Monday, September 30, 2019

Changes in Canada

Lastly, in 1905 the 9th and 10th provinces were added in which were Alberta and Saskatchewan (All Website 1 and 2) which are colored red. As you can see a lot of changes had happened during hose 38 years but we have yet to discuss Unapt which was created in 1999. Canada now has 10 provinces and 3 territories. Canada has been through many changes for it to become the great country it is now. Stronger and Better Canada The Confederation and the changes that had happened to Canada had a positive effect on Canada.A large effect the Confederation had on Canada Is on the economy and Canada's social structure. This lead to Canada being a strong country as It Is today. The Confederation helped with transportation problems. All the colonies were Joined to make one whole country to spend less money on International railway systems. This saved tons of money (Website 3 and 5). The railway also helped with Canada's defenses and soldiers. If a colony was under attack they could easily send soldier s on the railway systems throughout Canada. Secondly, the Confederation mainly helped Canada's economy.Economy In any country Is Important, and Canada's economy Is great compared to most countries. External trade at this time was not working too well, so Canada had to rely on International trade. New railway systems created in this process, because External trade was not working, Canada had to rely on its farmers and manufactures (Website 4). Canada's rose, causing the creation of ore and more Jobs as the years progressed. Industrialization was becoming more common as Canada started to grow. This resulted in arbitration.Finally, the Confederation created an organized government; because of a more organized government more laws were able to be set. One important thing that was done was equal rights. The Constitution allowed First Nations, women and blacks to be heard in parliament, as their voices were not heard until the early sass (HUH). Canada many important pull factors and attra cted many immigrants during the sass. The government started to give out land for these immigrants to settle, immigration is important for Canada as our economy is stable and there are many Job opportunities (HUH-96).In 1999 Unapt Joined the confederation making it Canada's 3rd and last territory. It was created to give Intuit people more freedom (HUH). In conclusion the Confederation helped Canada develop to where it is now; it is an important part of Canadian history. The Confederation created a more organized government system for laws to be passed, transportation problems to cut down on prices for railroads and making trade more efficient. Now we know how Canada became such a great and successful country.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

