeffreys of the University of Leicester discovered an interesting new marker in the human genome. Most DNA information is the same in every human, but the junk code between genes is unique to every person. Junk DNA used for investigative purposes can be found in blood, sa liva, perspiration, sexual fluid, skin tissue, bone marrow, dentalRead MoreMajor Themes in the Theory of Evolution Essay2101 Words   |  9 Pagesthrough these inherited traits is the raw material on which natural selection acts. Mendels paper was all but forgotten until 1890, when it was rediscovered and contributed to a growing wave of interest and research in genetics. But it was not immediately clear how to reconcile new findings about the mechanisms of inheritance with evolution through natural selection. Then, in the 1930s, a group of biologists demonstrated how the results of genetics research could both buttress and extend evolutionary

Monday, December 16, 2019

Alchemy As The Precursor to Modern Medicine Practices

In the early days of alchemy, many scholars doubted the authenticity and credibility of alchemy as a scholarly field of study. They labeled it as â€Å"mystical† and challenged greatly the possibilities of alchemical transmutations and any practitioner’s credibility. However, alchemy was still practiced and discussed in all levels of society. Alchemy has been discovered in recent times to have been central to the development of early modern science and medicine. The practice of alchemy has made many contributions to the development of modern chemical medicines. Alchemy was said to be the production of a new substance by experimenting and changing natural matters in a laboratory. These new products were regarded as artificial, as they did not occur naturally in nature (Pereira, 2000). Johann Friedrich Bà ¶ttger was the first European to discover how to produce porcelain through alchemical means when commissioned to make gold for the Elector of Saxony, August the Strong. Bà ¶ttger’s discovery proved how having knowledge of alchemy could prove to advantageous (Chang, 2007). Leonardo Fioravanti mentioned in his writings of having seen alchemical gold be made, but stated that the venture to create the gold was not productive enough to be of much profit (Eamon, 2000). Alchemy can be described in multiple ways. One way that alchemy is portrayed is as a â€Å"primitive precursor† for modern science and medicine practices (Bobory Rampling, 2012). The practical and experimental sideShow MoreRelatedAlchemy as the Precursor to Modern Medicine Practices778 Words   |  3 PagesChemical medicine originates from medical alchemy of the medieval period. Its nature was controversial and the acceptance and practice of chemical medicine caused problems with those who had strong ties with Scholasticism that rooted them in the Galenic tradition and made them wary of new practices and innovations. The fact that chemical medicine became quite popular thanks to the sixteenth-century Swiss doctor Paracelsus only increased the controversial nature. Paracelsus was well-known for hisRead MoreAstrology and Alchemy - the Occult Roots of the Mbti4990 Words   |  20 PagesBoard Psychologists and managers may be surprised to discover that the origins of the world’s most widely used psychometric instrument lie in pre-modern systems of knowledge. Astrology and alchemy – the occult roots of the MBTI by Peter Case and Garry Phillipson There appear to be no reputable investigations into the influence of astrology and alchemy on organisation and management, which is surprising given the continuing popularity of astrology. Aside from some research into how marketing executivesRead MoreBacteria As An Intermediate ( Jia Et Al. Essay1591 Words   |  7 Pagescontinuously stirred tank, and oxygen is supplied by bubbling air through the solution (Hromatka and Ebner, 1949). Employing modern applications of this method, vinegar of 15% acetic acid can be prepared in only 24 hours in batch process, even 20% in 60-hour fed-batch process (Hromatka and Ebner, 1959). Historical review of acetic acid has uncovered many primitive practices that involved the use and misuse of the compound and its derivatives. Martin, 1917 reports that ancient civilizations aroundRead MoreCompilation of Mathematicians and Their Contributions11615 Words   |  47 Pagesfavourite mathematician, Euclid deserves most of my kudos for laying down the foundation of geometry. II. Mathematicians in the Medieval Ages Leonardo of Pisa Birthdate: 1170 Died: 1250 Nationality: Italian Contributions: * Best known to the modern world for the spreading of the Hindu–Arabic numeral system in Europe, primarily through the publication in 1202 of his Liber Abaci (Book of Calculation). * Fibonacci introduces the so-called Modus Indorum (method of the Indians), today known as

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Dorothy and Me free essay sample

On my sixth birthday, I sat amidst a scattering of shiny pink wrapping paper and half-eaten birthday cake, holding a wrapped rectangle on my lap. My best friend’s eyes were bright, urging me to open it. I ripped off the paper and lifted the lid and there, nestled between two folds of ivory tissue, was a pair of sparkly ruby slippers, exactly like Dorothy’s. My best friend knew that Dorothy, survivor of Earth’s most menacing disaster, conqueror of the Wicked Witch of the West, and healer of three lonely, lacking souls, was my hero. My obsession with Dorothy went beyond her adorable pigtails and breathy voice; Dorothy represented everything I wanted to be: strong-willed, compassionate, brave, independent. From that day on, I refused to part with those shoes. However, I never wore them. They meant too much to risk destruction on the playground or death-by-glue at arts and crafts. We will write a custom essay sample on Dorothy and Me or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Rather, I toted them in my schoolbag and tucked them under the covers at night, one little hand wrapped around their glittering heels. Years after my ruby slippers had begun to gather dust on a shelf in my bedroom, I began my freshman year of high school. My best friend and I—the same girl who got me the gift no one else could understand—stopped talking. It was my fault. I wanted to meet new people and try new things, and my best friend was anything but new. The texts always came when I was with my new friends. Hey! Do you want to hang out this weekend? I pounded out a flippant reply or just ignored her altogether, much to the amusement of my new friends. But keeping up with them was like trying to keep up with the Kardashians—exhausting, ultimately impossible, and maybe even a little dangerous. Later that year, I was brooding over being forbidden to go to a sleepover when the ruby slippers caught my eye. Long lost memories of my friend’s eager expression as I opened her present flooded back to me. Only then did I realize that I had strayed far from Dorothy. In reality, I was the Wizard of Oz, hiding behind a sparkly facade, pretending to be something that I would never be. It wasn’t what I wanted. I crawled onto my bed, placed the ruby slippers in my lap, picked up the phone, and called my best friend. Now, she and I have our own group of friends that I feel comfortable being myself around. While my freshman year friends stay up late partying, we sip Dr. Pepper, record songs (no, they are not good songs), and play cards in my basement. Meeting new people may be an important part of high school, but it’s just as important to stay true to yourself. Though I don’t think Dorothy would quite understand the crisp taste of a Dr. Pepper, I know she’d be proud that, ruby slippers in tow, I found my way back to Kansas.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Kite Runner Essay free essay sample

