Thursday, October 31, 2019

Evidence-Based Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Evidence-Based Management - Essay Example A second approach can be applying practices tested and proven by management specialists. A practitioner can use competencies to inspire employees. Inspiration can be in the form of motivating high performance or encouraging execution of strategy. Setbacks are an inevitable aspect of the work environment in regard to applying evidence-based management; hence, a manager can employ theories such as teamwork to instill resilience in the employees (Roussel, 2011). Students need to be practical in order to apply evidence-based management. Not all factual evidences are efficient and practical. Practitioners need to remember that there is a lot of subjectivity in management. For instance, the level of education of a work force may differ. This requires the managing practitioner to choose tactics very carefully so as to be compatible with the persons they are governing. Both practitioners and students need to invest in patience. Scientific methods by nature are procedural and taking shortcuts will only taint the results the manager aims to achieve (Dunn, 2008). Change is a driving force for most innovations and successes. In this light, changes in the world management trends are significant contributing factors for the adoption of evidence based management. For instance, the need to keep the interests of employees separate from those of the patients is vital to the successful rendering of services. Evidence management has succeeded in this field tremendously. This can be seen by comparing the rate of employee dissatisfaction at the beginning of the industrial revolution and those in the XXI century (Shillabeer, 2011). The greatest restraint on evidence-based management is the speed at which managers and institutions want to achieve their goals. Evidence-based management is efficient but procedural. Most managers run institutional affairs by use of intuition. They like taking risks even when it comes to making decisions that affect

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Globalization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 6

Globalization - Essay Example The political, societal and moral aspects of this sort of a global financial system are starting to aggravate significant discussion as well as argument. Economists have acted in response to reports of conflictual international market forces with both contempt and unresponsiveness and, whereas such reactions have not always been unjustifiable, they have not done much to facilitate in going towards a more productive discussion. Actually, the global economy is still a quite long way from this condition. A further appropriate account of the existing circumstances is global economic interdependence, where cross-border relations among markets and between production and economic activities are currently so powerful that economic growth in any one nation is controlled to a considerable level by procedures and advancements outside its borders. Nonetheless, the level as well as nature of that control carries to rely on a nation’s capital endowments, institutional agreements and domesti c strategy alternatives. Discussion The prospects of this interdependent global economy on the medium to longer term will be dependent on its capability to provide not just a quicker rate of economic development but as well a level of affluence which is extensively shared by various nations as well as classes. Up till now, conservative economic study has been capable of dominating the debate on global potential with a dynamic assertion of the powerful and spontaneous connections among higher openness, more rapid development, and economic integration.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Muffin Break Marketing plan and Financial considerations

Muffin Break Marketing plan and Financial considerations Muffin Break will begin its operations as on January 2010 under the corporation named Tea-stores Inc. This would be a start-up bakery and coffee retail establishment which would be located on MM Alam road. Muffin Break would be offering coffee from various countries and there would be array of pastry products available, these would attract a strong customer base and offer the residents of Lahore a variety in tastes. Muffin Break aim to be a strong player in the restaurant industry of Lahore, this would be due to the experience of the owners and due to the low competition in the market. Muffin Break would be offering its products at a competitive price to meet the demands of the middle-to-higher income residents of Lahore, especially students who seem to be a large target market for restaurants. The Company Tea Stores Incorporated has its headquarters in Karachi. Its equally owned and managed by four partners. Ms Saniya Malik has extensive in sales and marketing, Ms Hajra brings experience in finance, Ms Benish has been the HR manager in several well established multinationals and would be using her experience for the management of the company and Ms Saba has been a culinary expert and has all the know-how of how food items should be presented. Products and Services offered Muffin Break offers a broad range of snacks and drinks for its target market. There would be a wide array of coffee and espresso products, using coffee beans from various countries such as Brazil and Columbia. There would be fresh bakery and pastry products that would be made at all times of the day. Since were aiming for youngsters there would also be various salads available for the youngsters and diet conscious people to select. Some of the primary products would be hotdogs that will be regular, foot-long hot-dogs and barbeque sauce served on specialty home made buns. Muffin Break would also be offering side dishes and deserts such as coleslaw, French fries, Onion Rings, potato chips and cookies. MARKET ANALYSIS The cafà © and restaurant industry in Pakistan has been experiencing a rapid growth. The increased awareness amongst the urban population for a cuisine that has various cultures blended in it, it has made it compulsory for any cafà © to offer the best taste from various countries. Muffin Break wants to establish a large regular customer base, and will therefore concentrate its business and marketing on local residents which for now would be the Lahori population, which will be the dominant target market. This will establish a healthy, consistent revenue base to ensure stability of the business that has just started its operations. In addition, the student traffic is expected to comprise approximately 35% of the revenues. High visibility and competitive products that have a variety of tastes, ingredients, side orders etc and service are critical to capture this segment of the market. Marketing Plan Muffin Break would be using a variety of methods to advertise this includes direct mailings, flyers, mailer coupons, and door hanger menus. Initially, their planning to offer students a discount card this would increase the sales their generating from students. Muffin Break plans to use an innovative customer survey card/ visitor log this would help it in maintaining a database of its customers and this would eventually help in generating a mailing list. Keeping its student target market in mind, Muffin Break is also planning to sponsor events organized in universities such as Lums, LSE, BNU and UCL. This would also give the cafà © a medium to distribute its door hang menus so that there is increased awareness about the new cafà © thats opened in Lahore. V. Financial Considerations Muffin Break plans to open its business with a Rs. 5,000,000/- capital. A capital of Rs4,000,000/- would be raised by the partners, and the remaining Rs 1,000,000/- would be raised by borrowing a loan from the Bank of Punjab. All the four partners would be investing an equal sum of capital which in this case would be Rs1,000,000 per partner. The loan being taken from Bank of Punjab would be under its Karobar Barhaou loan products available, an interest rate of 10% annual would be charged on the loan that would be paid in 3 years. Payments for this loan are set by the bank at Rs110,000 that has to be paid quarterly [4 payments in 1 year]. This would provide Muffin Break with its initial start up capital, which is highly crucial. One of the partners uncles restaurants had just closed down in MM Alam and now Muffin Break would be using this premise for its cafà ©, although it does need immediate renovation which would be included in the start-up expenditure. Muffin Break anticipates in its first year an annual sales of Rs 4,910,000, followed by sales of Rs 5,670,000 and the third year sales would be Rs 6,550,000. As far as breakeven is concerned there are high chances that Muffin Break breaks even in the fourth month of its operations as its sales would be rising steadily. Profits would be approximately Rs 130,000 at the end of year 1, Rs 360,000 at the end of the year 2 and Rs 460,000 for the year ended 3. Assumption: The initial start up revenue expenditure has been accounted in the balance sheet under the heading of current assets. The long term asset that Muffin Break has to immediately purchase is a generator, so that its high quality customer service does not get hindered by any electicity shortages. This has been accounted for the 3 years since Muffin Breaks inception in its fixed assets. Sales Forecast Muffin Break is in its initial few years hoping to generate most of its sales from its different from the rest hotdogs that would have the student market craving for more. The next area it seeks to penetrate is the coffee segment, and the cafà © wants its own people to make the coffee which is why no coffee machine would be bought. Assumption: The prices herein have been set using market analysis the cafà © that have been used for this forecast are: CTC, Jammin Java, Hotspot, Espresso and Gloria Jeans. Cost of sales have been assumed 15.63% which is again as per the market analysis. HR Expenditure Since Muffin Break wants to stand out from the rest of the cafà ©s its ensuring that it has the best and educated servers, chefs that have great expertise and credibility would be hired, thus a great amount of investment would be made in hiring the right type of people for Muffin Break. Assumption: Here we have specifically used only the estimates of Gloria Jeans, that works a lot on its customer service. These are the annual HR expenditure. An interest rate of 10% has been charged by the Bank of Punjab. The tax rate prevailing on restaurants in Pakistan are 12%. It can be seen that over the years Muffin Breaks sales are steadily growing, although this is couples with the increase in Total operating Expenses. Muffin Break has received a loan of Rs 1,000,000 from the Bank of Punjab. The interest rate charged is 10% although a payment of Rs 110,000 has to be made in every quarterly payment, this includes both the principal repayment as well as the interest payment. This loan would be according to Muffin Breaks estimations be paid by 2.75 years even though the bank has offered a 3 years period. Pro-forma Cash Flow Statement The cash receipts are mainly generated from the sales of the restaurant. The cash flow expenditure is based on the cost of goods sold. The only fixed asset for which there has been an investing activity is the purchase of a generator. The cash flow principal payment on a loan is the summation of four quarterly principal payments. The cash figure has been calculated in the cash flow statement The owners capital would be the same throughout the years, unless theres an investment made. The retained earnings: these include the profits that have been invested by the Parent Company Tea-stores Incorporated The other current assets estimate has been assumed using the market analysis. NPV ANALYSIS The NPV analysis has been used to show the feasibility of this cafà ©, whether the bank or other prospective investors should invest in it. It shows the present vales of the future cash flows, for this NPV estimation has been done using the WACC. The Wacc has been found using the Capm Model. Since the NPV has turned out positive this project should be taken, as it promises high profitability. An IRR calculation also suggested the internal rate of return of this project was highly positive that makes it a highly lucrative investment.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Frost - The Road Not Taken :: essays research papers