The International Strategy of TESCO PLC

Abstract This study explores the different theories of international entry strategies and then analyses the international strategy of Tesco Plc. Firms can enter the international markets through different strategies, including licensing technology abroad, direct investment acquisition, exporting, strategic alliance in foreign market and establishing joint ventures. The findings of this study indicate that Tesco Plc uses international joint ventures, acquisitions and Greenfield investments to enter into foreign markets. However, Greenfield investments have led to failures and as such it is recommendable that the company explores international joint ventures and acquisitions as part of its future entry strategies. Introduction International strategy is very important for all business organisations operating in the international market. This is because the strategy plays an important role in determining the opportunities present in the international market and how to exploit them (Hensmans et al., 2013). Tesco Plc. is one such company with significant development in the international market. The supermarket chain has managed to expand its operations across Europe, Asia and North America with huge success. This international expansion has affected all the facets of the company like business structure, financial status, corporate culture and organisational structure (Ryans, 2013). This study looks at different international strategies, why they are important to Tesco Plc, related theories and their applications. International Strategies The current business environment is very competitive and as such companies need to venture into the international markets in order to generate more profits (Hitt et al 2008). However, choosing the right international strategy is never easy; whether it is licensing technology abroad, direct investment acquisition, exporting, strategic alliance in foreign market, or establishing joint ventures. This study will focus on a few of these strategies that are of importance to Tesco Plc. These strategies are joint ventures, foreign acquisitions, and Greenfield investments. All these strategies have their own benefits and risks arising from the products or services being offered and the cultural, economic and political environment of the target market (Sternquist & Witter 2011). However the choice of the choice of international strategy is highly dependent on organisational resources, commitment and the extent of risk that it is willing to incur. Joint ventures involve cooperation among different companies. The partners often come together to consign risks, allocate resources and delegate responsibilities (Krafft & Mantrala 2010). These ventures are often disbanded once the project is completed. Joint ventures can enable an organisation to market its products or establish its manufacturing plants in a foreign country with the assistance of the local foreign partners. These local partners equip the foreign organisations with the relevant knowledge on government regulations, workings, local markets and the available channels of distribution. Joint ventures are ideal for Tesco Plc. as it will help it in understanding the foreign markets and mitigate risks (McLoughlin & Aaker 2010). In foreign acquisitions a foreign organisation acquires an interest in a local firm through foreign direct investment (Hensmans et al 2013). In most cases foreign acquisitions occur only in proven markets after years of exporting or success experienced through existent joint ventures. Once an organisation has obtained controlling interests, it attains full authority over policies regarding aspects like quality control, finance, production, marketing strategies and expansion programs. Foreign acquisitions are ideal for Tesco Plc. as it will help it acquire other companies that are already performing well in foreign markets. The last strategy is Greenfield investment which is a type of foreign investment that entails investing in foreign markets by starting new subsidiaries and then fully owning them. This is a strategy that is suitable for Tesco Plc. because it allows it to venture into new unexploited markets and exploit the opportunities present. Theories of International Strategies There are different theories that explain the reasons why an organisation opts to pursue a specific international strategy in a specific target market. This is the reason why organisations pursue different foreign markets using different strategies depending on their unique characteristics (Hitt et al 2008). These theories are monopolistic advantages, transaction cost, internalisation, strategic behaviour, internationalisation, bargaining and eclectic theories. These theoretical perspectives at times hold divergent perceptions on the relative importance of the different factors that influence choice of entry into foreign markets. The monopolistic advantage theory was proposed by Hymer and represented a major shift from the previous theories of capital investments and international trade (Sternquist & Witter 2011). The previous theories like that of Heckscher and Ohlin had restrictive assumptions on the immobility of the factors of production. Hymer argued that organisations could use their firm-specific advantages or monopolistic advantages that other organisations do not have to expand into foreign markets. These advantages are things like superior technology, economies of scale, superior knowledge in finance, marketing or management (McLoughlin & Aaker 2010). Therefore foreign direct investment was made possible by product and market imperfections. These market imperfections are structural and are as a result of control ownership advantages like proprietary technology, economies of scale, special access to inputs, product differentiation and gathered managerial expertise. According to this theory, the dir ect investor is often a monopolist or an oligopilist in product markets. Therefore these organisations pursue market power and monopolistic advantages in the foreign markets leading to the increased growth of international trade. Internationalisation theory builds on the monopolistic advantage theory and it holds that firms often expand into foreign markets whenever there are market imperfections and they can gain advantage by internalising markets across countries (Seth & Randall 2011). This results to the growth of the firms as they increase their operations across the borders to take advantage of the existent opportunities. As the organisations increase their efficiency through internalisation of transactions, the vertical integration of operations across the world lead to efficiencies and economies that include long term contracts, opportunity to exploit tax differentials and better quality control. The theory perceives the internalisation process and entry strategies as being products of series of incremental decisions that result in increases involvement in international operations (Alexander & Doherty 2009). Therefore firms move from exporting to foreign production as they continually gain internatio nal experience. This experience enables the firms to build their knowledge and developing deeper understanding of the foreign markets. The transaction cost theory holds that firms try to minimise the costs associated with exchanging resources with the environment and the bureaucratic costs of exchanges within the firm (Krafft & Mantrala 2010). Therefore they weigh the costs of exchanging resources with the environment against the bureaucratic ones that arise from performing the same operations within the firm. It perceives institutions and markets as possible forms of organising and coordinating economic transactions. Firms grow whenever the external costs exceed the internal bureaucratic costs because they are able to operate more cheaply compared to performing the same operations in the market (Seth & Randall 