‘The only way to escape the sins of the past is to confront them’. Is this true in The Kite Runner? In the novel ‘The Kite Runner’, it is put forward that the only way to escape the sins of the past is to confront them. This can be seen through key characters in the story, such as Amir, Baba and Soraya. Amir had sinned when he was a boy with his best friend Hassan, which haunts his from that day forward. Futhermore, Baba is seen trying to repay the damage that he believed that he had caused by his act of selfishness. Finally, Soraya’s sin is not a sin to her, but to the culture that she belongs to. Therefore, these people have had to face their sins to move from the past. Amir’s betrayal of Hassan as a child haunts him throughout his childhood and as an adult. We will write a custom essay sample on Kite Runner Essay or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page He feels constant guilt and regret about what happened that winter and the following summer of 1975. From that moment onwards, he has always tried to move on, forget and get on with his life, and he does, but every time the subject of Hassan of his name is brought up, he starts to internally panic. This is seen Amir has graduated from high school, and they are sitting in Amir’s car. â€Å"A pair of steel hands closed around my windpipe at the sound of Hassan’s name†. Although he has moved on and started a new life for himself, the events of the past that are the most horrific and terrible remain with him for his life. When he received the call from Rahim Khan, and meets with him in Pakistan, this is where is indirectly faces his sin’s when he is talking to Rahim Khan, as he is reliving and discussing what happened. He then went to atone for the sins that he had committed by confronting the very person that had ruined his life all those years ago and he rescued the son of his half-brother, whom he had betrayed as a child. After the events of him going to Kabul and getting Sohrab, he had faced the sins and could move on. All through the book we are shown that Baba is doing all that he can which he believes to make amends for the crime that he has committed. We see him as a generous person, who is giving, and is well respected throughout the community. He was a proud Pashtun who had â€Å"wrestled a black bar in Baluchistan with his bare hands†. Yet he had a dark secret that could tear his family apart. Baba had done the ultimate act of betrayal an Afghan could give to another man, and more personally, to a friend of 40 years. For the rest of his life, he sees the result of his selfish act everyday in his house. He has the option of telling Ali and Hassan the truth, but there would be dire consequences. Furthermore, Baba would have thought of other important factors that come into the equation, ‘Honour, Pride, Friendship, Gossip around town’. Baba values a lot of these reason, so therefore he does not reveal it. We are shown how Baba still feels the pain that he had, when Amir graduates from high school. â€Å"[He wishes] that Hassan was [there with them]†. If he had told, Ali and Baba might have come to America and they might be alive. (Amir would have not felt that same jealousy towards Hassan, if he had known that he was half-brother to Hassan). Even though in America, he seemed to be happy with Amir and the life that they had made together, he would have still felt unhappy about that past that he could not make amends to. It is evident, that Baba would have had to deal with his past to have been truly happy and at peace. Sorayas life was ruined from the moment she had sinned against her religion. She does not sin by the committing the act herself, but is seen as a sin from her religious point of view. She had run away with another man before getting married. Now she was seen before the Afghan community as ‘unfit’ to be married to. Even though this view is discriminatory towards women as men can ‘go out to nightclubs looking for meat†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦and no one [would say] a goddamm thing†, she cannot do anything about it. Therefore she had to deal with the consequences. This type of sin cannot be confronted directly as to say sorry to someone. However, she manages to repair some of the damage done by being open to Amir before they get married. This shows that she knows that she has done wrong, and to show that she is ready to accept the consequences that may follow. Most Afghans would have abandoned the idea of marriage to her with the knowledge of her past, but in this case, she was lucky, since Amir did not back down. He did not care about her past as he â€Å"had one of [his] own†. You can see how by facing up to her past, Soraya was able to put the past behind her and move on to her new future. It has been shown that the only way to move on from the past of unatoned sins is to confront them. Key characters in the novel have had to deal with their sins that had not been resolved, to try and move on with life, whereas others spent their whole life trying to fix the problems, but never really getting a chance to do so. Amir life from one incident as a child determined the course of his life from that day forward, until he took control of his life and put his problems to rest. Baba is one character that was always trying to make amends for the wrong that he had committed, by helping others. Soraya had to deal with the hypocrisy of the society in which she lived in, only confront her sins by telling Amir of her past. Evidently, the only way to escape the sins of the past is to confront them. Kite Runner Essay free essay sample The only way to escape the sins of the past is to confront them’. Is this true in The Kite Runner? In the novel ‘The Kite Runner’, it is put forward that the only way to escape the sins of the past is to confront them. This can be seen through key characters in the story, such as Amir, Baba and Soraya. Amir had sinned when he was a boy with his best friend Hassan, which haunts his from that day forward. Futhermore, Baba is seen trying to repay the damage that he believed that he had caused by his act of selfishness. Finally, Soraya’s sin is not a sin to her, but to the culture that she belongs to. Therefore, these people have had to face their sins to move from the past. Amir’s betrayal of Hassan as a child haunts him throughout his childhood and as an adult. We will write a custom essay sample on Kite Runner Essay or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page He feels constant guilt and regret about what happened that winter and the following summer of 1975. From that moment onwards, he has always tried to move on, forget and get on with his life, and he does, but every time the subject of Hassan of his name is brought up, he starts to internally panic. This is seen Amir has graduated from high school, and they are sitting in Amir’s car. â€Å"A pair of steel hands closed around my windpipe at the sound of Hassan’s name†. Although he has moved on and started a new life for himself, the events of the past that are the most horrific and terrible remain with him for his life. When he received the call from Rahim Khan, and meets with him in Pakistan, this is where is indirectly faces his sin’s when he is talking to Rahim Khan, as he is reliving and discussing what happened. He then went to atone for the sins that he had committed by confronting the very person that had ruined his life all those years ago and he rescued the son of his half-brother, whom he had betrayed as a child. After the events of him going to Kabul and getting Sohrab, he had faced the sins and could move on. All through the book we are shown that Baba is doing all that he can which he believes to make amends for the crime that he has committed. We see him as a generous person, who is giving, and is well respected throughout the community. He was a proud Pashtun who had â€Å"wrestled a black bar in Baluchistan with his bare hands†. Yet he had a dark secret that could tear his family apart. Baba had done the ultimate act of betrayal an Afghan could give to another man, and more personally, to a friend of 40 years. For the rest of his life, he sees the result of his selfish act everyday in his house. He has the option of telling Ali and Hassan the truth, but there would be dire consequences. Furthermore, Baba would have thought of other important factors that come into the equation, ‘Honour, Pride, Friendship, Gossip around town’. Baba values a lot of these reason, so therefore he does not reveal it. We are shown how Baba still feels the pain that he had, when Amir graduates from high school. â€Å"[He wishes] that Hassan was [there with them]†. If he had told, Ali and Baba might have come to America and they might be alive. (Amir would have not felt that same jealousy towards Hassan, if he had known that he was half-brother to Hassan). Even though in America, he seemed to be happy with Amir and the life that they had made together, he would have still felt unhappy about that past that he could not make amends to. It is evident, that Baba would have had to deal with his past to have been truly happy and at peace. Sorayas life was ruined from the moment she had sinned against her religion. She does not sin by the committing the act herself, but is seen as a sin from her religious point of view. She had run away with another man before getting married. Now she was seen before the Afghan community as ‘unfit’ to be married to. Even though this view is discriminatory towards women as men can ‘go out to nightclubs looking for meat†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦and no one [would say] a goddamm thing†, she cannot do anything about it. Therefore she had to deal with the consequences. This type of sin cannot be confronted directly as to say sorry to someone. However, she manages to repair some of the damage done by being open to Amir before they get married. This shows that she knows that she has done wrong, and to show that she is ready to accept the consequences that may follow. Most Afghans would have abandoned the idea of marriage to her with the knowledge of her past, but in this case, she was lucky, since Amir did not back down. He did not care about her past as he â€Å"had one of [his] own†. You can see how by facing up to her past, Soraya was able to put the past behind her and move on to her new future. It has been shown that the only way to move on from the past of unatoned sins is to confront them. Key characters in the novel have had to deal with their sins that had not been resolved, to try and move on with life, whereas others spent their whole life trying to fix the problems, but never really getting a chance to do so. Amir life from one incident as a child determined the course of his life from that day forward, until he took control of his life and put his problems to rest. Baba is one character that was always trying to make amends for the wrong that he had committed, by helping others. Soraya had to deal with the hypocrisy of the society in which she lived in, only confront her sins by telling Amir of her past. Evidently, the only way to escape the sins of the past is to confront them. Kite Runner Essay free essay sample ‘The only way to escape the sins of the past is to confront them’. Is this true in The Kite Runner? In the novel ‘The Kite Runner’, it is put forward that the only way to escape the sins of the past is to confront them. This can be seen through key characters in the story, such as Amir, Baba and Soraya. Amir had sinned when he was a boy with his best friend Hassan, which haunts his from that day forward. Futhermore, Baba is seen trying to repay the damage that he believed that he had caused by his act of selfishness. Finally, Soraya’s sin is not a sin to her, but to the culture that she belongs to. Therefore, these people have had to face their sins to move from the past. Amir’s betrayal of Hassan as a child haunts him throughout his childhood and as an adult. We will write a custom essay sample on Kite Runner Essay or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page He feels constant guilt and regret about what happened that winter and the following summer of 1975. From that moment onwards, he has always tried to move on, forget and get on with his life, and he does, but every time the subject of Hassan of his name is brought up, he starts to internally panic. This is seen Amir has graduated from high school, and they are sitting in Amir’s car. â€Å"A pair of steel hands closed around my windpipe at the sound of Hassan’s name†. Although he has moved on and started a new life for himself, the events of the past that are the most horrific and terrible remain with him for his life. When he received the call from Rahim Khan, and meets with him in Pakistan, this is where is indirectly faces his sin’s when he is talking to Rahim Khan, as he is reliving and discussing what happened. He then went to atone for the sins that he had committed by confronting the very person that had ruined his life all those years ago and he rescued the son of his half-brother, whom he had betrayed as a child. After the events of him going to Kabul and getting Sohrab, he had faced the sins and could move on. All through the book we are shown that Baba is doing all that he can which he believes to make amends for the crime that he has committed. We see him as a generous person, who is giving, and is well respected throughout the community. He was a proud Pashtun who had â€Å"wrestled a black bar in Baluchistan with his bare hands†. Yet he had a dark secret that could tear his family apart. Baba had done the ultimate act of betrayal an Afghan could give to another man, and more personally, to a friend of 40 years. For the rest of his life, he sees the result of his selfish act everyday in his house. He has the option of telling Ali and Hassan the truth, but there would be dire consequences. Furthermore, Baba would have thought of other important factors that come into the equation, ‘Honour, Pride, Friendship, Gossip around town’. Baba values a lot of these reason, so therefore he does not reveal it. We are shown how Baba still feels the pain that he had, when Amir graduates from high school. â€Å"[He wishes] that Hassan was [there with them]†. If he had told, Ali and Baba might have come to America and they might be alive. (Amir would have not felt that same jealousy towards Hassan, if he had known that he was half-brother to Hassan). Even though in America, he seemed to be happy with Amir and the life that they had made together, he would have still felt unhappy about that past that he could not make amends to. It is evident, that Baba would have had to deal with his past to have been truly happy and at peace. Sorayas life was ruined from the moment she had sinned against her religion. She does not sin by the committing the act herself, but is seen as a sin from her religious point of view. She had run away with another man before getting married. Now she was seen before the Afghan community as ‘unfit’ to be married to. Even though this view is discriminatory towards women as men can ‘go out to nightclubs looking for meat†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦and no one [would say] a goddamm thing†, she cannot do anything about it. Therefore she had to deal with the consequences. This type of sin cannot be confronted directly as to say sorry to someone. However, she manages to repair some of the damage done by being open to Amir before they get married. This shows that she knows that she has done wrong, and to show that she is ready to accept the consequences that may follow. Most Afghans would have abandoned the idea of marriage to her with the knowledge of her past, but in this case, she was lucky, since Amir did not back down. He did not care about her past as he â€Å"had one of [his] own†. You can see how by facing up to her past, Soraya was able to put the past behind her and move on to her new future. It has been shown that the only way to move on from the past of unatoned sins is to confront them. Key characters in the novel have had to deal with their sins that had not been resolved, to try and move on with life, whereas others spent their whole life trying to fix the problems, but never really getting a chance to do so. Amir life from one incident as a child determined the course of his life from that day forward, until he took control of his life and put his problems to rest. Baba is one character that was always trying to make amends for the wrong that he had committed, by helping others. Soraya had to deal with the hypocrisy of the society in which she lived in, only confront her sins by telling Amir of her past. Evidently, the only way to escape the sins of the past is to confront them.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

James Madison essays

James Madison essays James Madison was born on March 16 1751, in Fort Caonway Virginia.He came from a somewhat wealthy family of Virginia plannters. Madison was educated at The college of New Jersey, Wich is now known as princeton. He graduated in 1771, continued his studies for another year, and then returned home in 1772. He first became involved in politics by joining the Commitee of Safety in 1774. Two years later he Joined the Virginia Constitution convention,and earned the title 'Father of the Constitution' by writing a large Portion of the ammendments. James Madison joined the first Legislature in 1777, and played a major roll in both the Virginia plan, ang the Great Compromise. He assisted Alexander Hamelton, and John Jay in Writing the Federalist papers. The Federalist Papers were written to convince people tobecome Federalists. He signed twenty-nine out of eighty-five of these under the psuedonym, Publius. Madison led the Proradification forces in the Virginia ratifying convention. He added several ammendments to the constitution. He married Dolley Payne Todd in 1797, who was approximately 20 ...