FROST- The Road Not Taken "Do not follow where the path may lead... Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail." -Robert Frost Everyone is a traveler, choosing the roads to follow on the map of their continuous journey, life. There is never a straight path that leaves one with but a sole direction in which to head. Regardless of the original message that Robert Frost had intended to convey, his poem, "The Road Not Taken", has left its readers with many different interpretations. It is one's past, present and the attitude with which he looks upon his future that determines the shade of the light that he will see the poem in. In any case however, this poem clearly demonstrates Frost's belief that it is the road that one chooses that makes him the man who he is. "And sorry I could not travel both..." It is always difficult to make a decision because it is impossible not to wonder about the opportunity cost, what will be missed out on. There is a strong sense of regret before the choice is even made and it lies in the knowledge that in one lifetime, it is impossible to travel down every path. In an attempt to make a decision, the traveler "looks down one as far as I could". The road that will be chosen leads to the unknown, as does any choice in life. As much he may strain his eyes to see as far the road stretches, eventually it surpasses his vision and he can never see where it is going to lead. It is the way that he chooses here that sets him off on his journey and decides where he is going. "Then took the other, just as fair, and having perhaps the better claim." What made it have the better claim is that "it was grassy and wanted wear." It was something that was obviously not for everyone because it seemed that the majority of people took the other path therefore he calls it "the road less travelled by". The fact that the traveler took this path over the more popular, secure one indicates the type of personality he has, one that does not want to necessarily follow the crowd but do more of what has never been done, what is new and different. "And both that morning equally lay in leaves no step had trodden

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Dubai Under Pressure

Under Pressure, Dubai Company Drops Port Deal 1. Discuss the role of political factors-both in the united states and in Dubai- played in the reversal of the port deal. Solution: This case talks about the disparity of the">American political parties against the ownership of port operation by the state owned Dubai company. The republicans and Democrats being the opposition party were disfavoring the sale of some terminal port operation to DP World an Arab state company.Even though Bush being the president of the ruling party was not able to stop the transfer of control of the terminals due to the force of political decision. The force that played in the reversal of the port deal was mostly security issues related with Arab world, there was a huge protest about economic security of United states. The Democrats and Republicans were backdrop of concern about possible terrorist attack . Whereas the ruler of Dubai was willing to transfer the lease to the American company to avoid any further damage.He also had to withdrew the deal to maintain a friendly relationship and to maintain a political stability in the host country. 2. How did the concerns of the US public result in a business decision by a Dubai company? Solution: As it is said in the case, that the outcome did nothing to solve the underlying issue exposed by an uproar that has consumed the capital for weeks. It means that the people were not happy but were panic stricken with the fact . The terror of 9/11 has created a phobia in mass.Media has stereotyped the American people by only showing the dark side of the Arab world. So the concerns of the US public result in a business decision was very unfavorable and prejudice. 3. Do you agree with the decision, accepting that transportation takes place through a global network of companies? Solution: Yes, I do agree with the above decision, because owning all the transportation company by the state would not be a feasible idea as well as the government would go against the practice of free economy if it is publicized by the government.As we have been learning from the start that completion and trade makes everyone better off, it would be very unfair and unjust if the transportation is nationalized. There is a high chance of cartel if its nationalized. 4. What are the implications of DP worlds withdrawal from global business and investment? Solution: It tries to imply us that not only economical but political understanding is also very necessary to start a successful business venture. Understand the political sentiment of the country also plays a very vital role in business decision.Various factors such as expropriation , forced sale of equity to host country, nationalization, discriminatory treatment to foreign country, barriers to repatriation, loss of technology, interference in management decision making, dishonesty by government officials are some of the various political risk today. So assessment of the political risk before entering into the foreign borders is what the case is trying to imply. Submitted By: Jayanta Mani Kayastha Roll No-11109 International Management IVth trimester SAIM College

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

B122 Tma 1

In 1999 Asda became a subsidiary of the largest retailer in the world, Walmart. Asda operates within the UK grocery market and currently rank second. Asda's main area of business falls into the food sector and boast 500+ stores nationwide. Asda is a variety retailer stretched over numerous sectors, which include, entertainment clothing and footwear. It is considered a multi-channel retailer, with a blend of store locations and growing online presence. Asda's stores are traditionally, large purpose built units located on the outskirts of a town, much like Walmart stores in the USA.Similarities continue throughout the UK operation, with the Walmart culture permeating through stores amongst all 143000 ‘Colleagues'. Furthermore, matching Walmart's low-price operational strategy. My role within this retailer is a part time night replenishment colleague. Economic. The UK unemployment figures are an important aspect of the economy for Asda to watch as fluctuations can hugely effect su pply and demand, impacting future sales. Higher unemployment, means Asda will see a greater demand on lower priced goods.Asda promotes its self as being a ‘low priced' retailer, so, it may also be fair to expect an influx of new customers increasing demand further. Reacting quickly to a change in the economic climate can increase the chance of gaining market share. Utilising their immense buying power, Asda can demand lower cost prices from suppliers, facilitating demand from an expected shift in consumer buying. Considering international manufacturers, where the GBP proves particularly strong may also be one way of achieving higher profit margins.Social and Cultural Management considering a particular location for a new Asda store must measure the concentration of the local market and consider Social and Cultural forces. They can help determine if an area is understored and demand is present. Statistics of particular interest are likely to be, age ranges, population density, income ranges, level of car ownership and local transport links. Use of gravitational models will help determine the ‘pull’ of a store location. Huff’s (1963), is one such model and aims to predict this.The model calculates the probability a shopper is likely to visit our new store against local intertype retailers in its strategic group. Retailers within Asda’s group are likely to be Tesco or Sainsbury’s. In addition, analysing the demographic and cultural make up of the area should provide good indication of products and services best suited for our new store. For example, if our considered area had recently had a high level of Eastern Europeans settle then incorporating a generous ‘world foods’ section within our assortment would make sense.However, if the area had an very low level of ethnic diversity there would be little demand and focus elsewhere would prove more profitable. Technology. The introduction of Smart-phones in recent years has given customers power to access price comparison sites while in-store. Potentially this trend poses a huge threats for Asda â€Å"with these devices, customers have all of the power of the Internet at their fingertips to enable them to shop smarter† (Mobile Commerce Daily,2011) Potentially this trend poses a huge threats for Asda.An increase in store waste, particularly of perishable goods as well as loss of sales to rival retailers. Additional pressures to control costs, namely wages, to ensure the store remains profitable despite loss in sales. Political and Legal. Asda sell a range of tobacco products as part of their supermarket assortment. These products are usually sold from individually manned Kiosks, separate from the main store. In an effort to address the problem of young people taking up smoking, government are forcing retailers to cover tobacco products out of view with metal roller shutters.Other measures include a raise of the legal purchase age of suc h products and further tax increase on tobacco. Operationally, managers will need to establish good procedures which will keep inconvenience to a minimum. Other than the initial cost of installing the shutters, additional expenses relating to employee training costs should be considered. Furthermore, political and legal forces could negatively impact customer flow, which may lead to a dip in impulse buys (confectionery) and commission earners (lottery) sales.Both are often located at the kiosk and are add-on purchases to tobacco. Ecological. Environmentalists are keen to highlight links between waste management in businesses, global climate change and weather. Business' who manufacture, distribute and/or use products have been attributing to global warming, all processes expel greenhouse gasses which have major repercussions on the planet. According to waste legislation business' must establish ‘a system that ensures waste producers or those handling waste follow the waste hie rarchy (i. e. revention, reuse, recycling, recovery, disposal)' ( Surrey County Council, 2012) This forces business' to consider waste management throughout their infrastructure. Managers would have needed to assess the supply chain and identify areas where improvements can be made. There are likely to be initial expenses for man hours, new equipment and facilities. Very recently Asda has seen the effects of global climate change directly impact their business. Extreme weather has lead to mass flooding in areas in the UK. In these areas trade would certainly diminish while neighbourhoods recover from the disaster.Stores may also have experienced damage to buildings and stock. A further example of this force affecting Asda. In order to identify Asda's competitors, firstly I need to establish the number of other retailers and their size also operating in the same sector, food grocery. According to market share statistics, in the 12 weeks to 7 Aug 2011, based on similar sized operation , Asia’s direct competitors were Tesco, Sainsburys and Morrisons. This is highly saturated sector due to the number of large retailers operating within it. 12 wks to 7 Aug 2011 Tesco 30. 5 % Asda 17. % Sainsbury’s 16. 1 % Morrison’s 11. 7 % (guardian. co. uk[-;0], 2011) Further competition may come from retailers entering the sector. A high number of entrants may indicate the market is highly competitive, however, high levels of retailers will also leave if the competition is just too high. Kwik Save is a good example of this, ‘It struggled to make profits in the 21st century as superstore operators such as Tesco[->1] and Sainsbury's[-;2] introduced their own budget brands (wikipedia. org,2012). Kwik Save promoted themselves as a low-priced grocery retailer.Kwik Save are expected to make a return to the market this year and may become another threat to Asda as they previously operated by similar strategies. Establishing which of the competitors offer produ cts most similar to Asda's assortment will be another indicator, as the level of competition will intensify where a competitors assortment proves to be a suitable substitute to Asda's own. All four of the major grocery rivals do offer similar products and services. Asda and Tesco offer financial services and online catalogue shopping via ‘Tesco Direct' and ‘Asda Direct'.Both compete highly on price and have been known to enter into price wars in order to gain market share. They have similar target markets and operational strategies. Although, Tesco has chosen to delve into the UK convenience sector and also dipped their toe into international markets both have proven a great success. In a similar fashion Asda has expanded further into multi-channel retailing opening ‘Asda Living' stores which offer wider ranges of clothing, home ware and childcare goods. These manurers have helped differentiate the businesses.Sainsbury's and Morrison's in turn offer similar product s and also have an online presence, Sainsbury's also offer financial services. Both have partnered with retailers operating in other sectors, Sainsbury's with Homebase a DIY chain and Morrison's with Kiddiecare. com. Although Sainsbury's has introduced a recent price promise to be cheaper on ‘branded' products than their competitors, they differentiate their offering through focusing on quality. Asda has counter-attacked this by introducing lines that have been modified and re-branded as superior in taste and quality, while still low on price.How Asda might need to manage colleagues with the introduction of Climate Change Legislation. Senior Asda managers will need to establish how the legislation affects them, what changes need to be made within the business and how costly it will be. Discussions about the changes with all departments involved. HR will need to address recruitment matters, ensuring suitably skilled people are in place. This may involve recruiting from within t he business and providing the most suitable colleague with specific training.Or looking outside Asda for those who already posses adequate experience in the area of Waste Management. This may be a preferred option if the business has time constraints, although may result in higher extrinsic costs. Once a plan has been put in place, new procedures established, then information needs to be cascaded down through the hierarchy. Delivering this information via training courses which may also save on company time and money. Other benefits of this style is a number of colleagues can receive the same information at the same time, rather than individually.It is important that everyone receives the same information and it is communicated clearly for understanding. Managers can then go on to monitor colleagues periodically through appraisals. Appraisals can help assess colleagues, making sure the new procedure is being incorporated correctly into their day-to-day duties. Monitoring colleagues performance can highlight problems and identify further training requirements. Referencing Guardian. co. uk(2011)'Supermarkets:Changing Market Share'[Online],http://www. guardian. co. uk/[-;3] (Accessed 21 June 2012)Mobile Commerce Daily (2011) ‘Are mobile price comparison apps a threat to retailers? ‘ [Online],http://www. mobilecommercedaily. com/ (Accessed 21 June 2012) Surrey County Council (2012) ‘Important-details of future English environmental legislation and consultations' [Online], http://www. surreycc. gov. uk/ (Accessed 21 June 2012) Wikipedia (2012)'Kwik Save' [Online], http://en. wikipedia. org/ (Accessed 21 June 2012) [-;0] – http://www. guardian. co. uk/ [-;1] – http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Tesco [-;2] – http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Sainsbury%27s [-;3] – http://www. guardian. co. uk/(Accessed