2011). However, the firms should be downsized whenever the bureaucratic costs exceed the external transaction costs. Therefore the firms will keep expanding for as long as they can perform their operations cheaply within the companies compared outsourcing them to external market providers. The bargaining theory was advocated by Fagre and other scholars and holds that the choice of entry is a function of the bargaining processes between the firm and the host countries (Ryans 2013). The interaction between the host country and the firms is often characterised by power struggles. Although the host country can exercise its bargaining power through controlling market access, the bargaining power of the firms lie in the ownership advantages that they have (Hensmans et al 2013). Therefore the relative power determines the entry strategy of a firm into a foreign market. The last theory is the strategic behaviour theory and it is based on the premise that firms derive comparative advantage from the resources that contribute towards giving them the advantage over the others (Thain & Bradley 2012). This is particularly true when some resources are worth more to an organisation owing to the special linkages between the firm and such resources. When the firms have such resources, t hey are more likely to opt for high control strategies for instance wholly owned subsidiaries. This decision is mostly made with the assumption that such linkages will be influential in enhancing the relative position of the firm in the new foreign market. In addition to the highlighted theories, the integrative theoretical perspective on foreign market entry holds that the firm’s decision to enter into a foreign market and its choice of entry are functions of multiple factors that arise from location and ownership-specific advantages (Alexander & Doherty 2009). Although these theories differ in many important aspects they allow for broad generalisations on the factors that influence an organisation to enter into a foreign market and the entry strategy. The next section analyses the international strategy of Tesco Plc based on the integrative framework. Tesco Plc International Strategy The company enters foreign markets mainly through joint ventures with local firms, acquisitions and Greenfield investments (Mosley & Barrow 2013). The company aims at being the market leader in the foreign country it enters within a period of five years. It has registered huge successes in Asia and most of the European markets. However, the situation in America has been different because the company has struggled to gain market control (Harrison 2013). The success of Tesco Plc in the international market has been aided by its sensitivity to the local culture of the host countries and the market environment. This has mainly been done through partnerships, mergers and acquisitions which have made it easier for the company to offer the local markets with what they want by serving their unique needs. This has been particularly helpful in high context cultures like in the Asian market. The global expansion and diversification of Tesco Plc are based on the long-term desire for the company to develop sustainable growth and development. Morschett (2011) claims that one of the main reasons why the company decided to pursue the international market was that the local UK market had reached saturation and maturity making it very difficult to grow without exploiting overseas opportunities. This was therefore the only viable solution for the company if it was to remain relevant for the economy in the long run. The main factors influencing the choice of entry for Tesco Plc are the different threats that it may encounter in the international markets. Some of the common threats are industrial structures and cultural factors. Nonetheless, the primary influencers of the choice of entry for the company are based on cultural factors (Harrison 2013). Tesco Plc has consistently preferred to use international joint ventures as an entry strategy in the Asian market. This is partly because these countries have high context cultures that require organisations to build interpersonal relationships (Alexander & Doherty 2009). In these cultures, relationship networks among business associates, colleagues and even clients tend to be close and personal. As a consequence, it is important for firms to build trust and relationships during business interactions. The importance of these relationships arises from the fact that they have high uncertainty avoidance levels; therefore relationships and trust reduce the level of uncertainties, risks and ambiguities (McLoughlin & Aaker 2010). For instance in South Korea, the international joint venture with Samsung helped the company establish contacts with the local suppliers and manufacturers. This was very important in penetrating the market in South Korea because the customers there often shop freq uently as they prefer fresh and quality products like vegetables and meat which is different from the customers in the UK who like piling stock. Based on the internalisation theory, Tesco Plc gained advantage by internalising the market in South Korea. This was done through building local networks to ensure that the company sales remain as high as possible. Therefore it employed all the employees of Samsung to ensure that the normal operations were not interfered with. The local managers were also given the authority to make decisions on behalf of the company because of their experience with the local market. Additionally, this was part of the company’s plan to deal with the challenges associated with the competitive environment by positioning itself using localisation and decentralisation while the other players in the industry pursue globalisation strategies (Hitt et al 2008). According to the bargaining theory, localisation and decentralisation gives the company a local im age thus making it highly responsive to the tastes and lifestyles of the local consumers. This gave Tesco Plc a competitive advantage in the South Korean market compared to the other foreign firms like Wal-Mart and Carrefour. The entry strategies of Tesco Plc have also been shaped by cultural factors like psychic distance. Psychic distance refers to the extent to which a firm is uncertain on the nature of the foreign market (Thain & Bradley 2012). Acquisitions and international joint ventures with the local businesses in the high context cultures are important in reducing risks, adaptation costs, psychic distance and cultural barriers. The acquisition of the local distribution channels gave the company a huge advantage over the other multinationals like Wal-Mart which were struggling because the Korean market is characterised by a strong nationalist outlook. The company pursued the same strategies in Thailand and China and this enabled it to penetrate the market with ease compared to other multinational companies. Therefore international joint ventures and acquisitions enabled Tesco Plc. to succeed in markets where Carrefour and Wal-Mart had failed eventually being forced to exit the market in 2006 (Mosle y & Barrow, 2013). In Thailand for instance, after the acquisition of Lotus, Tesco Plc has managed to grow and is currently the market leader as it has pumped huge investments into organic management. The company also diversified its operations in Thailand to include smaller express stores so as to reach more customers. Tesco Plc has made huge successes whenever it chose to enter foreign markets through strategic alliances and acquisitions; however Greenfield entries have proved to be costly and inappropriate. Although Greenfield entries provide the company with full control and ownership over its operations, it has proved to be unsuitable because of the dismal results. Despite the extensive research that the company made prior to joining the US market, its failure there demonstrates that the research