Friday, November 22, 2019

Practice in Identifying Compound Subjects

Practice in Identifying Compound Subjects A compound subject contains two or more simple subjects that are joined by a conjunction and that share the same predicate. In this exercise, you will practice identifying compound subjects. Practice Sentences Only some of the sentences below contain compound subjects. If the sentence does contain a compound subject, identify each of the parts. If the sentence doesnt contain a compound subject, simply write none. White-tailed deer and raccoons are commonly seen near the lake.Mahatma Gandhi and Dr. Martin Luther King are two of my heroes.Last Sunday we walked through the park.Last Sunday Ramona and I walked through the park and then down the road to my house.The chirping birds and the droning insects were the only sounds we heard in the woods.The tallest girl and the shortest boy ended up dancing together at the prom.Each morning after the bell rang at school, the children would stand up to say the Pledge of Allegiance and a short prayer.In the 1980s, Milka Planinc of Yugoslavia and Mary Eugenia Charles of Dominica became the first women prime ministers of their countries.Both the villagers and the rural teachers worked together to build the reservoir.The lifestyles of the Native Americans and the European settlers were diametrically opposed to each other from the very beginning.Throughout the 19th century, London and Paris were the worlds two leading financial centers.At night in the dense fo rest, the rustling of leaves and the soft whisper of the wind were the only sounds that could be heard. Wynken, Blynken, and Nod one night sailed off in a wooden shoe.The major metropolitan areas of Mumbai, Delhi, and Bangalore are the favorite destinations of American tourists in India.Guangzhou, Shanghai, and Beijing are just three Chinese cities with populations that are comparable to all of Australia. Answers White-tailed deer  and  raccoons  are commonly seen near the lake.Mahatma Gandhi  and  Dr. Martin Luther King  are two of my heroes.(none)Last Sunday  Ramona  and  I  walked through the park and then down the road to my house.The chirping birds  and  the droning insects  were the only sounds we heard in the woods.The tallest girl  and  the shortest boy  ended up dancing together at the prom.(none)In the 1980s,  Milka Planinc of Yugoslavia  and  Mary Eugenia Charles of Dominica  became the first women prime ministers of their countries.Both  the villagers  and  the rural teachers  worked together to build the reservoir.(none)Throughout the 19th century,  London  and  Paris  were the worlds two leading financial centers.At night in the dense forest,  the rustling of leaves  and  the soft whisper of the wind  were the only sounds that could be heard.Wynken,  Blynken, and  Nod  one night sailed off in a wooden shoe.(no ne)Guangzhou,  Shanghai, and  Beijing  are just three Chinese cities with populations that are comparable to all of Australia.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Affect Of Global Recession on Hospitality and Quality Management in 4 Dissertation

Affect Of Global Recession on Hospitality and Quality Management in 4 Star Hotels in Eastbourne, London - Dissertation Example The hotel industry is one of the highest income generators in London due to the booming tourism that is experienced in London and its environs. This has been going on for decades, and not just in London, but also in various cities around the world. Travelling has become a common occurrence in people’s lives for purposes of business, leisure, academic commitments and visiting friends and close associates. With tourism comes hospitality, hence, the high proportion of tourists who every year flock into London has necessitated the establishment of hotels and other forms of accommodation for the tourism. The hospitality sector has for decades grown, and currently it is one of the highest earners in the United Kingdom. As a result of this, global trends also affect tourism in the UK, which would further have an impact on the hospitality and hospitality management in London. The global recession affected the circulation of money around the globe, and since tourists visiting London are derived from UK and various parts of the world, it is evident that tourism was affected. With global recession came an increased standard of living among people. These changes ensured that numbers visiting London were not the same as those that initially visited the city. As a result of all these factors, hospitality and quality management in hotels was markedly affected since hotels were operating under new financial factors and new visitors.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

The Going Public Strategy from Reagan to Bush Essay

The Going Public Strategy from Reagan to Bush - Essay Example Richard Nuestadt once claimed, â€Å"we have not so much a government of separated powers as a government of separated institutions sharing powers† (qtd Hendrick (1988) p. 15).   Since George Washington first stepped into office American presidents have had to pass their initiatives through Congress.   The high hopes Presidents have when they come to office can quickly be smashed by a majority of the opposing party in either house.   As a result of this, Presidents have to use various means to help them in their quest for passing bills through Congress.   One of the most prominent of these is going public on issues of great importance, such as passing a budget or reforming an important area of government.   In addition, Samuel Kernel believes that this public leadership strategy has become even more of a necessity in an era where members of Congress act as â€Å"free agents, ignoring traditional institutional arrangements in favor of public pressure from constituent s and interest groups† (qtd in Mathew Corrigan) Bargaining between the Presidency and the legislature has become, to a large extent, ineffective.Presidencies in the Age of InformationThe impact in the growth and importance of media, especially television, over the last thirty years has been essential in the promotion of going public strategies.   Corrigan (2001) claims that in the information age of the new century, â€Å"presidents have new outlets to go public.   Media outlets such as CNN, Fox News, and C-Span provide national coverage to even minor public addresses. Video-teleconferencing offers the president the ability to speak to groups across the country from the Oval Office.† The Reagan Presidency No administration was more sharply affected by the media boom than Ronald Reagan’s. A master at video politics, Reagan took advantage of his public appeal to the fullest extent. Jacobs and Shapiro (2001) claim that, â€Å"the Reagan years are pivotal in understanding recent and future developments regarding the relationship between public opinion and presidential behaviour.† Reagan’s reputation as a strong president was built to a large extent through media portrayals. Riding on the wave of high public opinion Reagan appealed to the public to accept the proposed reversal in tax and spending policies outlined in the budget of 1981. The attempt on his life by John W. Hinckely, Jr., was the last media boost he needed to push through his reforms. Lewis (2001) claims that, â€Å"During the first two years of the Reagan presidency, for example, the press continually

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Sara Lee Corp Analysis Essay Example for Free