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The Body Project essays

The Body Project essays In the book The Body Project, Joan Jacobs Brumberg examines how the social changes of the last century have affected the ways in which teenage girls regard their bodies and themselves. By the use of various historical documents, including the many diaries of adolescent women, the author looks at the developing attitudes towards such issues as physical occurrences like that of menarche which we know as menstruation and skin conditions such as acne. Brumberg also focuses on the shift in emphasis from "good works" to "good looks", and the changing relationships between teenagers and parental importance. The author allows us as a modern day society to come and understand how these historical influences operate providing us with a structure of understanding the harmful attitudes that girls absorb in adolescence which result in an internalized sense of self doubt or insignificance which often leads into the corruption of personal advancement of female adolescence into adult life. To understand the meaning of the title Body Project, one must come to know and recognize the social concerns that females have undergone in American history. Since the beginning of the colonization of America, females, although considered secondary to males, have had to ensure that they know and understand what it means to be an individual looked upon as being graceful and in lieu of remaining beautiful. The author made clear that the title was chosen to show how girls came to define themselves progressively through their bodies, thus becoming the primary project of the female society. Brumberg argues that there is a mismatch between biology and culture in the lives of contemporary adolescent girls. She states that Although girls now mature sexuality earlier than ever before, contemporary American society provides fewer social protections for them, a situation that leaves them unsupported in their development and extr...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Career Change Consider These 5 Ways to Reinvent Yourself

Career Change Consider These 5 Ways to Reinvent Yourself Looking for a new job? Don’t pigeon-hole yourself by only considering opportunities similar to your established career path or what your degree says you are qualified to do. If you are going in a totally new direction with your career, it may require reinventing yourself, utilizing hidden skills and talents, and setting a goal to enjoy your new job more than you ever thought possible. As the poet Robert Frost wrote, â€Å"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference.† So your new path may not be the most obvious one to take, but forging in a new direction can be very rewarding.How to Reinvent Your CareerIf you are looking for a change in employment; a job that will be rewarding and actually make you excited about heading to work each day, that job you seek may not even be on your radar.Reinventing your career requires thinking outside of the box (another job skill, by the way). Focus more on your hidden talents and the skills you have acquired through your work experience, in your personal life, or through volunteer work. Look down a different path, rather than the obvious direction of your work history or what you majored in college.What Skills Does a New Employer Seek?You have hidden skills and talents. Whether you mastered creating extraordinary PowerPoint presentations or your were in charge of entertaining your company’s clients while they were in town, you acquired extra skills along the way.So how do you identify these hidden talents and use them to find a new job or career? Here are the basic steps to reinventing yourself and finding a new career path.First, think about any skills you learned at other jobs, especially the ones that were never part of your job description, yet were required for you in order to succeed. This is a tough one because it requires really thinking about what was expected of you in moments where probably not a lot of recognition was given. These were side-skills and until now, nobody paid attention to them.Now begin writing a skill list and include all of your soft-skills as well as hard skills. While it is great that you are a PowerPoint guru, employers want to know that you have the insight to know what should go into a presentation that will reach the audience, motivate a client, or entice a customer. Write down instances where critical thinking and being keenly aware of underlying messages were something you tapped into.Add to your list any examples of being a persuasive public speaker. According to, strong public speaking or presentation skills are vital for many career paths you might take. Think of it as the ability to sell or influence others, which could apply to a myriad of career options.Think about the research skills you have developed through your experience. Whether a career in law, marketing, teaching, politics or public relations, having a solid understanding of research methods will be a val uable asset for employers.If you are skilled at writing and communication then you are in luck. One of the top skills employers look for is good communications skills. If you can write or edit copy, there are many opportunities in which to use these skills. Above all, employers are looking to hire candidates with outstanding communication skills and who are team players, according to results of National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) Job Outlook 2013 survey.Finally, consider out of the ordinary experiences you have had on the job. This is a vast topic because there are so many ways you may have developed creative skills or sharpened organization capabilities. Have you excelled in illustration and design activities at work? Perhaps you were placed in charge of planning and orchestrating your company’s elaborate 10th-anniversary dinner party or an awards banquet?Creative or organizational skills like design or event management are needed in so many different forms of employment. Never leave those little extra talents you possess, like creativity or your ability to manage multiple tasks, off of your list.Think that focusing on your experience and expanded skill-set will not net you a solid job offer? Think again. According to a survey conducted by NACE, a vast majority of employers look more to hands-on experience and those extra skills, the ones most people don’t think twice about, when they are considering applicants.Now you are ready to consider new job opportunities, utilizing additional skill-sets and talents that you previously might have overlooked when searching for a new job. If it is time to explore new career possibilities, sign up with TheJobNetwork, include any hidden-skills that you possess on your resume, and head down a new path to your future.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Robinson Crusoe Questions for Study and Discussion

'Robinson Crusoe' Questions for Study and Discussion Robinson Crusoe is the famous first novel by Daniel Defoe. A young man is shipwrecked and stranded on a deserted island. Its the stuff dreams are made of, but theres more to it than that. Here are a few questions for study and discussion. Discussion Questions What is important about the title?What are the conflicts in Robinson Crusoe? What types of conflict (physical, moral, intellectual, or emotional) did you notice in this novel?How does Daniel Defoe reveal character in Robinson Crusoe?What are some themes in the story? How do they relate to the ​plot and characters?What are some symbols in Robinson Crusoe? How do they relate to the plot and characters?Are the ​characters consistent in their actions? Which of the characters are fully developed? How? Why?Do you find the characters likable? Are the characters persons you would want to meet?How do loneliness, fear, and isolation affect (and shape) the characters?Does the novel end the way you expected? How? Why?What is the central/primary purpose of Robinson Crusoe? Is the purpose important or meaningful?How essential is the setting to the story? Could the story have taken place anywhere else?How important is friendship and/or camaraderie to Robinson Crusoe?Compare/contrast R obinson Crusoe with other works by Daniel Defoe? How does Robinson Crusoe fit into Defoes body of works? Would you recommend Robinson Crusoe to a friend?

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Accounts Payable Specialist Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Accounts Payable Specialist - Research Paper Example It is essential that an accounts payable specialists are able to match the invoices of the vendors with the payments that must be made.   Accounts payable specialist must meet several requirements. He must have at least more than two years work experience in accounts payable. Preferably, he must have taken accounting courses in college and must be proficient in Microsoft Word and Excel. A great plus for an accounts payable specialist is if he is a Certified Public Accountant (CPA). It is important that he is familiar with accounting software to assist him with the performance of his job. His job becomes easier if he uses accounting software. Accounts payable specialist must be an expert mathematician and must be attentive to details (Amico, n.d.). His skills should include being analytical, organized, good at problem-solving and must be motivated. A â€Å"thorough knowledge of applicable accounts payable/general ledger systems and procedures, financial chart of accounts and corporate procedures† are necessary to make an effective accounts payable specialist (Accounting Jobs, 2012). He must be knowl edgeable of the federal and state accounting regulations and must ensure that the company follows these regulations. He must have excellent written and oral communication skills.