was either flawed or inadequate (Krafft & Mantrala 2010). Additionally, its operations in the US were an attempt to duplicate its operations in the UK because it tried to standardise instead of localising them. Part of the problem with the market research was that it only concentrated on the buying behaviour of the Americans and ignored other important variables like shopping experience, value, aesthetics, store atmosphere and quality. This was a great mistake because corrective investments should have been made in response to these marketing aspects (Morschett 2011). For instance the Tescosells pre-packaged fruits was a big mistake because Americans prefer selecting their own fresh fruits. Tesco failed to appreciate the US customer base because it underestimated it. This is the reason why the company handled its operations in the US as an extension of the UK market. The company was attracted to the US market by the booming economy and the ever rising property value (Ryans 2013). These are the factors that prompted it to go for Greenfield investments in US. This was a viable option; however the company failed to account for the deeper financial dynamics that could have saved it from the 2009 financial crisis. In addition to this, the choice of Tesco Plc to enter the US market through Greenfield investments was partly influenced by managerial short termism and egoism. As a consequence, several mistakes can be pointed out from its entry and post entry strategies. The first mistake that the company made at the point of entry is that it increased its exit barriers by aggressively increasing more stores despite the fact that it was making huge losses. Secondly, the company may have been driven by managerial subjective interest for power emanating from the previous international successes. This led to overconfidence therefore blurring the vision of the managers to see that they were driving the company in the wrong direction (Morschett 2011). However, the biggest mistakes that Tesco Plc made was that it failed to plan and strategize for post entry and this led to flaws in its quest to compete in the home market of the world’s largest retailer. As a result the company made huge loses in the US and was eventually forced to exit without ever recording any profits. In Taiwan, the situation was the same as that of the US; Tesco entered the market in 2000 without partnering with the local companies. The company was able to establish six hypermar kets through organic growth. However, just like in the US the Taiwanese retail market was hugely dominated by Carrefour which had the advantage of having all the strategic positions. Just like in the US, the company was unable to attain the market scale necessary for building central distribution centres. Therefore in 2005, it was forced to exit the market through a divestment deal with Carrefour. Recommendations Based on the findings of this study, the following recommendations can be made for Tesco Plc for it to succeed in its quest to establish its presence in other international markets. First off, the company should abandon Greenfield investment strategies because they have proved to be very costly in the past. The company struggled in the US and Taiwan and was eventually forced to exit because lack of local partners made it very difficult for it to succeed in markets that are dominated by the two retail giants. The company should have strategies that fit into the culture of the target market like it did in South Korea. The retail industry is very sensitive because it represents the daily necessities of the consumers and as such must be responsive to their cultural habits. For a multinational company to succeed in a foreign market it must have strategies that are responsive to the needs and culture of the local people. Therefore Tesco Plc. should continue incorporating localisation strat egies and respond to the culture of the local markets. It should be more innovative and proactive in its marketing strategies in the international markets. For instance the company should enhance its market intelligence and customer database in order to be able to customise service delivery to the customers. References Alexander, N., & Doherty, A. M. (2009). International retailing. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Cunningham, J., & Harney, B. (2012). Strategy & strategists. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Harrison, A. L. (2013). Business environment in a global context. Oxford: Oxford university press. Hensmans, M., Johnson, G., & Yip, G. S. (2013). Strategic transformation: Changing while winning. Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan. Hitt, M. A., Ireland, R. D., & Hoskisson, R. E. (2008). Strategic management: Competitiveness and globalization. Mason, Ohio: South-Western. Krafft, M., & Mantrala, M. K. (2010). Retailing in the 21st century: Current and future trends. Heidelberg: Springer. McLoughlin, D., & Aaker, D. A. (2010). Strategic market management: Global perspectives. Hoboken, N.J: Wiley. Morschett, D. (2011). European retail research: Volume 25, Issue I. Wiesbaden: Gabler Verlag. Mosley, R., & Barrow, S. (2013). The employer brand: Bringing the best of brand management to people at work. Hoboken, N.J: Wiley. Ryans, A. (2013). Beating low cost competition: How premium brands can respond to cut-price rivals. Hoboken, N.J: Wiley. Seth, A., & Randall, G. (2011). The grocers: The rise and rise of the supermarket chains. London: Kogan Page. Sternquist, B., & Witter, G. (2011). Retail strategic international expansion (SIRE?) theory and cases. Haslett, MI: BSC Publisher. Thain, G., & Bradley, J. (2012). Store wars: The worldwide battle for mindspace and shelfspace, online and in-store. Chichester, West Sussex: John Wiley & Sons.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Event palnning Case Studies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Event palnning Case Studies - Essay Example The product is golf shoes, the customers are the golf players at the establishment and the competition is the other competitive golf clubs in Ohio. The strategies applied in the sale of golf shoes at this expo revolve around pricing because of the nature of the event. The only formula of advertising that is valid is guerrilla publicising. A focus on brand identification is yet another strategy used to attract the local golfers and the tourist golfers. Guerrilla marketing involves the use of the ushers and concession workers to market the product. As the guests arrive at the expo, these personnel engage the guests in the products available at the shop and propose the purchase of a pair of golf shoes. Informing the clients that the product is only available at pro shops informs the golfers that the shoes are meant for serious golfers and this gives the product a certain air of quality. Setting a reasonable price for the sale of the product is essential in beating the competition and the creation of a huge profit margin. In this case, the manufactured goods are intended at targeting the golfers; therefore it has a particular business. Pro golfers are expected to want to purchase quality products. The products pricing aims at reaching the equilibrium point which in this case, is the price that the golfers are willing to buy at versus the price that the sellers have set. The smaller that this margin is, the higher the rate of success. There is the price that the company set so as to achieve a profit that will cover the cost of production. This goal must be attained for the sale to be considered a success. This, however, limits the level of compromise in the sale of the product considering that it targets a specific market (golfers). Success in the guerrilla marketing strategy may warrant the use of market pricing that is the pricing of products in relation to the business aspect. With the customers knowing that the golf shoes in the sale are quality