Sara Lee Corp Analysis Essay 1. What is Sara Lee’s corporate strategy? How has its retrenchment strategy changed the nature of its business lineup? Sara Lee corporate strategy was to implement acquisition strategies which would enlarge their geographical coverage in order to expand into new business classes. When the company started it was a small wholesale distributor of several items: coffee, tea and sugar and over time Sarah Lee acquired food processing, packaging, distribution and the retail food business. Over 40 years, the Sarah Lee Company acquired related and non-related business. Sarah Lee sold 8 businesses that were looked upon as non-strategic. This initiative was expected to generate combined net after tax proceeds in excess of $3B. The leaders of Sarah struggled over time to manage broadly diversified and geographically operations. So it was decided in order for the company to stay focus it would concentrate on the grocery portion and the upcoming trend of the single serve coffee machines. Therefore, Sarah would also focus on the single serve coffee line business, which they believed would be profitable for the company and shareholders. The retrenchment strategy changed the nature of its business lineup from a small wholesale distributor to acquiring retail food business. The retrenchment strategy would allow Sarah Lee to focus even more closely on the food, beverage, and household products. Management believed in order to save cost and to be more profitable they would concentrate its financial and managerial resources on a smaller number of business segments in which market prospects were promising and by Sara Lee’s brands being well known and well positioned would help them to stay in alignment with the strategy. Sarah Lee also executed an outsourcing strategy known as Project Accelerate. It’s a company-wide cost saving and productivity project that focused on outsourcing, supply chain efficiencies, and overhead reduction. 2. What is your assessment of the long-term attractiveness of the industries represented in Sara Lee Corp.’s business portfolio? In 2008 100M revenue,  with 10-12 core products was recorded as showing an increase in market share in 2010. However, in between 2008-2010, divisional sales had grown faster than any other food processing company; Sarah Lee’s market share had increased from 9.2% in 2009 to 12.3 in 2010. Keeping in mind, the state of the economy along with the size of the household’s, it usually cheaper for people to eat their meals at home and bring their lunches to work. By consumers purchasing lunch meats and other foods products of the well know brand Sarah Lee products would mostly remain high. Therefore the retail, foodservice, and other related industries represent the most attractive long-term business portfolio growth for the Sarah Lee Corporation. 3. What is your assessment of the competitive strength of Sara Lee Corp.’s different business units? By Sarah Lee staying focus in the food industry and having less or in some cases no focus on non-fitting industries allowed for value chain match-ups in the form of production technology, shipping logistics and customers. This direction offers opportunities for skills to be transferred, cost and brand sharing including the production of bakery, retail and foodservice goods because many of these are products are similar or the same products. By having product similarity the Sarah Lee Company can manufacturer a large batch of the same product, costing less than having to set up and run a separate product line. North American Retail: market-leading brands 30% market share in smoked sausage 23% market share in hot dogs 14% market share in lunch meat 58% market share in breakfast sausage 22% in frozen desserts 55% in single-serve coffee North American Fresh Bakery: Sales increased from $91 million in 2003 to $2.1 billion in 2009 Best-selling brand of packaged bread with 8.3% market share Number one ranking in hot dog and hamburger buns Increased shelf space= 1.5 feet to 4.0 feet Resulted in tripled average weekly sales North American Foodservice: Even though recession, caused division years $2.2 billion in sales to $1.9 billion in 2010 Held a 65% market share in liquid coffee and tea 52% market share in pies 19% market share in cakes 20% market share in refrigerated dough International Beverage 40% market share in Europe in single-serving coffee machines In 2009, expanded line to include L’OR Espresso capsules which were compatible with the second-best-selling brand of single-serve coffeemaker with a 27% market share International Bakery Bimbo fresh bread sold in spain accounted for 63% of division sales Bimbo frozen bread sold in Australia accounted for 12% of division sales Bimbo refrigerated bread sold in France accounted for 25% of division sales Bimbo was market leader with 37% market share International Household Body Care Kiwi brand was the number one shoe care brand worldwide with distribution in 200 countries and global market share of 30% Sanax was the number one brand of bath and shower products in Denmark, Spain and France, and Ambi Pur was the best selling air freshener in the Netherlands and Spain. 3rd best-selling air freshener brand in the U.K., Italy, and France. 4. What does a 9-cell industry attractiveness/business strength matrix displaying Sara Lee’s business units look like? 5. Does Sara Lee’s portfolio exhibit good strategic fit? What value-chain match-ups do you see? What opportunities for skills transfer, cost sharing, or brand sharing do you see? Yes, Sara Lee’s portfolio does exhibit a good strategic fit for the following reasons: Product line and product relations support one another like: bakery, beverage and meat items can be sold together which can save cost, time and increase profits. By Sara Lee retailing and whole selling is an advantage for all the products, all products will most likely be consumed. The opportunity of skill transferring enhances cost saving by allowing a bakery worker to work in the beverage and meat sector or vice versa. Brand sharing the products can be handled by various techniques, saving time, cost sharing, promotions/ads and generate revenue. 6.What is your assessment of Sara Lee’s financial and operating performance in fiscal years 2008-2010, the period following the divestitures that were the core of Sara Lee’s retrenchment strategy? Sara Lee deciding to close 8 business units, (Direct selling, U.S. retail coffee, European apparel, European nuts snacks, European rice, U.S. meat snacks, European meats and Sara Lee branded apparel) after adapting the retrenchment strategy which was not an easy decision. With this incentive the company expected to increase its operating profits margins by 12%, but the company could not achieve its targets. From 2008-2010 to help with cost savings the project named Project Accelerate was implemented which was estimated to save the company between $350M $400M by 2012, accumulative the project saved the company $180M. 7.What is your overall evaluation of Sara Lee’s retrenchment plan? What evidence and/or reasons support a conclusion that Sara Lee’s shareholders have or have not benefitted from the company’s retrenchment strategy? The retrenchment plan created a gamble for the leadership team’s expectation and it did not create a huge impact for providing additional revenue for the Sarah Lee Company. Per Sara Lee’s financials and not due to the retrenchment strategy the company did show growth in some sectors and barely over previous years. The leadership team felt the retrenchment strategy would increase improvement on its return on investments, increase revenue to $14B by 2010 and operating profit margin in 2010 by 12% against operating profit margin i n 2004. Sara Lee did manage to improve its operating margin to only 8.5% where as $10.8B of revenue was generated in the 2010. Sara Lee stakeholders did not really benefit as much as the company hoped they would from the retrenchment strategy. The book value of the common stock decreased from $3.61 to $2.25 The market value of the common stock decreased from $17.4 to $13.9 Dividends Declared decreased from $0.50 to $0.44 8.What actions do you recommend that Sara Lee management take to improve the company’s performance and boost shareholder value? Your recommended actions must be supported with convincing, analysis-based arguments. Research and  endorsing current products (ex. teas and coffee) in new markets such as in the Asian and European markets to help with increasing brand awareness, revenue and profitability. There is a limited margin on the dessert products. By selling off its dessert brands, Sara Lee can invest the profits of the sale into other innovations business units. Sara Lee International should expand its household and body care brands into the United States. Its air freshener brands hold significant market share in Europe, which could be utilized in North America. The market for cleaning products and air fresheners is strong in the United States. Sara Lee’s innovations would be very successful in the growing market across the Atlantic. With Sara Lee having the product lines that are related products can take a declining shift at the same time, therefore an innovative product line needs to be added/ expanded/developed. Sara Lee should utilize some of its cash and perform another stock buyback program. Sara Lee’s leadership team needs to be analysis to see who should stay and who should go. Once that process is completed then the leadership team needs to manage what is working well and Project Accelerate should stay in place to continue to increase cost savings and increase profits. All of the recommendations are needed in order for the consumer base to continue be to grow at the necessary rate also for the company to continue to grow per goals and to keep the shareholder happy.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Paranoid Personality Disorders Essay -- essays research papers

Paranoid Personality Disorders Paranoid Personality Disorder is a disorder commonly mistaken for schizophrenic personality disorders. Schizophrenia, a psychosis, is when a person is has an image of a world and its transpiring events, and he/she is "living" it. Paranoid Personality Disorder, however, is a neurosis where an individual is living in the real world. This disorder, though not as debilitating as other disorders, can still devastate a someone's life. Individuals with this Paranoid Personality Disorder always assume that other people are "out to get them" even if there is no evidence that this is true. They are constantly doubting others around them and scrutinizing every action. This attitude is taken on towards all people, like friends or associates, not only strangers. For these reasons, people with this personality disorder rarely confide in people and are actually amazed if someone shows loyalty. However, this amazement also gives way to disbelief and falls back towards the idea that this newfound loyalty is part of a plot to cause harm. Those of with the disorder also tend to bear their grudges and unwilling to forgive. They nurture their grudges and anger, which over time, gives them more of a sense that it is the outside world which the problem, not themselves. At times, these individuals may also conjure up flamboyant illusions to confirm their behavior toward others. These feelings are also carried out towards family as well. One example could be as if a person with this personality disorder had a spouse or sexual partner, this individual constantly thinks that their partner or spouse is cheating on them. Often, the spouse or partner is barraged with questions questioning their whereabouts, faithfulness, or intentions. It is believed that these symptoms first appear usually during childhood or adolescence. Those believed to be most prone are "loners," those who are unable to maintain stable relationships with others, social anxiety, sometimes underachieve in school, are hypersensitive, have strange thoughts and language, and (as stated before) fantasies. To "normal" people, individuals with this paranoid personality disorder may seem out of place and ... ...nality Disorder, there treatments performed in an attempt to reduce the extremity of the disorder. One method that can be used is reinforcement of adaptive behaviors. Such as congratulations, or some sort of prize or comment to uplift the person's morale hopefully change their thoughts about others. Another possible treatment is psychotherapy or psychoanaylsis. The significance these two are that the therapists are able to give the patient a chance to realize their self-defeating behavior or break patterns that lead to unhappiness. By talking to the individual with the disorder, the therapist may gain enough trust to help reduce the paranoia. However, if the therapist breaks the trust, hopes of recovery may be extremely slim, for it would only give support to the paranoia the patient already has. Hopefully, in the near future, there will be another form of treatment that can cure, or at least come close to curing the Paranoid Personality Disorder. The best hope of this lies in scientific research upon the brain and the chemicals which control emotions and actions. In doing so, many people who suffer from this disorder may lead a life without paranoia.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Filipino Youth