Friday, October 18, 2019

The Role of Islamic Law in the Management of Formal and Informal Research Paper

The Role of Islamic Law in the Management of Formal and Informal Organizations in Saudi Arabia - Research Paper Example As the paper declares Saudi Arabia is ran as an Islamic Theocracy and the Quran is the basis of the countrys constitution. The country is governed by stringent Islamic law which defines every aspect of the lives of people in the Kingdom. Since Saudi Arabia was meant to be Islamic from the onset, it has rules that strictly bind both the Muslims and non-Muslims of the country. Commentators like the Human Rights Watch have criticized Saudi Arabia for using Islamic Law in a compulsory manner that sometimes causes some degree of discrimination to non-Muslims in the Kingdom. This essay outlines that although proponents like Fouad argue that the universal application of Sharia in Saudi Arabia supports to bring benefits and stability to the country, there are some human rights issues that can be raised. First of all, the law focuses more on the Muslims since they are designed with the practicing Muslim in mind (Jones). Hence, there is a limitation on the individual rights of non-Muslims. The research will include an assessment of the different frameworks and concepts that regulate the conduct of business. The study will be conducted by the critical review of secondary sources. These sources will include books, journals and other relevant materials that define

Roles, Relationships and Responsibilities in Lifelong learning Essay

Roles, Relationships and Responsibilities in Lifelong learning - Essay Example The religious teachings must not be aimed at spreading the lessons of a particular religion to influence the idea, thoughts and beliefs of the learners. Such acts of religious teaching are prohibited by the law. The teachings of different religion and faith are, however, not prohibited. The teaching of religious education should not be biased and should give equal respect to the faith and belief of all the religions. The regulatory requirements although imposes limitations on the schools to impart religious education on a particular belief or faith but allows flexibility to the teaching of religious education in the terms of the time and process of exploration of religious ideas and beliefs for dissemination to the learners. The codes of practice for teaching of religious education offers liberty to the teachers of religious education to engage into teaching of as many religious lessons and faith to the students but disallows confinement or stress on a particular religion. Thus the r ole of teachers is very important in developing a non-biased environment during the process of teaching. There is ample scope of questions related to values of life in religious teaching. The codes of practice allow teachers to address such question in an effective manner in order to impart complete teachings in the field of religious education. ... The promotion of equality and valuation of diversity in religious teachings is a key area of responsibility for the teachers. The teachers should be responsible in imparting the religious beliefs of all faith to learners. The strength of religious teachings lies in the inclusive aspect of the field. The teachers are responsible for non-discrimination of primary or specific religion among the vast field of religious ideas and beliefs. The learners should have the freedom to question on any aspect of religion keeping due respect to the teachings of other religions as well. The students irrespective of their notions on different religions and culture should be treated equally by the teachers. The students should have the freedom to raise the queries on the subject. The teachers should distribute equal emphasis to the teachings of all religion in order to attain equality in religious teachings. The weakness factor is presented by the aspect of diversity in religious teaching. Thus the te acher also has the responsibility of managing diversity in religious teachings. The teacher should be able to value diversified ideas and beliefs of different religions. The fundamentals of various religious faiths should be clearly explained to the learners. The responsibilities of the teacher demand avoidance of any bias and value the diversified ideas by developing a comprehensive study of religious teachings. These are the factors that influence the responsibility of the teachers in achieving equality and valuing diversity in religious teachings (Gravells and  Simpson, p.56). Evaluation of roles and responsibilities in the Lifelong learning The evaluation of roles and

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Culinary history of Georgia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Culinary history of Georgia - Essay Example a Christian nation, Georgia has historically looked more often to the West-so much so that the capital city of Tiflis (Tbilisi) was once known as the Paris of the Caucasus. Lying athwart the major trade routes between East and West, Tiflis maintained a grand caravanserai where merchants could stable their animals, store their wares, and themselves find shelter. Thanks to its agriculture riches and long tradition of hospitality, Georgia was an object of desire for many outsiders, not all of whom were good guests. (â€Å"A Culinary Crossroads† 11) Georgian cuisine is not only influenced by Middle Eastern and European but it also influenced different neighboring and invading nations. According to Plotkin and Gregory, Georgia and Armenia contributed to the Russian cuisine, for instance, chickpeas and pine nuts including dishes such as grilled lamb shashlyk, stuffed grapes leave dolmas and nut pastry, baklava (13). The Georgians date the beginnings of their culture to the sixth century BCE.The ancient Greeks established colonies along the Blank Sea coast in a region they called Colchis.In 66 BCE, when the Roman general Pompey invaded and brought the area under Roman rule, Greek control came to an end, but the outposts in Colchis remained important links in the trade route to Persia†¦By the early Middle Ages Tiflis had become a major stopover on the medieval trade routes, a midpoint between Moslem East and Christian West. (Goldstein â€Å"A Culinary Crossroads† 11) Until nineteenth century, there was no concept of tea in Georgia; it became a major crop in Russian era. It is quite a recent phenomenon as there are no tea consumption traces in history. Georgians prefer Turkish coffee over tea and cups of strong coffee with a glass of cold water are a common sight in cafes (Goldstein â€Å"The Georgian Feast† 6). Tbilisi itself founded in the fifth century when, according to legend, King Vakhtang Gorgaslani, on a hunt near the Kura River, killed a pheasant, which he

Attributes and Primary Keys of the ERD Coursework

Attributes and Primary Keys of the ERD - Coursework Example SoniDream is the company, forming one of the entities. Within it, there several other entities, derived from their various attributes. I, therefore, consider how each of the following has different characteristics from the other (Moreira et al. 2013, p.455). Â  The company, with the main office headquartered in London. A company as an entity must have attributes such as physical location. In this case, its physical address in London. A company must also have the people who run it. Using this knowledge, I identified members of staff who fall into different categories and play different roles. They include studio managers, sound engineers, and van drivers. Â  Recording studios distributed over different parts of London. Studios are fixed entities and must, therefore, have their physical locations. In this case of the studios are in London and the other 8 are located in different parts of the UK. Â  Equipment used in the studio is an entity and must be comprised of different pieces. In this case, they included recorder, mixing desks, studio monitors, controllers, microphones, converters, musical instruments, and other music accessories. The different entities are joined by different relationships. Â  3. I identified the main relationship types for SonicDream using a hierarchical order. A relationship type is an association between two or more entity types. Relationship types may associate an entity type with itself. In such a case the roles of the entity types in the relationship type will be listed on the edges like shown in the ERD in part 1.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

U.S. and Texas government Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

U.S. and Texas government - Essay Example While those that are republicans include among others; Montana, North Dakota, Wyoming, Texas, South Dakota, Utah, Arkansas, Indiana, Kentucky, North Carolina among others. c) Battle states are the states where both the democratic and the republicans have the same chances of winning in a given voting period. They are very important in the manner that they determine who will rule the nation after the elections. 2. Why does the SMSP election system lead to a two-party system? SMSP is the process of voting whereby the person who gets most votes wins. It leads to a two-party system because voters end up choosing among the two of the leaders to lead to them. All regions too elect one individual to represent them during the elections. a. What are the advantages of such a two-party dominant system? It enables the leaders to have a strong candidate so that their political agendas are represented. Voters are also not confused during voting to elect their leaders using their agendas. b. What are the drawbacks of a two-party dominant system? A two –party dominant system do not allow full participation of the rest of the members in other parties. They are also supported more by the government which leads to inequality. c. If you had the power to alter the American political system to a proportional representation and multi-party model, would you favor that change? Why or why not? It’s a voting method that uses quota system to ensure that each part wins with a given number of votes. It can’t represent all the voters.

Attributes and Primary Keys of the ERD Coursework

Attributes and Primary Keys of the ERD - Coursework Example SoniDream is the company, forming one of the entities. Within it, there several other entities, derived from their various attributes. I, therefore, consider how each of the following has different characteristics from the other (Moreira et al. 2013, p.455). Â  The company, with the main office headquartered in London. A company as an entity must have attributes such as physical location. In this case, its physical address in London. A company must also have the people who run it. Using this knowledge, I identified members of staff who fall into different categories and play different roles. They include studio managers, sound engineers, and van drivers. Â  Recording studios distributed over different parts of London. Studios are fixed entities and must, therefore, have their physical locations. In this case of the studios are in London and the other 8 are located in different parts of the UK. Â  Equipment used in the studio is an entity and must be comprised of different pieces. In this case, they included recorder, mixing desks, studio monitors, controllers, microphones, converters, musical instruments, and other music accessories. The different entities are joined by different relationships. Â  3. I identified the main relationship types for SonicDream using a hierarchical order. A relationship type is an association between two or more entity types. Relationship types may associate an entity type with itself. In such a case the roles of the entity types in the relationship type will be listed on the edges like shown in the ERD in part 1.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