Friday, September 27, 2019

Cost Drivers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Cost Drivers - Essay Example Finally, cost drivers includes hours of time, number of employees, number of setups, number of wheel, number of enquiries, number of products produced, number of machines maintained, and number of hours of supervision. Cost behaviour normally relate to various activities as well as the consumption of resources ((Hansen et al. 2009). Such resources have costs which are either fixed and do not vary directly with resource usage in the short run or variable and varies in direct proportion to the resource consumption. Activities usually consume resources and the costs of such resources often follow various behavioural patterns (Needles et al. 2010). Since, the supervisors spend an equal amount of time with each employee they supervise, the costs associated with it are fixed, and they do not vary directly with resource usage. Since the building is allocated based on square footage, the costs are variable. There is a direct correlation between amount of space used and the rent. There is also a direct correlation between the Energy or electric power consumed and the number of units produced (Needles et al. 2010). In terms of labour, the costs are variable as they change in direct proportion to the number of units produced. The cost of equipment is fixed and does not vary directly to the units produced. The cost of materials varies in direct proportion to the number of units produced. There is an indirect relationship between amount of supplies and production time. The costs therefore vary in direct proportion to the resource consumption ((Hansen et al.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Douglas Holt - how brands become icons Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Douglas Holt - how brands become icons - Essay Example Followers are the consumers who value a brand the most. Next are insiders who are somewhat critical to a brand. The author has linked the success of a brand with the cultural understanding of consumers while discussing the theory for the development of iconic brands. Douglas Holt has given some valuable suggestions for development of the branding strategy. The suggestions are based on the in-depth study of the historical records of some key iconic brands, such as, Harley-Davidson, BMW, and Coca Cola. One of the main points that Holt has raised in the book is that brands do not become icons by focusing only on the benefits and functions; rather the more important thing in this regard is to create a valuable place for the brand in the national culture. The author has come up with a new branding model named ‘cultural branding’. Cultural branding is a phenomenon that is applicable to a range of categories in which consumers adopt the use of products as things which can expre ss their identities. Some prime examples of cultural branding are also discussed in the book that can be used to express consumer identity. Some of the main examples include famous places, politicians, musicians, cartoon characters, famous heroes and heroines, and sports stars. Apart from this, the author has asserted that companies need to follow hybrid strategies to create iconic brands, such as, Apple, Harley, and Coke. The author has given example of BMW, which is a renowned automobile company, by saying that the company focuses on cultural branding along with a conventional focus on quality reputation in order to remain on top. The author has given example of Budweiser advertising in the initial chapters to show the role of advertising and marketing in creating iconic brands. Advertising is the key to success of a product in any particular market. If a company succeeds in creating a positive image about its products in the mind of consumers, the ways towards forming an iconic b rand becomes easier. To make a product an important part of the popular culture, companies need to develop and follow such marketing and advertising strategies that can set a high place for the brands in any particular society or culture. In the book, the author has proposed three key principles that validate the creation of an iconic brand. The first principle given by the author is that iconic brands are those which are able to deal with the severe contradictions in society. Iconic brands go beyond the functional benefits by grouping the collective desires of people of the society. Next principle is that iconic brands inject a sense of independence and strength in the mind of consumers. Such words are used in the ads that make a person escape from the realities of life. The last principle is that iconic brands work as status symbols for people. For example, a person owning a BMW car and wearing a Rolex watch is assumed top be a successful person in the society and that perception is usually same all over the world. These are the principles that are mentioned in the book by Douglas Holt that confirm the value of a brand as an iconic brand. The author has used the case studies of some of the most famous iconic brands to support the proposed principles regarding development of iconic brands. The main point raised in the book is that cultural understanding is the factor that plays the most vital role in building an iconic brand. Moreover, it is also

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Licensing parents Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Licensing parents - Essay Example He, additionally, asserts that if there is a reliable procedure to in vetting parents then licensing should be the way to go. He argues that parents have the potential of causing grave harm to their children both physically and psychologically. He explains that annually hundreds of thousands of children are physically abused while others are neglected. Such treatment by parents remains as scars both physical and psychological for the rest of the children’s lives. Such children end up engaging in criminal activities and even proceed to harm their children as well and thus end up as unhappy adults (Lafollette 523). This explanation means that parenting can cause harm and thus qualifies as a licensable activity. When talking about violating the rights or freedoms of others in licensing parenting, Lafollette uses human sacrifice and slander to explain. He states that people have the freedom of speech and expression but this freedom is limited to things like slander where the latter violates the right of the victim. The same goes for human sacrifices which are religious practices not covered by the first amendment where there is freedom of worship. He further asserts that having children, by itself, it not a right but a responsibility bestowed on both parents. When this responsibility is neglected or exercised carelessly then the right of the parents ceases to exist. Therefore, when parents are able to prove their ability to procreate without violating the rights of others, then they should be licensed to proceed. The procedure to vet future harmless parents may not be foolproof and will end up resulting in the same issues that the license aimed to avert. It is easy to question how a test for parenting competence can be formulated so as to be reliable. One of the mistakes Lafollette makes is to casually compare a potentially controversial issue; licensing parenting to others that are not at all controversial; licensing driving and people to practice medicine among

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Training and Development Task 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Training and Development Task 2 - Essay Example The manager gives feedback at every stage of the performance management process. The report focuses on developing an improved performance management process for construction supervisors and laborers of a mid-sized construction company operating in five states in the northeastern United States. This is the planning stage in the performance management process which set the performance standards or expectations for the laborers or supervisors in the construction company in the USA (Rolstadas, 2012). Utilization of resources by the construction supervisors like explaining the project requirements to the workers, locate the work zone, delegate work, plan the workers task and efficiently allocate the resources available. The performance must be measurable and adequate information should be gathered on the output of performance which should be assessed on the basis of cost, time, quality, quantity, nature of performance and the methods used in productivity (De Waal, 2013). Observation should be practiced in the performance evaluation process in a routine manner. It deals with evaluation of employee performance and providing instant behavioral feedbacks to the workers. The supervisors can obtain additional information about the performance of the workers which would be beneficial for performance appraisal. Coaching enable workers to gain important skill based knowledge from their mentors which increases the productivity of the organization. By following the coaches’ guidance, workers can discover skills that they were never aware of. Feedback helps in two way communication between the employee and the supervisor evaluating their performance. It helps in providing guidance which results in increased retention as workers feel motivated and encouraged by the continuous assessment given to them for improvement (Hatry, 2013). Observation