Nearly three enduring decades of nothing but untainted, out and out public service made me the civil servant I am today. From a newcomer legislator of my hometown, then to a three-term local chief executive, to being here at this very chamber, I am deeply gratified to have stayed and committed for my beloved Tarlaquenos from the very beginning until now. It is but apt and proper to primarily express my unending gratitude to God Almighty, whom I have sought for guidance and never failed to impart me with prudence and vim to do nothing but good for our people. Lord, with unending praise, I shall yield to your Holy Name and Will. I am likewise, thankful to the integral constituency of the second district – from undivided voters to unwavering allies and friends who trusted me for the second time around to be part of this provincial council. To my loving family – God’s greatest gift to me, thank you for always being there. These span of years of serving the people from the grassroots up to the district echelon honed me to be further adroit in the daunting tasks of local policy-making. Hence, renewing this tenure implies another productive chapter for this representation, which I anticipate to be steadily imbued with dynamism and throughput. This renewed opportunity will further ascertain what we have already endeavored and prospered for our province†¦ for our people†¦ for our Tarlac. Being alongside with our kababayans – seeing, feeling, hearing and bearing with them, molded me to be more aware and proactive with the problems that afflicted their communities, which we can throw a light on at full tilt through appropriate legislative measures. These various hands-on involvements with communities taught me boundless points to improve my calling as a humble representation of our district. It is also a formidable admission on my part that through these experiences, I draw might and optimism to endure with the challenges that lies ahead. The propitious opportunity to serve this constituency hand in hand with our beloved provincial governor, honorable Victor Yap, similarly taught me valuable and progressive views on governmental headship and advocacies that guarantee the uninterrupted progress of our people. This grassroots ascendancy, where this humble representation unceasingly anchors its legislative agenda, places the province’s citizens as midpoints, a proven gauge that confidently invests on human capital and development. I warmly commend our governor for his tried and tested Sulong Tarlac platform with its four enduring pillars – Pagkain Muna, Kalusugan Muna, Trabaho Muna and Edukasyon Muna. This attainable quartet paradigm shall be my constant muse on instigating the initiatives and proposals solely catered for our people. Through these pillars, we have evolved from being a nearly crippled agency to a now effectual, dependable people’s body rolling a much-desired overhaul – straightway among the frontrunners on collective nation building. But more needs to be done. Allow me then, fellow members of this august body, to cite some of the accomplishments and envisioned proposals of this humble representation for our province. AGRICULTURE 1. Tarlac is anticipated to be the leader in agricultural innovation. Among my top agenda is to be able to draft a road map that will boost the local organic movement. Last year, a nationwide organic congress was held that showcased the different organic produces and commodities of Tarlac to the country. Let us not allow the opportunity to pass every year on encouraging different local cooperatives to organize and support organic farming within their assemblies. Inopportunely, the Gulayan venture has some deficiencies that need to be attended. In coordination with the Department of Agriculture by means of legislation, we are determined to provide an effective subsidy to farmers that will cater to their necessities. In this way, we can steadily reach our goal in making Tarlac the leader in agriculture. ENVIRONMENT 2. Relative to targeting a sustainable solution to environmental concerns, I shall prioritize the authorship of a statutory regulation towards visualizing and attaining a â€Å"Plastic-free Tarlac†. Major metropolises have already yielded on this scheme; it is of the time and essence that we also take the lead in our region for our mother Earth. 3. On top of this is our winning endeavor of effectively calling the attention of local hospitals of convincing their management to strictly impose the appropriate disposal of biological wastes within their communities. Yet, it is still essential for us to be vigilant particularly for funeral mortuaries and slaughterhouses to conform to the proper procedures on waste management. If the need arises, we shall revise existing local rulings based from national policies like the Ecological Solid Waste Management Act and the Sanitation Code of the Philippines that will give teeth and permissible police powers to implementers as well as to levy for appropriate taxes and in contrast, to offer awards and incentives for those who will conform to this initiative. HEALTHCARE 4. With regards to our championing endeavors on local public healthcare, this representation shall fully devote on supporting through legislature, the award-winning, first field health service info system in the country, the Wireless Access for Health. We all discern that due to its success, it is already well sustained by numerous benefactors. However, this venture still hopes that it acquires a much-needed backing from a statutory perspective especially that it plans to expand soon to other municipalities of the province. 5. Though becoming an effective harbor for individuals who lacks capitals to access medical services locally, the Philhealth ng Masa program similarly requisites stronger legislative measures to ensure that every family shall be covered with affordable and quality healthcare. Utilizing suitable legislation and consistent discourse with Philhealth, we can solicit to this ever-accommodating public insurance figure to be more lenient and adaptable to indigent constituencies – the poorest of the poor, who lack or does not have any notion on how to get credentials necessary for getting covered (like birth certificates, clearances and the likes). Through proper legislation and consideration among concerned bodies, we can shed a light on this and with full hopes find a solution through this dignified chamber. LIVELIHOOD 6. This representation shall also thrust for a sounder investment code that will be adaptable to the needs of prospective investors. This will convey a mutually advantageous atmosphere between the province and investors that is favorable for employment generation. In partnership with corresponding local business chambers, we shall seek help on crafting a measure encouraging upright MFIs coupled with appropriate financial literacy trainings among our constituencies in the rural areas. EDUCATION 7. One of my primary focuses on education is for our province’s technical and vocational schools to come up with efficient curricula for enhancement and assessment of our future labor force. In the advent of the mandatory K-12 program of our national government, these ladderized courses offered by various tech-voc schools shall offer a window of fresh opportunity for our citizens to finish a short course, go out and work, and then return for a more advance course or maybe even move into a university for a degree. The practicality of ladderized education is to be understood as a shining beacon of hope for our indigent constituencies who desire to pursue their dreams through education. PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT AND LGUs 8. Our commitment with our fellow civil servants and government employees within the capitol workplace and other attached agencies is still deemed precedence where legal mandates are necessary to further redefine and innovate bureaucracy. Aside from streamlining to make our structure more efficient, we should, through legislative courses mechanize ingenious innovations highlighting human resources development and quality management system approaches. 9. Finally, a big fragment of my legislative agenda will focus on our local government units to competently generate revenues so they could come up with ways to solve the long-standing paucity of funds prevalent in them. I know for a fact that we should center our agenda to our districts, for I myself became a part of resolving its scenario, back when I was still the mayor of Gerona. This is of course, plausible with the support of our national, provincial and local governments and different exponents that are willing to work hand in hand for our province. There are big shoes to fill in, especially with these planned initial thrusts and agenda that I personally consider, would be indispensable for this very august chamber to discern and willingly take part of. This representation shall be and will be disposed to accommodate more rightful propositions pertinent to the issues of our times, most prominently those that sways our constituents, a vision that is truly reflective with that of the Sulong Tarlac manifesto. I am similarly poised that through the vitality and aggressiveness of our new vice governor, honorable Kit Cojuangco Jr. , and with your succor, fellow colleagues in this august chamber, we can build a more meaningful purposeful solidarity, regardless of political affiliation, towards formulating an all-inclusive agenda that will hopefully serve as a steadfast, literal ‘sanggunian’ for our counterparts in the seventeen municipalities and in this capital city. Participatory governance is the way to go for I consider it to be a two-way gain between our Sanggunian and these seventeen local Sangguniaans making up the whole province.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Is Modern Art Really Art? Essay

Dead animals, elephant dung, unmade beds and rice all seem like everyday objects but should we be calling them art? When we were growing up we were taught that art was a beautiful painting – like Van Gogh’s Sunflowers, or a perfect sculpture of a human – like Michelangelo’s David, but we were never really taught that conceptual and contemporary art were ‘proper’ forms of art, even though it was established in the sixties. It made us think and challenge our own assumptions of what art should really look like. People didn’t understand the idea of cows cut in half (Damien Hirst), wire mesh lockers (Mona Hatoum), rubble (Richard Long) or rubbish (Tomoko Takahashi) being called art unless you could frame it nicely on your living room wall. The fact that this type of art didn’t fit neatly into people’s ideas of what art should be was the reason it was called ‘conceptual’. Conceptual and contemporary art got a huge reaction out of people because they felt conned and marginally embarrassed when, for example, they looked at Martin Creed’s light going on and off and ‘didn’t get it’. They didn’t like the fact that they couldn’t work out the true meaning of what the artist was trying to get across. It also got a reaction for another reason which was the simplicity of some of the ‘art’. I’m sure that when all the people who were working long hours every week looked at the well-paid artist Tracey Emin’s unmade bed they were desperately screaming to themselves, â€Å"BUT I COULD DO THAT!† and thinking whether conceptual art is even worth looking at. Maybe some of us are completely missing the point they are trying to get across. Maybe instead of drowning in the depression of how easy, and perhaps pointless, the art is we should be fresh-eyed and open minded and celebrate the fact that these ideas and possibilites have been opened for us. Maybe that’s the point. This art definitely has originality and shock value. Artists don’t want to  repeat whats been done before in the same way no one wants to hear old jokes. Their use of new technology adds to the quality of some of their work. Using a computer isn’t a cop-out of drawing, it’s just another tool. The originality and shock value go hand-in-hand and afterall, aren’t those the two things we want when we look at art? We as viewers don’t want to stand there looking at something so bland, tasteless and overrated; If we wanted that then we could just as easily stick a slice of bread on the wall and call that art. The artists look for new challenges and ways for us to see their art. This type of art makes us challenge ourselves to find beauty in the everyday things in life. My opinion of Modern Art is a very balanced one because even though some of the examples of conceptual and contemporary art are sometimes ridiculous, they also challenge you to find the true meaning of what it stands for. The shock factor aswell hypnotizes us and keeps our attention locked on the beauty of the art. One thing that fascinates me though is that if artist Chris Ofili paints with elephant dung he is seen as a Turner Prize winning genius, but if I tried to paint with elephant dung would I be seen as an artistic genius? Probably not.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Internet Censorship and Freedom of Press Right essay