The Lord of the Rings and Journey Essay Example for Free

The Lord of the Rings and Journey Essay A journey will always consist of travelling from one place to another, whether it be physical, where you actually embark over a distance or inner, where you learn something new from your campaign. Throughout my speech I will be talking about 2 texts that resemble a journey in different ways and text types. My prescribed text is Touching the void. Touching the void is a docudrama composed by director Kevin McDonald. And my chosen text is the book Lord of the rings by author J. R. R Tolkien. The book of lord of the rings, consists of many mini journey. Both these texts outline the main points of the concept journey. Touching the void is about a pair of climbers Joe Simpson and Simon Yates, who go on a expedition up the treacherous Siula Grande in the Peruvian Andes. It becomes a survival story after Joe breaks his leg and is cut loose by Simon. Kevin McDonald uses a variety of film techniques to convey and explore the different details of the concept of ‘journey’. At the beginning of the climb, you can see that these two men aren’t truly prepared for what they are about to take part in. Kevin has purposely used quotes such as ‘we climb because it’s fun’ because it gives the viewer the impression that Joe and Simon did not expect everything to go wrong so badly, and therefore not be prepared. Lord of the rings: the fellowship of the ring by J. R. R Tolkien, is an imaginative book about a great journey, a journey to destroy the evil ring of power. At the beginning of the book a young hobbit named Frodo is given the ring by his uncle Bilbo, not aware of its history and power. Gandalf, a wizard sees the ring and tells Frodo to leave the shire. Even though Frodo was warned of the rings power he did not leave straight away, whether it be because he was scared or not ready. This gives the impression that Frodo really did not know what he was getting himself into and wasn’t truly prepared. This relates to Joe and Simon not being prepared for their journey up the mountain in touching the void. Both Joe and Simon and also Frodo learn now that in order to overcome something you have to be prepared. This signifies that they have all embarked on an inner journey and learnt something from it. Kevin uses the non-diagetic sound of music to first set the scene of the movie. The music provokes the feeling of mystery and fear, like you don’t know what’s going to happen. This is what a journey needs, it needs mystery because mystery is travelling into the unknown and out of your comfort zone. Tolkien also used this image of mystery but through different techniques. The quote â€Å" it’s a dangerous business going out of your door, you step into the road and if you don’t keep your feet, there’s no knowing where you’ll be swept off to† , also represents mystery. Tolkien and Kevin both knew that in order to properly symbolize a journey they needed this mystery, it provides the best way to keep the audience intrigued. To represent how enormous a task the climb is going to be for Joe and Simon, Kevin uses a wide angle rolling shot over Siula Grande, this gives the impression that its huge and treacherous and that they have a massive and demanding journey ahead of them. Kevin also uses a wide angle shot to zoom to a close up on Joe and Simon as they climb, this represents how insignificant and small they are compare to the giant mountains that surround them. this directly relates to some of the concepts in Lord of the Rings. To depict the treacherous and demanding landscape, Tolkien uses imaginative and descriptive metaphors and similes, also he describes each characteristic of the environment with great detail. A good quote that supports this is â€Å"looking ahead they could only see tree trunks of several sizes and shapes, straight or bent, twisted, leaning, smooth or rough, knurled or branched and all the stems were green or grey with moss and slimy shaggy growths†. This is heavily descriptive and is a great example of how Tolkien uses descriptive language to describe the physical journey of the fellowship. When Joe and Simon make it to the mountain peak they become overwhelmed with the feeling of accomplishment and relief. There are many indicators to what they are feeling in this scene. For one the facial expressions and laughter of the actors in the scene, they seem very happy, secondly, the music in this also produces the feeling of overwhelmed bliss, a almost heavenly tune coupled with the wide/high angle pan shot overlooking the mountains, giving the indication that, yes these mountains are massive and intense but we finally had overcome them, and we are happy. This links to the dark forest chapter in lord of the rings. After being lost for days, Frodo, Sam and pippin find an opening. The opening is an old bonfire area, this has the same effect on the hobbits, as the mountain peak had on Joe and Simon. The quote ‘it seemed a charming cheerful place, compared to the forest’ is an indication of their relief. As they went into the forest they had little hope of making it out but as they did, it shows a great deal of physical and mental toughness in the hobbits. And that they have overcome another physical and mental journey. In conclusion both these texts are great examples of the concept of journey, the composers use different techniques to get their stories across but both effectively show the inner and physical journey of their characters in great detail. â€Å"We don’t receive wisdom, we must discover it for ourselves after a journey that no one can take for us or spare us†.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Education in Freedom Writers