Monday, September 23, 2019

Statement of Smith Ltd Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Statement of Smith Ltd - Essay Example According to the annual financial reports of Smith Company the year 2012, the current ratio recorded was 1.6 (Warren, Reeve, & Duchac, 2012).. This clearly indicates that the firm’s ability to meet its short-term obligations with time has improved thus, the firm remains liquid and has the ability to meet its short-term financial obligations within a short duration of time. As a result, it is wise to invest in the company has an high current ratio points out a progress in asset management that allows movement of cash flow thus enhances growth and prosperity. In addition, quick ratio is used as an analytical tool that indicates the firm’s ability to pay debts it shows the difference in liquidity between account receivables and inventory. This is because most of the companies provide services and goods to its customers on credit basis as they mostly allow favourable credit terms. Smith Company reports a quick ratio of 0.66, this shows that the company has enough current as sets apart from inventories to enable it pay for its short-term obligations as and when they fall due. Leverage ratios are used by companies to calculate the firm’s ability to finance its obligation and its ability to generate income that can service the debts and interest rates accrued as the company meet its financial obligations over time.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

The Second Letter of Clement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

The Second Letter of Clement - Essay Example While the other texts contained many that will pertain to the subsequent tagged anti-Semitism in the faith, Clement II was undeviating in its message.1 The major tone of it was salvation and the steps necessary to obtain it. It contains teachings such as we shall regard him with importance as it may translate to diminutive degrees if we consider him small. Demeaning Jesus Christ will lead to suffering and those who worship him will be compensated and deemed worthy of his grace. He is the savior of all mankind and with his kindness we will be void of our sins.2 These early writings that have contributed so much in our understanding and teaching of the religion today are virtually unknown to many who follow the religion. They have shaped and cultivated what can be considered the biggest religion in the globe today. Professor Bart Ehrman, a prominent figure and scholar provides for many of the recent explanations associated with these writings. He pronounced that in many times these writings are treated in various ways. The epistle of Clement II for instance is in so many levels a misnomer. It was neither written by Pope Clement, which is the letter’s namesake, nor was it transcribed by the same person who was responsible for Clement I.3 The erroneously attributed manuscript was considered to be a homily by an unknown writer. This is what Professor Ehrman refers to as a product of an inspired reading of the Book of Isaiah that is found in the Old Testament. This he adds demonstrates the varied figurative elucidation to shape it in such a way that the text from were it was adapted from can be rendered in a manner that it can move the congregation though it may be drastically diverse compared to the past.4 The sermon also made use of the book of Matthew and Luke extensively. Two of the most prominent books included in the new testament of the bible. Excerpts from the book of Matthew can be found on chapter 2