Internet Censorship and Freedom of Press Right essay Internet Censorship and Freedom of Press Right essay Internet Censorship and Freedom of Press Right essayThe introduction of censorship in internet raises the problem of the open access of individuals to information and the freedom of mass media. Therefore, the current debate on the necessity of the introduction and enhancement of censorship in internet is unnecessary and dangerous for basic human rights of users. This is why the current study focuses on the problem of censorship and internet.Thesis statement: the development of internet raises new threats and challenges but the introduction of the government censorship over internet contradicts to basic human rights and primarily violates the freedom of press right because censorship will limit the access of the public to information, while the public should have the right to know everything to prevent the misuse of power by the government and other actions of the government that may be harmful for public interests.2 Reasons for the introduction of internet censorship2.1 Key issues w hich are relevant today and may affect people now and in the future.2.1.1 The progress of technology creates numerous precedents and problems in regard to the observation of human rights. The development of online technologies contributes to the emergence of new problems, such as the problem of the identity theft, information breaches, misuse of information technologies to get access to the private information of users.2.1.2 Many issues related to the violation of the copyright law online are among major concerns that raise the pro-censorship debate. The development of internet opened the way for audio- and video-records sharing, including music and films and other audio-visual products that were protected by copyright laws and legal norms. As a result, owners of copyright and intellectual property rights suffered from substantial losses caused by such misusing of their property.2.1.3 Numerous cases of unethical behavior of users online is another reason for the development of censo rship to limit the violation of ethical norms. For instance, the emergence of online pornography is offensive in regard to the existing legal and ethical norms but often sexually explicit content may be available freely to all users, including children. In such a situation, the censorship turns out to be very important in terms of the prevention of possible risks of the violation of ethical norms of users.2.1.4 Mass media also report on numerous cases of child abuse online committed by predators. Children are vulnerable to the impact of predators online because they cannot identify users, whom they communicate with online. Internet creates ample opportunities for predators and other online offenders to misuse internet to create false identities and to reach their ends.2.1.5 The idea of the introduction and enhancement of censorship in relation to internet naturally emerges from the existing threats and risks associated with the uncontrollable use of internet.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   2.2 Gov ernment censorship can protect users  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   2.2.1 Government can introduce censorship and allow law enforcement agencies to conduct the investigation of cases that may be dangerous for the public or individuals  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   2.2.2 Government has more tools to maintain the censorship effectively compared to public or non-public organizations. Therefore, there are presumably no alternatives to the government censorship in internet.3 Negative effects of internet censorship introduced and maintained by the government3.1 Consequences of such censorship are negative and dangerous for democratic societies. The introduction and enhancement of online censorship by the government will raise another problem related to the violation of basic human rights and freedom of press.3.2 There is a risk of misusing the power by the authorities to ‘filter’ information flow via internet. As a result, the government can have excessive control over use rs and information flow. Such control is dangerous since the public may have limited access to certain information, while the government will play with information flows to meet its interests or interest groups supporting the government.3.3 People using internet turn out to be under the surveillance of the government, since the information is censored and, therefore, controlled and studied by law enforcement agencies.3.4 Censorship is the violation of the privacy right along with the right of freedom of press.4 Alternatives to the government censorship  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   4.1 The development of software aiming at the enhancement of the individual information safety. For instance, users can set parameters of their information security using the software developed specifically for the protection of information of users. In such a way, they can determine which threats they want to protect themselves from  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   4.2 The development of secure networks is another way to protect priva te information and avoid information security threats. In fact, today, many companies have already started implementing such solutions to secure their networks. In such a situation, the government censorship becomes unnecessary because secured network can protect users from numerous threats and risks associated with information breaches and other issues related to the information security.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   4.3 Individual responsibility of users is particularly important in terms of the protection of users. In fact, information security problems emerge mainly because users are careless and do not pay much attention to the problem of their information security.   As a result, when users take responsibility and are careful, they may decrease the risk of information breaches. For instance, users should not provide their private information to unreliable websites, but many users do it that leads to information breaches, identity thefts and other problems.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   4.4 Corporate r esponsibility is also important because companies developing and providing IT and online services should act responsibly. They should be aware that they may expose their customers to risks and threats associated with the violation of information security. In this regard, the corporate responsibility could have become an effective tool that could have helped to secure internet making government censorship unnecessary. In addition, companies offering reliable information security services could attract more customers seeking for secure online services.5 ConclusionThus, the introduction of the government censorship that will monitor and control internet and information flow transmitted via internet will have a negative impact on the society because it violates basic human rights, such as the privacy right or the freedom of press right. This is why the government should refuse from the introduction of censorship in internet because the public should have the right to have access to the information, while the government has no right to decide what people should know and what they should not. Instead, people should have the free access to the information and they may choose how to secure themselves from possible threats, for instance, with the help of special information security software.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Modernizing Liturgical English

Modernizing Liturgical English Modernizing Liturgical English Modernizing Liturgical English By Maeve Maddox A reader writes: In church, our liturgy has traditionally used a phrase such as Thou Who sittest at the right hand of God the Father to refer to Jesus, singular. As we have changed over from using the King James Bible translation, we have also gradually changed from use of thee and thou and the est forms of the verbs in the liturgy. I believe, then, that we should be singing You Who sit at . . . but those in charge have written You Who sits at . . . It disturbs me (only slightlyI know the intended meaning regardless of the word used) every time I sing it. Am I correct or just being picky? I dont think the reader is being picky. It makes sense that if editors are going to modernize a 16th century idiom, the changes ought to reflect standard modern usage. In the year 2009, you sits is not standard usage, neither spoken nor written. The confusion with the passage quoted lies with the word who, which may be either singular or plural: The man who is sitting on the wall can see the lighthouse. The men who are sitting in the tree can also see it. In the liturgical quotation above, who refers to singular thou. Thou who sittest at the right hand of the Father translates as You who sit at the right hand of God the Father. Personally I object to changing the old verb forms in liturgical use. When a student wants the most up-to-date translation, obviously the King James Version is not the one to rely on. If encouraging religious feeling is the goal, however, I cant think of anything more beautiful and stirring than a reading from the KJV. Most of the tongue-twisters can be avoided by substituting the sound /s/ for the -eths. Thats very likely what many of the original readers of the KJV did anyway. A.C. Baugh points out (A History of the English Language), that Shakespeare used both the eth and -s forms for third-person verbs, as in this passage from A Merchant of Venice (c. 1597): The quality of mercy is not straind, It droppeth as a gentle rain from heaven Upon the place beneath: it is twice blessd; It blesseth him that gives and him that takes:†¦ Baugh quotes Richard Hodgess A Special Help to Orthographie (1643) in which the writer notes the disconnect between how verbs are written and how they are pronounced in ordinary speech: Howsoever wee use to Write thus, leadeth it, maketh it, noteth it, raketh it, per-fumeth it, etc. Yet in our ordinary speech (which is best to bee understood) wee say, leads it, makes it, notes it, rakes it, per-fumes it. Its refreshing to seein the 17th century, as in the 21stthe standard written dialect at odds with the standard spoken dialect. An Unexpected Question About You O Second Person Singular, Where Art Thou? Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Grammar category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:50 Synonyms for â€Å"Leader†Best Websites to Learn EnglishList of 50 Compliments and Nice Things to Say!

Sunday, November 3, 2019

The IAT Demonstration Tests Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

The IAT Demonstration Tests - Essay Example However, it is hard to know if this actually measures what it says it measures, as the responses were so quick and I made a few mistakes because I got confused about which button corresponded to which category. It was interesting to complete the tests, however, and I am definitely pleased with my results.  The Understanding Prejudice links were surprising in a way because it completely categorized every type of prejudice, and it is sometimes hard to remember that there are so many different types in the world. When I think of prejudice my mind automatically goes to racism and homophobia, but the links about genocide, anti-semitism, and stigmatization were definitely interesting. Some of the links about sexism were troubling particularly because this seems to be a type of â€Å"hidden† discrimination, as women are generally considered to be equal, but when we really think about it and use the information in the links, this turns out not to be true. It is interesting to see ho w often homophobia and related prejudice is linked to religion, but this type of attitude is also a type of prejudice (grouping all religious people together) in itself. Overall, there is a lot of value although I would have liked to have more information about the treatment of disabled people, people with mental illness and those from other â€Å"sexualities† that were not often mentioned.

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Evidence-Based Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Evidence-Based Management - Essay Example A second approach can be applying practices tested and proven by management specialists. A practitioner can use competencies to inspire employees. Inspiration can be in the form of motivating high performance or encouraging execution of strategy. Setbacks are an inevitable aspect of the work environment in regard to applying evidence-based management; hence, a manager can employ theories such as teamwork to instill resilience in the employees (Roussel, 2011). Students need to be practical in order to apply evidence-based management. Not all factual evidences are efficient and practical. Practitioners need to remember that there is a lot of subjectivity in management. For instance, the level of education of a work force may differ. This requires the managing practitioner to choose tactics very carefully so as to be compatible with the persons they are governing. Both practitioners and students need to invest in patience. Scientific methods by nature are procedural and taking shortcuts will only taint the results the manager aims to achieve (Dunn, 2008). Change is a driving force for most innovations and successes. In this light, changes in the world management trends are significant contributing factors for the adoption of evidence based management. For instance, the need to keep the interests of employees separate from those of the patients is vital to the successful rendering of services. Evidence management has succeeded in this field tremendously. This can be seen by comparing the rate of employee dissatisfaction at the beginning of the industrial revolution and those in the XXI century (Shillabeer, 2011). The greatest restraint on evidence-based management is the speed at which managers and institutions want to achieve their goals. Evidence-based management is efficient but procedural. Most managers run institutional affairs by use of intuition. They like taking risks even when it comes to making decisions that affect

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Globalization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 6

Globalization - Essay Example The political, societal and moral aspects of this sort of a global financial system are starting to aggravate significant discussion as well as argument. Economists have acted in response to reports of conflictual international market forces with both contempt and unresponsiveness and, whereas such reactions have not always been unjustifiable, they have not done much to facilitate in going towards a more productive discussion. Actually, the global economy is still a quite long way from this condition. A further appropriate account of the existing circumstances is global economic interdependence, where cross-border relations among markets and between production and economic activities are currently so powerful that economic growth in any one nation is controlled to a considerable level by procedures and advancements outside its borders. Nonetheless, the level as well as nature of that control carries to rely on a nation’s capital endowments, institutional agreements and domesti c strategy alternatives. Discussion The prospects of this interdependent global economy on the medium to longer term will be dependent on its capability to provide not just a quicker rate of economic development but as well a level of affluence which is extensively shared by various nations as well as classes. Up till now, conservative economic study has been capable of dominating the debate on global potential with a dynamic assertion of the powerful and spontaneous connections among higher openness, more rapid development, and economic integration.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Muffin Break Marketing plan and Financial considerations