Education in Freedom Writers Foundations of Education Film Critique – Freedom Writers Historically, concepts such as curriculum, syllabus, lesson plan, educational objectives have been all-important words in education. These concepts do not exist in a vacuum. Teaching and learning are often affected by social, political, economic, and historical factors that are not accounted for in the formal curriculum. The film Freedom Writers explores some of these factors from the vantage point of Ms. Gruwell, an inexperienced middle class Caucasian female teacher at an integrated school, Woodrow Wilson Classical High School inLong Beach, California. The film is set in the racially charged atmosphere of 1994, less than two years after the Los Angeles riots sparked by the acquittal of the Caucasian officers who were caught on camera brutalizing Rodney King, an African American. Her group of racially diverse at risk students are unflatteringly labeled â€Å"unteachables†. Before she can teach basic concepts in poetry, however, Ms. Gruwell has to contend with and overcome the racial stereotypes, low teacher and student expectations, poor discipline, socioeconomic restraints, and myopic bureaucratic policy that have resulted in her students’ negative attitude to their teachers, school, the educational system, and life in general. They believe that their educational boundaries are limited, that their teachers are not invested in them, and that school is merely another prison to which they are assigned during the day to fight the undeclared war. Both teachers and students believe that the students are hopeless and that attempts to teach them using the formal curriculum is an exercise in futility. This paper explores how certain factors external to the educational institutions—racial stereotypes, low teacher and student expectation, poor discipline, socioeconomic and historical restraints, and myopic political policy—affect the educational process as portrayed in Freedom Writers. Initially, Ms. Gruell tried an ineffective teacher dominated, teacher centered approach to educating her students. Try as she might, however, she could not get the students interested in her lessons. The students regarded her as an outsider and that she had to gain their respect before they would give them hers and allow her to teach them. Ms. G was forced to revise her teaching style and strategies to reach her students. Eventually she expelled the curriculum and simply listened to her students. Her wisdom was in recognizing that she had to connect with them and to understand that they had needs that had to be acknowledged and barriers that had to be demolished before they would be taught. She assigned materials about minorities and discrimination that they could relate to including The Diary of Anne Frankand Elie Wiesel’sNight. She empowered them with words by giving them diaries in which they could write their own stories. She devised activities and field trips to help them learn respect and tolerance of one another. The student listened to guest speakers, and conducted a field trip to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum so they could experience racism, intolerance, death and injustice in a new context. She was even able to raise funds for class projects and outings. Once she had gotten their interest, Ms. G relentlessly built on themes that which was familiar her students. In so doing, she achieves what thus far had been seemingly impossible: getting her students interested in reading education. Ms. Gruwell’s pedagogical style evolved to resemble the Inquiry Approach. Inquiry is a student-centered pedagogical model which is based on the idea that teaching and learning are enhanced when students are active agents in the teaching and learning process. Teaching is most effective when students are not just passively digesting arbitrary information, but are engaged in the actual construction of diverse, relevant, and real world knowledge. Thus, the very nature of the Inquiry Approach means that it is highly effective framework for catering to students’ different learning styles and for facilitating the management of challenging curricula. The learning sequence is based on concepts that facilitate effective learning rather than arbitrary classroom activities: tackling real-world questions, issues and controversies, developing questioning, research and communication skills, and solving problems or creating solutions. Schema activation, articulating novel methods of pr ocessing ideas, drawing ideas and generating new ideas from experiences, conducting independent research are important to Inquiry. Inquiry is authentic: lessons and content are focused on authentic, relevant ideas that students are actually interested in. This is the ultimate genius of the Inquiry Approach: the deep understanding of self-generated content in an authentic context which extends beyond the classroom. While Ms. G might have opted simply to teach the established curriculum, she instead opted to teach the students in the way they needed to be taught. One of the important themes of Freedom Writers is that teaching and learning do not take place in a vacuum. Rather, the classroom is a microcosm of the larger society where a host of social, historical, political and economic factors converge in the classroom and directly impinge on the education process. This plethora of factors influence the educational process and how effectively a teacher can teach. Political agents included the school administration and the Board of Education; all cogs in a system designed to suppress the advancement of minorities. The callous label of â€Å"unteachable† placed on the students only exacerbates the sense of oppression these disenfranchised minority students feel. The school serves as microcosm of the larger society where oppression was even more pervasive and detrimental. Instead of serving as a springboard for the students to self-actualize and escape the bonds of the â€Å"matrix of domination† by challenging them to achieve high standards, it instead institutionalized the same oppression the prevented the students from self-actualizing in the first place. A simple example is the reading list for class. Instead of allowing the students to interact with high quality, challenging reading material such as Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, they students were expected to read a condensed version of the play which was below the re ading standard for their grade. Even worse, the main concern of the head of department, Ms. Margaret Campbell, was that the students would damage the books instead of reading them. She was not concerned with challenging students to reach for high academic accomplishments. She simply fed into the machinery of the â€Å"matrix† where â€Å"unteachable† students continue to perform much more poorly than their Caucasian counterparts. What she fails to realize is that this attitude simply perpetuates the very issue that she complains about. According to Carborne II in Race, Class, and Oppression: Solutions for Active Learning and Literacy in the Classroom. The disadvantage perpetuated by this oppression can influence a student’s motivation to succeed in school, and has been shown to negatively impact academic performance and levels of self-esteem. In many urban school settings, the racial impact of socio-economic status is reflected in the academic performance of minority students in those schools as well as in the sense of hopelessness that often accompanies it. The influence of historical factors and the influence on attitudes to education is clear in Freedom Writers. The film is set in 1994 soon after the 1992 race riots in Los Angeles which were prompted by the televised police brutality of Rodney King. With the single exception of a male Caucasian student, Erin Gruwell’s students are minorities: African-American, Latino, Asian, and Mexican. Traditionally, undereducated, underprivileged and marginalized, these students grew up with a long history of racial, economic, educational, and social inequity. They come from neighborhoods that are traditionally controlled by crime lords, drug kingpins; neighborhoods where drugs, broken families, gang-life and violence are a way of life. Survival dominates their thinking, and most are confident that the will not reach their 18th birthday. The hate the system that warehouses them in integrated school and forgets that they exist. Their primary goal in school is to survive the day. Learning is of secondary importance particularly if the education comes from a Caucasian, the representation of the system that they hate so much. Initially, Ms. G’s students resisted her attempts to educate them, because they had been socialized to think of Caucasians as â€Å"them†: racially oppressive forces that historically have undermine and disenfranchised minority races. The students refuse to or cannot respect her as a teacher or even as a human being because she is one of â€Å"them. They fail to acknowledge the possible positive ramifications of being educated by her. The most damning aspect of this kind of oppressive system is that it is self-perpetuating. Over generations, the oppression has become firmly engrained in the lives of minorities to the point where they internalize and manifest the stereotypes even as they resist them. For example, while Ms. G was genuinely interested in her students, but after years of discrimination and ill treatment, her interest came across as sympathy, or worse pity. Her positive attitude was not accepted at face value. Instead her display of what the students interpreted as what Freire terms â€Å"false charity† was yet another bit of proof that the system was stacked against them. The fact is that she â€Å"needed† to show â€Å"charity† because of the system—her system—put minorities at an unfair economic disadvantage. Economics play a major role in Room 203. Researchers such as Jonathan Kozol (2008) and Berliner (2006) record startling correlations between the achievement gap and which are directly linked to economic prosperity. According to a Trends in Mathematics and Science Study TIMMS (2003), â€Å"American schools with the most wealth possess the highest test scores†. Conversely, American schools with the highest levels of poverty achieve the lowest test scores. Hodgkinson (2008) reports even more startling statistics: the United States has the largest total number of children living below the poverty line. In this demographic, 33% is African while only 14% is Caucasian. Hodgkinson asserts that long term investment from government and non-governmental agencies would be the best way to alleviate the problem of student performance in underperforming schools. Investment like this would have a ripple effect in the larger society by breaking the cycle of poverty. However, the issue is far t oo complex to be solved by a simple injection of financial capital into poor performing schools. A collaborative effort is needed where students, parents, teachers, school administrators, and teachers converge as a single entity to combat this issue. Initially, Ms. G’s students resisted her attempts to educate them, because they had been socialized to think of Caucasians as â€Å"them†: racially oppressive forces that historically have undermine and disenfranchised minority races. Their attitude toward her was based on their previous experiences with â€Å"white teachers† and other privileged members of a racially oppressive system, who do not understand the struggle that they had experienced as minorities: poverty, discrimination, crime, drugs, racism, and death. In fact, for these oppressed students, these individuals are actually part of the machinery designed to perpetually oppress minorities. With her constant smile, her high minded ideals, and her feeble, misguided attempts to save the minority students from their own lives, she fit perfectly the stereotype of â€Å"white privilege†. The author of â€Å"Race, Class, and Oppression: Solutions for Active Learning and Literacy in the Classroom† explains this in terms of a â€Å"matrix of domination† where the achievement gap between minority students and their Caucasian counterparts has led to the marginalization of many students by social class and race†. The students refuse to or cannot respect her as a teacher or even as a human being because she is one of â€Å"them. They fail to acknowledge the possible positive ramifications of being educated by her. The movie provides an in-depth exploration of the complex dynamics of expectations. Historically, low expectations were routinely assigned to lower class or minority populations by teachers and the students themselves. The academic downgrade of Woodrow Wilson High School after integration â€Å"proved† that minorities are not as academically capable as students from other privileged backgrounds. The poor performance was further exacerbated by the students’ lack of discipline which in turn confirmed teachers’ negative attitude and low expectations. Perhaps the worst consequence so such attitudes is that they creates a sense of inferiority in these students who now internalize these low expectations of others now manifest them as low expectations of themselves. Clearly, expectations are a double edged sword. Positive expectations are a major contributor to student success, while negative expectations have the opposite effect. Over the last several decades a number of researchers have shown that irrespective of whether the teacher or students have high or low academic expectations, self-fulfilling prophecies assure that those expectations will be met. The results of a study of 30,000 minority students by Harvard University economist and researcher Ronald F. Ferguson discovered â€Å"the distinct importance of teacher encouragement as a source of motivation of non-White students†. Both Mr. Gelford and Ms. Campbell, and the rest of the staff, had low expectations of the â€Å"unteachables† in Room 203. From the onset, Ms. Campbell indicated that Ms. G’s objectives in her lesson plan were pitched above the students’ ability and advised her to simplify them. She also dismissed the idea that the student should be provi ded with rich, stimulating material. Mr. Gelford refused to entertain the idea that the students would be able to appreciate the novel The Diary of Anne Frank and sneered at the idea that they had the intellectual sophistication to draw parallels between their lives and Anne’s life. Ms. G’s kids were not expected to achieve as much as the students in Mr. Gelford’s advanced class so they were held to a different, albeit lower, standard. The solution for counteracting the damaging effects of low expectations is not merely to dispel low expectations or to declare a belief in high expectation. Teachers must believe that students have to potential for unlimited success. Rosenthal and Jacobson’s 1968 experiment indicated that students showed remarkable academic success simple because their teachers thought they would. Had Erin attended to the advice about the achievement potential of the students in 203 would never have achieved their remarkable academic performance. What drove them to achieve was her simple belief that they were just as capable of the levels of achievement as their Caucasian counterparts. Despite all odds, Ms. G was able to achieve what the two teachers before her had been unable to. She was able to get the students in Room 203 to take an active interest in their own education. Despite all odds, and with great personal sacrifice, she showed the students what it really meant to have an education in an oppressive world. She gave them hope for the future. Once she shifted the focus from her teaching to the students learning, she was able to recognize that the racial stereotypes, low teacher and student expectation, poor discipline, socioeconomic and historical restraints, and limited bureaucratic policy are real restraints that compromise the educational process. The film Freedom Writers inspires me as a teacher. Students today are much more difficult to manage, but as the film shows, management difficulties are rooted in social, economic, political, and historical factors that the students internalize and consciously manifest in ways that compromise them. It takes enormous dedication, patience, and conviction to help students break through whatever constraints the students are struggling with. Ms. Gruwell’s experiences remind me of my first days as a teacher with typed lesson plans and a thousand misconceptions about how students should be taught. Ultimately, we have to understand out roles as facilitators of learning, and more broadly, life. Our jobs—vocation—as teachers is not merely to broadcast facts. Rather it is to educate students in the sense of helping them to gather and construct relevant information that will help them to evolve as creative individual thinkers. Teachers need to find catalysts that generate the fire for learning in their students. We need to strive daily to find creative and revolutionary means to get students to achieve way beyond their wildest expectations. If Ms. G, inexperienced and idealistic as she was, inspired 150 at risk students to persevere and graduate, then so can any teacher. She truly is an inspiration for us all. References Carbone II, S. A. (2010). Race, Class, and Oppression: Solutions for Active Learning and Literacy in the Classroom.Student Pulse,2(01). Retrieved from Laurier. J. (2007). â€Å"Freedom Writers: Truly no child left behind† Retrieved from O’Hara, M. (2009). â€Å"Freedom Writers: Their Story Their Words. A Study Guide†. Retrieved from Teach for America. (2011). â€Å"Diversity, Community and Achievement†. Retrieved from

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Grand Theft Theory: Vice City :: Essays Papers

Grand Theft Theory: Vice City Both Cote and Khan said it's up to parents to decide whether their teens should be allowed to play Vice City. "Parents should be informed of what this game is about," said Khan. "I would definitely warn kids of the violence." Cote said when his mother first discovered that he and his brother played Grand Theft Auto III, she was "mortified."[1] Patriarchal formations of familial angst and romance included, Vice City has been received again and again in the several orifices of the public body. Each time new techniques, purposes, and functions may be discovered in the rubble evidencing the occurrence, but the repeated encounter itself symptomatically mythologizes a special strain of the back, bearing out a stigmata proving again and again the omnipresence of Vice City in the spaces of media outlets, and thus collection and reflection. Back pain in the very dens and living rooms of America! The back is just the end of the issue, where it starts is in the hands, a twitching organism tied by lines of fluid, flesh, force, and faith to the human configuration. If what is violent in the game is the mode of interaction by which the protagonist’s narrative transgressions can be rendered progeny of a sick mind (akin to the Japanese Otaku), the hand is a thing of the psychological measurement of the central nervous system an d the behavior of the favorite allopathic object. Gameplay is feedback, hand to computer to display to eye, and, like any such idealized circuitry, crossover is categorically denied. Honestly, hands are not their own and not even ‘yours’ in any romantic sense, but yours-insofar-as-you-are-humanized, and thus schematized into matrices of humanist pluralism of the population. A population of its instances. Aside these detachments in analysis, Vice City offers an anarchic confusion with implications for media theory by a methodological engagement of gameplay. GRAPH Democratic debate in mass public forums (newspapers and major websites mostly) permit and breed a stirring violence of dialogue always with its own purposes clearly ahead of itself, like the cartoon donkey’s dangling carrot – always just out of reach but enough to keep things going for the time being.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