Saturday, September 21, 2019

International Vintage International Essay Example for Free

International Vintage International Essay One of Morrisons stunning gifts is her skill in creating ethically unclear conditions for her audiences. In Sula, for one, the reader would be torn in analyzing the depth of character of Sula. Is Sula really the devil others profess her to be, a threat for the otherwise peaceful society? Or could it be that how a person views things as something bad or not depends on ones personal perspective? Sula lives her life without paying any heed to the norms which made the people of Bottom see her as a deviant person. By living her life an uncommon standard the people in their society decided to alienate or estrange her. Even though the society categorize Sula as nothing short of evil, believing that their lives would be a whole lot much better should Sula left, in reality, having Sula there to serve as the sole center of their bad lucks made them live happier lives than it would have been had Sula not lived in the area, thus making her some kind of a scapegoat in the process. In more way than the people in Bottom could imagine, Sulas presence brought more positive consequences than negative ones as they always like to claim. The communitys rationale for labeling Sula as evil is ridiculous. Their attitude only shows that their criticisms of Sula arose more from their need for a scapegoat or for someone to fall the blames into, and Sula happened to be that person. One instance of their preposterous claim could be found on the following quotation found in the book Sula did not look her age. (Morrison 115). Provided that it is true, that Sula did not age as much as the women living at Bottom did, I believe that is not proof enough to treat Sula as the devil incarnate. The people of bottom ignore the fact that most women living in their village only sleeps around (this include Sulas own mom, one of the most well-loved person living in town), and they make this as another of their basis for snubbing Sula. The womenfolk of Bottom detests Sula so much because Sula would lay their husbands once and then no more (Morrison 115), which the women took as some kind of an affront to their very being since they feel like Sula acts all mighty, snatching away their most valuable possession and then throwing it away as though it is nothing of importance. On the other hand, the men folk of the community spread gossips about Sula having had sexual intercourse with white men, which their community views as the lowest thing a woman of her own race could do. Although it is a fact that Sula sleeps with different men as though it is the most natural thing to do, this is more an indication of the way she was reared than of her own malice. If one stop to mull over the fact that Sula had no intimate knowledge of marriage, having lived in a house with women who thought all men available, and selected from among them with a care only for their tastes, (Morrison) and that townsfolk of Bottom have knowledge of Sulas own background and family, it is not really reasonable or just for the townsfolk to alienate Sula on the line of reasoning that she sleeps around with different guys, depending on who she wants to spend the night with. Should truth be told, the people of Bottom does not really care about treating Sula fairly, in that whether they are aware of it or not, they have been yearning for a lone object on which they could hold accountable for everything which would goes wrong, and Sula happened to be that one person they could hold accountable for everything wrong in this world because of her own deviant attitude and outlook in life. Sula, not caring about the way other people sees her and without paying any heed about how the people at Bottom uses hert as a scapegoat, provided positive consequences in the community, contrary to what the people living there loves to claim. In a way, Sulas presence brought considerable progress on the way people lives. Sulas presence brought fear and apprehension among the townsfolk and since they label Sula as the source of their troubles they saw the need to guard and love each other. Thus, contrary to their claim that Sulas presence brought them nothing but misery, in reality Sulas presence prompted them to be good and to love each other better. An example of this could be found among the womenfolk of Bottom, Sulas presence made them realize the value of their husbands making them love and cherish their husbands better than before Sulas return. Men living in Bottom are not really innocent when it comes to bedding other women and Sula is not the only woman they have bedded aside from their wives, yet among the women they have had Sula is the only one which prompted the women of bottom to have better attitude with their husbands. The women of bottom is also to blame for their husbands attitude because should truth be told, a man cherished by their wives is less likely to find another comfort from other women and Sulas arrival in town is like s trigger which prompts their women to realize this thing. Aula also made the townspeople better parents to their children as is the case with Teapots mom. Teapots mother, a drunkard, had not been paying much attention to her son which resulted to her son being hurt and although the doctor stated that the harm was caused by malnutrition, Teapots mother still saw fit to throw the blame to Sula, claiming that the latter hurt her son. After than incident, Teapots mom suddenly became a better mother, treating him with utmost concern and love proving once more that the menace of sulas presence is the absolute driving force for the community to change for the better. The people treated Sulas death as good news, though in reality, it really is a blow and the mass death tackled in the story symbolizes the great loss Sula really was for the Bottom. In fact, Sulas death caused the townsfolk to revert back to their old behavior, once more leaving the elderly to foster homes, the wives neglecting their husbands, Teapots mother abusing him again, and so on. This proves that Sulas absence made the townsfolk feel so hopeless bleak, and miserable. Sula is a motivation which prompted them to act better and like any good motivation, her loss, caused people to revert back to their old behavior. As strange as it may sound, the townsfolk actually needs Sula. Even Nel realized later that she made use of Sula as her own scapegoat, believing that the sorrow she felt was really from missing her husband Jude who had an affair with Sula, realizing too late that what she really missed is Sula, her friend, and not her husband. Being deviant could really make people alienate a person, as was the case with Sula. However, in Sulas case, the estrangement of Sula from the community saved the townsfolk from their own bad behaviors or conducts. Sula, actually caused the people at Bottom to live better lives, making them seek out each other to save themselves from the presence of evil (Sula) in the community. Sulas presence produced good results at the peoples lives at Bottom, in the same way that her death resulted to a loss of hope for the community. Works Cited Morrison, Toni. Acceptance Speech. Nobel Lecture. 7 Dec 1993 Morrison, Toni. Sula. New York: Vintage International Vintage International, 2004. Last Name of Student 5