Muffin Break Marketing plan and Financial considerations Muffin Break will begin its operations as on January 2010 under the corporation named Tea-stores Inc. This would be a start-up bakery and coffee retail establishment which would be located on MM Alam road. Muffin Break would be offering coffee from various countries and there would be array of pastry products available, these would attract a strong customer base and offer the residents of Lahore a variety in tastes. Muffin Break aim to be a strong player in the restaurant industry of Lahore, this would be due to the experience of the owners and due to the low competition in the market. Muffin Break would be offering its products at a competitive price to meet the demands of the middle-to-higher income residents of Lahore, especially students who seem to be a large target market for restaurants. The Company Tea Stores Incorporated has its headquarters in Karachi. Its equally owned and managed by four partners. Ms Saniya Malik has extensive in sales and marketing, Ms Hajra brings experience in finance, Ms Benish has been the HR manager in several well established multinationals and would be using her experience for the management of the company and Ms Saba has been a culinary expert and has all the know-how of how food items should be presented. Products and Services offered Muffin Break offers a broad range of snacks and drinks for its target market. There would be a wide array of coffee and espresso products, using coffee beans from various countries such as Brazil and Columbia. There would be fresh bakery and pastry products that would be made at all times of the day. Since were aiming for youngsters there would also be various salads available for the youngsters and diet conscious people to select. Some of the primary products would be hotdogs that will be regular, foot-long hot-dogs and barbeque sauce served on specialty home made buns. Muffin Break would also be offering side dishes and deserts such as coleslaw, French fries, Onion Rings, potato chips and cookies. MARKET ANALYSIS The cafà © and restaurant industry in Pakistan has been experiencing a rapid growth. The increased awareness amongst the urban population for a cuisine that has various cultures blended in it, it has made it compulsory for any cafà © to offer the best taste from various countries. Muffin Break wants to establish a large regular customer base, and will therefore concentrate its business and marketing on local residents which for now would be the Lahori population, which will be the dominant target market. This will establish a healthy, consistent revenue base to ensure stability of the business that has just started its operations. In addition, the student traffic is expected to comprise approximately 35% of the revenues. High visibility and competitive products that have a variety of tastes, ingredients, side orders etc and service are critical to capture this segment of the market. Marketing Plan Muffin Break would be using a variety of methods to advertise this includes direct mailings, flyers, mailer coupons, and door hanger menus. Initially, their planning to offer students a discount card this would increase the sales their generating from students. Muffin Break plans to use an innovative customer survey card/ visitor log this would help it in maintaining a database of its customers and this would eventually help in generating a mailing list. Keeping its student target market in mind, Muffin Break is also planning to sponsor events organized in universities such as Lums, LSE, BNU and UCL. This would also give the cafà © a medium to distribute its door hang menus so that there is increased awareness about the new cafà © thats opened in Lahore. V. Financial Considerations Muffin Break plans to open its business with a Rs. 5,000,000/- capital. A capital of Rs4,000,000/- would be raised by the partners, and the remaining Rs 1,000,000/- would be raised by borrowing a loan from the Bank of Punjab. All the four partners would be investing an equal sum of capital which in this case would be Rs1,000,000 per partner. The loan being taken from Bank of Punjab would be under its Karobar Barhaou loan products available, an interest rate of 10% annual would be charged on the loan that would be paid in 3 years. Payments for this loan are set by the bank at Rs110,000 that has to be paid quarterly [4 payments in 1 year]. This would provide Muffin Break with its initial start up capital, which is highly crucial. One of the partners uncles restaurants had just closed down in MM Alam and now Muffin Break would be using this premise for its cafà ©, although it does need immediate renovation which would be included in the start-up expenditure. Muffin Break anticipates in its first year an annual sales of Rs 4,910,000, followed by sales of Rs 5,670,000 and the third year sales would be Rs 6,550,000. As far as breakeven is concerned there are high chances that Muffin Break breaks even in the fourth month of its operations as its sales would be rising steadily. Profits would be approximately Rs 130,000 at the end of year 1, Rs 360,000 at the end of the year 2 and Rs 460,000 for the year ended 3. Assumption: The initial start up revenue expenditure has been accounted in the balance sheet under the heading of current assets. The long term asset that Muffin Break has to immediately purchase is a generator, so that its high quality customer service does not get hindered by any electicity shortages. This has been accounted for the 3 years since Muffin Breaks inception in its fixed assets. Sales Forecast Muffin Break is in its initial few years hoping to generate most of its sales from its different from the rest hotdogs that would have the student market craving for more. The next area it seeks to penetrate is the coffee segment, and the cafà © wants its own people to make the coffee which is why no coffee machine would be bought. Assumption: The prices herein have been set using market analysis the cafà © that have been used for this forecast are: CTC, Jammin Java, Hotspot, Espresso and Gloria Jeans. Cost of sales have been assumed 15.63% which is again as per the market analysis. HR Expenditure Since Muffin Break wants to stand out from the rest of the cafà ©s its ensuring that it has the best and educated servers, chefs that have great expertise and credibility would be hired, thus a great amount of investment would be made in hiring the right type of people for Muffin Break. Assumption: Here we have specifically used only the estimates of Gloria Jeans, that works a lot on its customer service. These are the annual HR expenditure. An interest rate of 10% has been charged by the Bank of Punjab. The tax rate prevailing on restaurants in Pakistan are 12%. It can be seen that over the years Muffin Breaks sales are steadily growing, although this is couples with the increase in Total operating Expenses. Muffin Break has received a loan of Rs 1,000,000 from the Bank of Punjab. The interest rate charged is 10% although a payment of Rs 110,000 has to be made in every quarterly payment, this includes both the principal repayment as well as the interest payment. This loan would be according to Muffin Breaks estimations be paid by 2.75 years even though the bank has offered a 3 years period. Pro-forma Cash Flow Statement The cash receipts are mainly generated from the sales of the restaurant. The cash flow expenditure is based on the cost of goods sold. The only fixed asset for which there has been an investing activity is the purchase of a generator. The cash flow principal payment on a loan is the summation of four quarterly principal payments. The cash figure has been calculated in the cash flow statement The owners capital would be the same throughout the years, unless theres an investment made. The retained earnings: these include the profits that have been invested by the Parent Company Tea-stores Incorporated The other current assets estimate has been assumed using the market analysis. NPV ANALYSIS The NPV analysis has been used to show the feasibility of this cafà ©, whether the bank or other prospective investors should invest in it. It shows the present vales of the future cash flows, for this NPV estimation has been done using the WACC. The Wacc has been found using the Capm Model. Since the NPV has turned out positive this project should be taken, as it promises high profitability. An IRR calculation also suggested the internal rate of return of this project was highly positive that makes it a highly lucrative investment.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Frost - The Road Not Taken :: essays research papers

FROST- The Road Not Taken "Do not follow where the path may lead... Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail." -Robert Frost Everyone is a traveler, choosing the roads to follow on the map of their continuous journey, life. There is never a straight path that leaves one with but a sole direction in which to head. Regardless of the original message that Robert Frost had intended to convey, his poem, "The Road Not Taken", has left its readers with many different interpretations. It is one's past, present and the attitude with which he looks upon his future that determines the shade of the light that he will see the poem in. In any case however, this poem clearly demonstrates Frost's belief that it is the road that one chooses that makes him the man who he is. "And sorry I could not travel both..." It is always difficult to make a decision because it is impossible not to wonder about the opportunity cost, what will be missed out on. There is a strong sense of regret before the choice is even made and it lies in the knowledge that in one lifetime, it is impossible to travel down every path. In an attempt to make a decision, the traveler "looks down one as far as I could". The road that will be chosen leads to the unknown, as does any choice in life. As much he may strain his eyes to see as far the road stretches, eventually it surpasses his vision and he can never see where it is going to lead. It is the way that he chooses here that sets him off on his journey and decides where he is going. "Then took the other, just as fair, and having perhaps the better claim." What made it have the better claim is that "it was grassy and wanted wear." It was something that was obviously not for everyone because it seemed that the majority of people took the other path therefore he calls it "the road less travelled by". The fact that the traveler took this path over the more popular, secure one indicates the type of personality he has, one that does not want to necessarily follow the crowd but do more of what has never been done, what is new and different. "And both that morning equally lay in leaves no step had trodden