The Jungle By Upton Sinclair :: essays research papers

There are many characters in The Jungle. These characters vary widely in their professions, social status, and economic status. The main character in the novel is a Lithuanian named Jurgis Rudkus. His wife is Ona Lukoszaite, also a Lithuanian. Their son is named Antanas. Mike Scully is a powerful political leader in Packingtown. Phil Connor is a foreman in Packingtown, â€Å"politically connected† (through Scully), and a man who causes much trouble for Jurgis. Jack Duane is an experienced and educated criminal who is also â€Å"politically connected†. A man called Ostrinski is a half-blind tailor who teaches Jurgis about Socialism. There are also the members of Ona’s family, each of whom play minor roles in the story. The story opens with the feast at Jurgis and Ona’s wedding in America, but soon flashes back to the time before they left Lithuania. Jurgis met Ona at a horse fair, and fell in love with her. Unfortunately, they were too poor to have a weddin g, since Ona’s father just died. In the hopes of finding freedom and fortune, they left for America, bringing many members of Ona’s family with them. After arriving in America, they are taken to Packingtown to find work. Packingtown is a section of Chicago where the meat packing industry is centralized. They take a tour of the plant, and see the unbelievable efficiency and speed at which hogs and cattle are butchered, cooked, packed, and shipped. In Packingtown, no part of the animal is wasted. The tour guide specifically says â€Å"They use everything about the hog except the squeal,† (The Jungle, page 38). Jurgis’s brawny build quickly gets him a job on the cattle killing beds. The other members of the family soon find jobs, except for the children. They are put into school. At first, Jurgis is happy with his job and America, but he soon learns that America is plagued by corruption, dishonesty, and bribery. He is forced to work at high speeds for long hours with low pay, and so is the rest of the family. He is cheated out of his money several times. The children must leave school and go to work to help the family survive. This means they will never receive the education they need to rise above this. Ona is not permitted to take a holiday, even for her own wedding. After the birth of her first son, Antanas, Ona soon becomes pregnant again.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Pizza and Break-even Point Essay

Complete both parts. a) What are the three methods used for solving systems of equations? Which method do you prefer to use? b) Break-Even Analysis – Systems of Equations Application Problem Suppose a company produces and sells pizzas as its product. Its revenue is the money generates by selling x number of pizzas. Its cost is the cost of producing x number of pizzas. Revenue Function: R(x) = selling price per pizza(x) Cost Function: C(x) = fixed cost + cost per unit produced(x). The point of intersection on a graph of each function is called the break-even point. We can also find the break-even point using the Substitution Method. Suppose Dan’s Pizza Parlor has a fixed cost of $280 and it costs $4 to produce each pizza. Dan sells every pizza for $12. The Revenue Function is: R(x) = 12x The Cost Function is: C(x) = 280 + 4x The break-even point occurs where the graphs of C and R intersect. Therefore, we can find this point by solving the system: y =12x y = 280 + 4x. How many pizzas does Dan have to produce to break-even? If he exceeds his break-even point, will he make a profit or have a loss? A) What are the three methods used for solving systems of equations? Which method do you prefer to use? graphing, substitution, and elimination. I use all there but I think I use elimination more. B) C(x) = 280 + 4x r(x)= 12x 12x= 280 + 4x 8x=280 x= 35 R(x) =12(35) =$420 So Dan has to produce 35 pizzas to produce his break-even point. He will have a$420 profit.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Create a piece of drama about homelessness to educate our audience

The first thing I did was research about homelessness at home. I found out from my homework: Why people become homeless, some of the reason I found out: Finding suitable housing and unemployment Relation breakdown 39% Heavy drinking 21% Losing job 18% Having no money to pay for housing 13% Around a quarter have mental health problems Around a half have drink problems. It was important to do this research because it helped give us more idea’s and know more about the issue of homelessness. This then helped us decide in our performance why we would become homeless. I found out all different reasons why people become homeless and we decided all of us would use one of those reasons. I also did a mind map in class for the possible idea’s why someone would become homeless and what we could use in our performance. Possible ideas The first thing we did was get into groups and did 3 still images based on homelessness to give us idea’s and to help us understand the types of things to include in our performance. The first still image was of 2 different women one with money and a family and another having an abusive husband. Our second was the women with the abusive husband getting beat up, which caused her to become homeless. Then the third one was the women on the street, homeless and the other women and her children seeing her helping her. In my group we discussed our ides and decided to develop them. We then used our mind map and research to help us get an idea. We all sat down and discussed our ideas. Some of our ideas were to become homeless because of domestic abuse, being evicted or being abandoned by parents. We did have some problems, we had a lot of people in our group so it was harder to work and focus. We overcome them by listening to each other. This also helped us improve our work by giving us more ideas to work with, .e.g. Dying because of being homeless, and being abused by father which we used. Also we could make our performance longer. What worked well in our performance was our still images at the start some of us have our hands over our face to show being afraid. We also used levels. Then we came out of our freeze frame and said what we were a victim of. We did this because it shows our audience that there is all kind of different reasons why people become homeless, and it’s not their fault. We also used vocal singing, Juliana and Hannah sang because of you which went well with the theme. The physical theatre we used worked well also when Sophie, Juliana and Callum repeated their movements (when the mother found out about the father abusing his daughter). It showed that the abuse is being repeated over and over again. Sophie also used mimetic gestures. Also when the father (callum) went to punch the mother (Juliana) he used slow motion which was effective because it would have caught the audience’s attention. It was good when we all repeated (after Juliana said â€Å"Don’t say a word†) â€Å"you heard her don’t say a word†. We repeated this 3 times because it was more effective than saying it once. Also I and 2 other’s in my group (Chloe and Nikky) spoke out of character to show how my character felt and it helped the audience understand the characters better about why they were homeless. We also did thought tracking. In our performance we also used a narrator this helped tell the story of what was going on. The narrator told the audience about the abuse that was happening to the child so the audience new exactly what was going on. Also our performance was non-naturalistic so it was different from everyone else’s and made it better. At the end of our performance we had statistics which really help inform the audience about homelessness. I think our performance would have been better if we added more scenes and made it longer. Also if we practiced a bit more so we don’t forget bit of our performance. We could have put a scene in to show how horrible and unpleasant it is to live on the streets. We could have added more drama skills. It would have been better if we included a video about homelessness in our performance. I think our performance did inform the audience because our performance showed that there are lots of reasons why people become homeless. It showed how you become homeless and it’s not the type of people you always think that become homeless. We also included statistics which informed the audience what type of people are homeless and what percent it is. We also informed the audience that’s its children and teenagers that can become homeless not just adults. Our target audience was 13-18 year olds, to raise awareness to children about the issue of homelessness. I think it did suit our target audience because our performance showed what types of people are homeless and why they become homeless. We also had a role-play in our performance about 3 teenagers living on the streets so it would be easier for the target audience to relate to them. Also they can understand what’s going on because there not too young. In my performance we showed them about being abused and not having anyone help you, so they understand that it’s not someone fault if they people homeless. In Abby Smith’s group I thought what work well was she used a narrator which really helped tell the story. Also what worked well was the choral speaking and slow motion they did. I think she could improve by focusing and practicing more also adding more drama skills and making her performance much longer.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Deadly Unna Essay

Deadly Unna by Phillip Gwyn is a story about the friendship between two boys set up in a small country town in the 1980’s South Australia. Gary Black (or Blacky) is the protagonist, a fifteen year old boy with many siblings, who develops and matures. He becomes highly aware of racism in the small country town against aboriginal people, as well as many other issues through out the course of the novel. Through out the story he meets a girl named Cathy that he gets smitten by, he looses his friend Dumby because he died in a shoot out down by the bar, so he drastically matures as the novel progress. Some of the other significant themes dealt with by Deadly Unna are the issues related to life in a small country town and the idea of loss of childhood innocence. Let’s begin when Blacky’s ALF team gets trophies for a specific category e. g. : scored most goals ECT. Dumby was the ‘best man on field’ so he obviously deserved and earned the ‘Best Man on Field’ Trophy. But instead the trophy was awarded to Mark-Arks. Remember when Dumby tried to mug Macca’s bar, he died because he shoot him with a shotgun and the police didn’t even try to solve the case. Basically nobody cared just because Dumby was just another Aborigines kid. Speaking of Maccas’s bar, all the gonyas sits in the front of the bar. But the Nungas is in the back. Except for one person called Tommy who always says Chug-A-Lug. But he’s only there because he is always drunk and it’s funny for the Gonyas. When the Slogs wrote BOONGS PISS OFF. This really affected Blacky because he became so aware of racism ever since Dumby’s death. Blacky’s loss of childhood innocence begun when Dumby died, one of his best friends that he has ever had just disappeared and now his childhood has basically vanished because everything he knew as a child is now gone. When Gary wanted to grab some paint and a brush his dad busted him and told Blacky to put the brush and the paint down. But Gary has matured because he as gone through so much that he has lost his childhood. All the Sad stuff that has been going on in his life made him realise that he is not a little kid anymore, especially when Darcy said ‘I dare say they should Blacky, I dare say they should†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ He now sees what racism people have against the Aboriginal population, and now his childhood has passed away. Another example is when Gary gets smitten by Cathy, this is a prime example that he has now matured and moved on to his teenage life.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