Friday, September 20, 2019

Research On The Native American Tribes History Essay

Research On The Native American Tribes History Essay Native American tribes from far west coast all the way to the east coast experienced life differently due to conditions of the land. How did the geographical location of tribes affect the life styles of the Native Americans? There were hundreds of tribes and each was unique in a variety of ways from clothing and language; to hunting and gathering resources. Native Americans living in the middle of the United States may have had the best rate, due to the vast land, weather conditions, and food resources. When most Americans think of Indians they refer to the people of the Great Plains; hunting buffalo, war attire, and teepees are commonly what they think of. The tribes of the Great Plains were large in numbers. The reason that this area of tribes is so well recognized is that they were able to maintain life longer then any other areas of Native Americans. One tribe from the Great Plains was the Comanche Indians. The Comanche were a strong group of Indians after obtaining horses in the late 1600s. Horses gave them an advantage in taking over larger areas of land all the way from southwestern Kansas, eastern New Mexico, western Oklahoma, Texas, southeastern Colorado, and northern Mexico. The life style of the Comanche people was based on one thing†¦ the horse. The Comanche people would not have been as successful without this animal. They would breed and maintain huge herds of horses, and then would trade them to the native people of the northern plains. They also tracked the wild mustang herds that roamed the areas. The children of the tribes would obtain a horse of there own at the age of four or five, they would train it and then would become successful hunters. The women of the tribes would sometimes hunt antelope with the men. The young men of the tribes used the horses for war as well as hunting buffalo. The men became such good riders that they could hang off the side of their horse in battle and shoot arrows under the neck of the horse, using the horse as a shield. Another major part of the life for the Great Plains Native Americans was war. The Comanche people killed more non Indian people then any other tribe. By 1840 the Comanches had allied themselves with several other tribes; Arapaho, Cheyenne, and Kiowa. When Mexico became independent in 1821 and Texas fell into the rules set by Mexico, which did not go over well for a lot of the people coming to Texas, the Comanche people were killing most of the travelers. They were also attacking anyone tha t was traveling on the Santa Fe Trail. The most famous battle involving the Comanches was the battle of the Alamo. The Comanche tribe consisted of many different smaller tribes. These bands were considered one because they spoke the same language. It was believed that the Comanche were part of the Shoshone tribe originally. A similarity in language is why people believe that these two may have branched apart. The Shoshone tribe along with many other tribes covered the Great Plains stretching from the Rocky Mountains to the Mississippi River and from Central Texas all the way up to Alberta, Canada. These people lived on wild game from large animals to small, mostly living on buffalo. The people would use almost every part of this animal from the hide to the bones and everything in between. It is thought that before the 1500s the only two non farming tribes were the Blackfoot and Comanche tribes. Even though the tribes of the plains were very successful using the land other tribes in different regions were not so fortunate. The land territory used by the Northwest Native Americans is not large. It is about 2,000 miles in length and only about 150 mile wide. However, the vast area of water they inhabited by was very useful to them in their survival. A majority of the Northwest is made up of islands and large mountain ranges. With the chain of islands to the west and the mountains to the east, the Native Americans would live on the edge of the oceans. This protected them from a lot of the elements such as ocean storms, the abundance of rain, and the cold conditions that would come during the winter months. Due to the amount of water that would come upon this region the trees and vegetation were plentiful. The huge trees that grew in this area were used for many things within the tribes. The Nootka tribe located in the Vancouver Island area, used the huge trees to make many item s like totem poles, their living courts, and at least six different styles of canoes. Canoes were the mood of means for the people of the Northwest coast line. A vast majority of the hunting was done by water, however, some game animals were hunted in the winter months due to the harsh conditions of the Northwest coast. Whale hunting provided the Nootka tribe with a lot of great materials like oil, bones for tools, baleen for trapping, and of course plenty of meat. The Nootka tribe was the only tribe to hunt whales because of there size. The leader of the canoe would have been given this position from his father, and he would harpoon the whale first, he would also receive the first piece of the whale when it was returned to shore to be rationed out between the others. Fish trades between the whites were often, and if the Nootka were ever crossed by the whites they would kill them with no hesitations. The buildings constructed by the Nootka tribe were amazing in there size, some time s being 100 feet in length and 40 feet in width. There were built with large planks of cedar and each plank was removable. The homes were inhabited by several families of the tribe. The leader of the home would sleep in the rear right corner of the home, and the next of kin would inhabit the left rear corner of the home. The front of the home nearest to the door would be stocked with supplies. Outside the front doors of the homes would be large totem polls carved into them would be faces of animals. The faces were chosen by the shaman or people in secret societies. Since these people lived on the coastal shores they came in to contact with white man sooner then others. Another costal tribe that came in contact with non Native Americans was the Cherokees, located on the Southeast coast. In 1540 Spanish explorers crossed into the Cherokee territory. Then French and English traders from the north and east started to appear making trade prominent for the Southeast Indians. The Cherokees were allies with the British in the French and Indian War. The Cherokee helped the British in the conflicts that took place, but only supported them for five of the seven years, after a dispute over a group of wild horses and scalps that had been claimed for bounty. For 2 years the British were in a war with the Cherokee Indians. The Cherokee finally surrendered, they were required to release a huge piece of land that was next to British settlements. After many difficult periods, the Cherokee knew that they were experienced in agriculture and rebuilt their lives based on this fundamental skill. The tribes of the Southeast were able to grow massive crops due to the land conditions. This also benefited them, because large crops meant sizable communities. They grew many of the foods that are familiar with Thanksgiving dinners; corn, sweet potatoes, squash, and beans. The tribes of the Southeast did not move often so there homes were constructed were of two shapes, mostly poles tied with vines and covered in mud or animal hide. They hunted and fished every species of animal that inhabited the area. The Cherokee were the only tribe of the Southeast that spoke the language of Iroquoian. The Cherokee tribe watched and learned from the Americans for years, which is why they are so similar to the Americans. The Cherokee even established a government like the United States. Unfortunately neither they nor any other tribe of the Southeast were treated like Americans, an Indian Removal Act was put into place and the American settlers began taking over the Indians lands forcing them west of the rivers. The Trail of tears is one of the worse events in history fo r the Native American Indians. The event was when soldiers forced the natives to move west while the settlers over took their land. Many Indians died on the travel west due to starvation, disease, and weather conditions. It would be countless years later before the Native people would see any reconciliation for what the lands and treatment that they endured. All in all, I have found that Native Americans were equals in the struggles that they faced. Each region faced different challenges with weather, but all were able to adapt to those conditions. Just like American today, languages are slightly different from the Far East to the Great West and everywhere in between. The clothing these tribes wore was similar in many ways, because a large majority of their clothing was made from animal hide. Hides were also used in the making of the lodging that the natives inhabited. Many Native American Indians still have land conservations and continue to live as they did in the early years of American civilization though it will never be as it once was for these people.