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Dubai Under Pressure

Under Pressure, Dubai Company Drops Port Deal 1. Discuss the role of political factors-both in the united states and in Dubai- played in the reversal of the port deal. Solution: This case talks about the disparity of the">American political parties against the ownership of port operation by the state owned Dubai company. The republicans and Democrats being the opposition party were disfavoring the sale of some terminal port operation to DP World an Arab state company.Even though Bush being the president of the ruling party was not able to stop the transfer of control of the terminals due to the force of political decision. The force that played in the reversal of the port deal was mostly security issues related with Arab world, there was a huge protest about economic security of United states. The Democrats and Republicans were backdrop of concern about possible terrorist attack . Whereas the ruler of Dubai was willing to transfer the lease to the American company to avoid any further damage.He also had to withdrew the deal to maintain a friendly relationship and to maintain a political stability in the host country. 2. How did the concerns of the US public result in a business decision by a Dubai company? Solution: As it is said in the case, that the outcome did nothing to solve the underlying issue exposed by an uproar that has consumed the capital for weeks. It means that the people were not happy but were panic stricken with the fact . The terror of 9/11 has created a phobia in mass.Media has stereotyped the American people by only showing the dark side of the Arab world. So the concerns of the US public result in a business decision was very unfavorable and prejudice. 3. Do you agree with the decision, accepting that transportation takes place through a global network of companies? Solution: Yes, I do agree with the above decision, because owning all the transportation company by the state would not be a feasible idea as well as the government would go against the practice of free economy if it is publicized by the government.As we have been learning from the start that completion and trade makes everyone better off, it would be very unfair and unjust if the transportation is nationalized. There is a high chance of cartel if its nationalized. 4. What are the implications of DP worlds withdrawal from global business and investment? Solution: It tries to imply us that not only economical but political understanding is also very necessary to start a successful business venture. Understand the political sentiment of the country also plays a very vital role in business decision.Various factors such as expropriation , forced sale of equity to host country, nationalization, discriminatory treatment to foreign country, barriers to repatriation, loss of technology, interference in management decision making, dishonesty by government officials are some of the various political risk today. So assessment of the political risk before entering into the foreign borders is what the case is trying to imply. Submitted By: Jayanta Mani Kayastha Roll No-11109 International Management IVth trimester SAIM College

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

B122 Tma 1

In 1999 Asda became a subsidiary of the largest retailer in the world, Walmart. Asda operates within the UK grocery market and currently rank second. Asda's main area of business falls into the food sector and boast 500+ stores nationwide. Asda is a variety retailer stretched over numerous sectors, which include, entertainment clothing and footwear. It is considered a multi-channel retailer, with a blend of store locations and growing online presence. Asda's stores are traditionally, large purpose built units located on the outskirts of a town, much like Walmart stores in the USA.Similarities continue throughout the UK operation, with the Walmart culture permeating through stores amongst all 143000 ‘Colleagues'. Furthermore, matching Walmart's low-price operational strategy. My role within this retailer is a part time night replenishment colleague. Economic. The UK unemployment figures are an important aspect of the economy for Asda to watch as fluctuations can hugely effect su pply and demand, impacting future sales. Higher unemployment, means Asda will see a greater demand on lower priced goods.Asda promotes its self as being a ‘low priced' retailer, so, it may also be fair to expect an influx of new customers increasing demand further. Reacting quickly to a change in the economic climate can increase the chance of gaining market share. Utilising their immense buying power, Asda can demand lower cost prices from suppliers, facilitating demand from an expected shift in consumer buying. Considering international manufacturers, where the GBP proves particularly strong may also be one way of achieving higher profit margins.Social and Cultural Management considering a particular location for a new Asda store must measure the concentration of the local market and consider Social and Cultural forces. They can help determine if an area is understored and demand is present. Statistics of particular interest are likely to be, age ranges, population density, income ranges, level of car ownership and local transport links. Use of gravitational models will help determine the ‘pull’ of a store location. Huff’s (1963), is one such model and aims to predict this.The model calculates the probability a shopper is likely to visit our new store against local intertype retailers in its strategic group. Retailers within Asda’s group are likely to be Tesco or Sainsbury’s. In addition, analysing the demographic and cultural make up of the area should provide good indication of products and services best suited for our new store. For example, if our considered area had recently had a high level of Eastern Europeans settle then incorporating a generous ‘world foods’ section within our assortment would make sense.However, if the area had an very low level of ethnic diversity there would be little demand and focus elsewhere would prove more profitable. Technology. The introduction of Smart-phones in recent years has given customers power to access price comparison sites while in-store. Potentially this trend poses a huge threats for Asda â€Å"with these devices, customers have all of the power of the Internet at their fingertips to enable them to shop smarter† (Mobile Commerce Daily,2011) Potentially this trend poses a huge threats for Asda.An increase in store waste, particularly of perishable goods as well as loss of sales to rival retailers. Additional pressures to control costs, namely wages, to ensure the store remains profitable despite loss in sales. Political and Legal. Asda sell a range of tobacco products as part of their supermarket assortment. These products are usually sold from individually manned Kiosks, separate from the main store. In an effort to address the problem of young people taking up smoking, government are forcing retailers to cover tobacco products out of view with metal roller shutters.Other measures include a raise of the legal purchase age of suc h products and further tax increase on tobacco. Operationally, managers will need to establish good procedures which will keep inconvenience to a minimum. Other than the initial cost of installing the shutters, additional expenses relating to employee training costs should be considered. Furthermore, political and legal forces could negatively impact customer flow, which may lead to a dip in impulse buys (confectionery) and commission earners (lottery) sales.Both are often located at the kiosk and are add-on purchases to tobacco. Ecological. Environmentalists are keen to highlight links between waste management in businesses, global climate change and weather. Business' who manufacture, distribute and/or use products have been attributing to global warming, all processes expel greenhouse gasses which have major repercussions on the planet. According to waste legislation business' must establish ‘a system that ensures waste producers or those handling waste follow the waste hie rarchy (i. e. revention, reuse, recycling, recovery, disposal)' ( Surrey County Council, 2012) This forces business' to consider waste management throughout their infrastructure. Managers would have needed to assess the supply chain and identify areas where improvements can be made. There are likely to be initial expenses for man hours, new equipment and facilities. Very recently Asda has seen the effects of global climate change directly impact their business. Extreme weather has lead to mass flooding in areas in the UK. In these areas trade would certainly diminish while neighbourhoods recover from the disaster.Stores may also have experienced damage to buildings and stock. A further example of this force affecting Asda. In order to identify Asda's competitors, firstly I need to establish the number of other retailers and their size also operating in the same sector, food grocery. According to market share statistics, in the 12 weeks to 7 Aug 2011, based on similar sized operation , Asia’s direct competitors were Tesco, Sainsburys and Morrisons. This is highly saturated sector due to the number of large retailers operating within it. 12 wks to 7 Aug 2011 Tesco 30. 5 % Asda 17. % Sainsbury’s 16. 1 % Morrison’s 11. 7 % (guardian. co. uk[-;0], 2011) Further competition may come from retailers entering the sector. A high number of entrants may indicate the market is highly competitive, however, high levels of retailers will also leave if the competition is just too high. Kwik Save is a good example of this, ‘It struggled to make profits in the 21st century as superstore operators such as Tesco[->1] and Sainsbury's[-;2] introduced their own budget brands (wikipedia. org,2012). Kwik Save promoted themselves as a low-priced grocery retailer.Kwik Save are expected to make a return to the market this year and may become another threat to Asda as they previously operated by similar strategies. Establishing which of the competitors offer produ cts most similar to Asda's assortment will be another indicator, as the level of competition will intensify where a competitors assortment proves to be a suitable substitute to Asda's own. All four of the major grocery rivals do offer similar products and services. Asda and Tesco offer financial services and online catalogue shopping via ‘Tesco Direct' and ‘Asda Direct'.Both compete highly on price and have been known to enter into price wars in order to gain market share. They have similar target markets and operational strategies. Although, Tesco has chosen to delve into the UK convenience sector and also dipped their toe into international markets both have proven a great success. In a similar fashion Asda has expanded further into multi-channel retailing opening ‘Asda Living' stores which offer wider ranges of clothing, home ware and childcare goods. These manurers have helped differentiate the businesses.Sainsbury's and Morrison's in turn offer similar product s and also have an online presence, Sainsbury's also offer financial services. Both have partnered with retailers operating in other sectors, Sainsbury's with Homebase a DIY chain and Morrison's with Kiddiecare. com. Although Sainsbury's has introduced a recent price promise to be cheaper on ‘branded' products than their competitors, they differentiate their offering through focusing on quality. Asda has counter-attacked this by introducing lines that have been modified and re-branded as superior in taste and quality, while still low on price.How Asda might need to manage colleagues with the introduction of Climate Change Legislation. Senior Asda managers will need to establish how the legislation affects them, what changes need to be made within the business and how costly it will be. Discussions about the changes with all departments involved. HR will need to address recruitment matters, ensuring suitably skilled people are in place. This may involve recruiting from within t he business and providing the most suitable colleague with specific training.Or looking outside Asda for those who already posses adequate experience in the area of Waste Management. This may be a preferred option if the business has time constraints, although may result in higher extrinsic costs. Once a plan has been put in place, new procedures established, then information needs to be cascaded down through the hierarchy. Delivering this information via training courses which may also save on company time and money. Other benefits of this style is a number of colleagues can receive the same information at the same time, rather than individually.It is important that everyone receives the same information and it is communicated clearly for understanding. Managers can then go on to monitor colleagues periodically through appraisals. Appraisals can help assess colleagues, making sure the new procedure is being incorporated correctly into their day-to-day duties. Monitoring colleagues performance can highlight problems and identify further training requirements. Referencing Guardian. co. uk(2011)'Supermarkets:Changing Market Share'[Online],http://www. guardian. co. uk/[-;3] (Accessed 21 June 2012)Mobile Commerce Daily (2011) ‘Are mobile price comparison apps a threat to retailers? ‘ [Online],http://www. mobilecommercedaily. com/ (Accessed 21 June 2012) Surrey County Council (2012) ‘Important-details of future English environmental legislation and consultations' [Online], http://www. surreycc. gov. uk/ (Accessed 21 June 2012) Wikipedia (2012)'Kwik Save' [Online], http://en. wikipedia. org/ (Accessed 21 June 2012) [-;0] – http://www. guardian. co. uk/ [-;1] – http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Tesco [-;2] – http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Sainsbury%27s [-;3] – http://www. guardian. co. uk/(Accessed