A Teachers Role in the Lives of Students Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

A Teachers Role in the Lives of Students - Essay Example These qualities include being honest, patient, humble, understanding, affectionate and exhibiting an unquenchable thirst for knowledge. The teacher as a role model must have some â€Å"sterling qualities of head and heart, which the child gets impressed by† (Matthew, n.d.) A teacher is also a provider of experiences. Teachers spend a lot of time with their students, as such, they must be able to provide an environment which is free of fear but rather, one which is a â€Å"warm and protective environment but at the same time professional† (, n.d.). A teacher’s role goes beyond textbooks and the course syllabus. They help the child experience the challenges that go with education. The learning experiences that teachers impart are not confined to the ABCs or the 123s; they also teach how life is beyond the four walls of the classroom. Through the teacher, a child learns how to become a student, a classmate, a friend, a leader, a follower and a responsible citizen of the country. These experiences are provided through lectures, role-playing activities, and extra-curricular activities. Students are able to experience independence depending on the activities introduced by the teacher. Teachers guide students in facing the different chal lenges that life offers. The teacher as an interactor stimulates students towards classroom interactions. The interaction should not only be between student and teacher but also between the student and the other students. As interactors, teachers must act as facilitators so that students interact well with each other (Mwalim, 2011). Moreover, the students must be motivated to become creative and be critical thinkers. On the issue of time spent by children in front of the computer, there are several statements which a teacher may use to help a child expand, specify, problem solves and clarify.  

Monday, October 7, 2019

The Significance of the Abrahamic Covenant for Israel and Its Impact Research Paper

The Significance of the Abrahamic Covenant for Israel and Its Impact on My Life - Research Paper Example Although the Abrahamic Covenant is unconditional, one of its aspects is in fact conditional – the Land aspect (Leigh). Nevertheless, whether unconditional or not, all three aspects of the Abrahamic Covenant bear a great significance to the nation and people of Israel and to my life as well. The Abrahamic Covenant is in fact stated in five major passages in the Old Testament Bible (Raddish 42). The first is in Genesis 12:1-3, 7, where God first showed favor to Abraham. This is followed by Genesis 13:14-17, where God expanded his promises to Abraham concerning his descendants and the land they will own in the future. The third passage is Genesis 15:1-21, where there is a formal binding of the covenant between God and Abraham. In the fourth passage, Genesis 17:1-14, the covenant was reaffirmed. Finally, in Genesis 22:16-18, the covenant was restated by God with finality, after Abraham has proven himself worthy by attempting to sacrifice his own son Isaac for God at Mt. Moriah. (4 2) It is a fact that there are three elements in the Abrahamic Covenant – the seed of Abraham, the universal blessings of God, and the land that Abraham’s descendants will own. ... With Abraham, God promised, â€Å"But my covenant I will establish with Isaac, whom Sarah will bear to you by this time next year† (Gn. 17:21). This particular promise God fulfilled when He tells Isaac, â€Å"Stay in this land for a while, and I will be with you and will bless you [and] I will make your descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky† (Gn. 26:3-4). After Isaac has passed away, God renewed the covenant with Jacob when He tells the latter, â€Å"All peoples on earth will be blessed through you and your offspring [and] I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go, and I will bring you back to this land† (Gn. 28:13-15). What Jacob may have perhaps did not anticipate or did not clearly understand was that when God said, â€Å"I will bring you back to this land,† He meant that the descendants of Jacob will first be enslaved in Egypt before they were to return to Israel. Nevertheless, with only his faith to guide him, Jacob repeated this to his son Joseph when he tells him, â€Å"God Almighty appeared to me at Luz in the land and there he blessed me and said to me, ‘I am going to make you fruitful and increase your numbers† (Gn. 48:3-4). The events that followed this included the famine in Israel which forced Joseph’s brothers to flee to Egypt, the slavery that the Israelites experienced under the Egyptian pharaoh, and their eventual deliverance through Moses. However, the ultimate success of the Seed aspect of the covenant comes before the exodus. This is stated in the Book of Exodus: â€Å"The Israelites were exceedingly fruitful; they multiplied greatly, increased in numbers and became so numerous that the land

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Please write an important and relevant question to the designers and Essay

Please write an important and relevant question to the designers and to the Amazon corporation that reflects what you have learned about the role of architecture in this class - Essay Example This is evident in the use of color and general impracticality in designs. If this is the way postmodernism is all about, already nature has been tampered with. Most of the recent designs use bright features with the aim of attracting people and establishing power. However, this kind of design according to most postmodernists’ thinkers is a misuse and a great show of irresponsibility (Piotrowski 14). In their own view, these buildings have made the world lose its natural feeling. How will the Amazon’s building try to re-establish the lost contact with nature? In conclusion, nature does not offer any strict rules with which architects have to follow in their daily designing attempts. However, due to the urge to satisfy our needs, we always find it difficult to incorporate aesthetics in construction. This does not limit us to the way we use resources. It is all about the form in which our buildings take in relation to nature. Can Amazon do

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Why do you want to be a petroleum engineer. As a nigerian student in Essay

Why do you want to be a petroleum engineer. As a nigerian student in Texas A&M University - Essay Example In spite of the economic climate, active recruitment of graduates in the discipline of Petroleum Engineering by oil companies remains buoyant. Job prospects for Petroleum Engineers are abundant both within Nigeria and abroad. My cousins are Petroleum Engineers and have been working in the Gulf States for over a decade. They are a huge source of motivation for me. Having seen them successfully progress professionally as Petroleum Engineers, getting a degree in Petroleum Engineering is not a decision that I have reached in a hurry. I have been learning about Petroleum Engineering by consulting such websites over the Internet as Rigzone and SPE as well as watching university lectures. Once I went to Mount Pilchuck with my friends for climbing and was amazed to see how the rock composition varied from one level to another. Learning how geological variations impact our ability to develop a field would be fascinating. Opportunities for excelling academically in Petroleum Engineering are tremendous. Every year, thousands of scholarships are offered to the qualifying graduates of Petroleum Engineering worldwide. Being an interdisciplinary field, students study a broad range of subjects including thermodynamics, geology, mathematics, chemistry, and fluid mechanics. I can easily specialize in one of these core subjects of Petroleum Engineering after

Friday, October 4, 2019

Class and Gordon Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares Essay

Class and Gordon Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares - Essay Example Gordon Ramsay’s Ramsay’s Kitchen has already transcended beyond cooking and good taste. Gordon Ramsay’s success became a gauge and to a certain extent a barometer of the desirable values that society should emulate. Ramsay’s values for example such as hard work and neoliberal individualism was idealized that even his less than ideal characteristics became part of the acceptable culinary identity. As a show, Ramsay’s Kitchen has to provide entertainment value to its audience for the show to remain relevant but the manner it provides entertainment triggers extreme reactions due to Ramsay’s unorthodox and outrageous approach to entertain its audience. The jokes employed by the show may have served its purpose to elicit emotional response from its audience but it also creates class distinction as those who are not able to contend with the swagger of the jokes of Ramsay are often relegated to as low class. Even the structure of the show where apprentices are supposed to be students became a symbol of class distinction as they became subservient to the chef and therefore are subjected to classist derision affirming the power and superiority of Ramsay in culinary world not only in terms of culinary competence but also in employing power in the totem pole of chefs. This extends to language where power seems to provide license to the Ramsay show where swear words did not only become an expression of disgust but also an expression of superiority and power. Class differences also extended to gender as Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares represents the value of male dominated society as the show embodies the middle-class male dominated masculinity. But this may be necessary as most of its audience are composed of middle class where it derives not only its ratings but also its significance as its values are reflective of the middle

Thursday, October 3, 2019

The Concept of Human Rights Essay Example for Free

The Concept of Human Rights Essay During the Second World War, the most horrific massacre took place; committed by the Nazi regime, killing millions of innocent people. The world could not believe this inhuman event occurred. â€Å"They felt like a war could no longer be used as an excuse to commit crimes against humanity†. (unac. org) it was a decision that was made across universal lines that the infringement of Human Right will no longer be accepted, and we will unite as one to establish a declaration of Human Rights. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights was created and signed on December 10, 1948, there was legislatives from 48 countries who came together at the United Nations in Paris who believed in the value and respect for human life. (unac. org) After several drafts and much debate, the final version of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) emerged. The (UDHR) was a list of primary privileges that the worldwide group decided were equal and just for all humans. (unac. rg) The list of human rights consisted of six categories such as Political Rights, the right to vote, the right to citizenship and to participate in government. Liberty Rights: the right to freedom of opinion and expression; Equality Rights: the right to be free from discrimination; Economic Rights: the right to fair wages and safe working conditions; Social Rights: the right to education and to adequate health care; Security Rights: protect people against crimes such as murder, massacre, torture, and rape. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy) Human rights is definitely NOT a static concept, it’s a dynamic concept, because counties, people and circumstances change and because was establish different values over time. For example the issues on gay rights, which were not and concern in 1948 as it is now that more gays are coming out and demanding the same right as everyone else regard marriage and equality. Also, now global warming and the environment is an issue among many counties there is a demand for the right to a clean environment. According Professor Philip Alston, Chairman of the UN Committee. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights can have extensions added it, but the original declaration cannot be changed. Therefore, we will continue to develop Human rights in America and across the globe. It will be a slow process as issues arise, but it is necessary to make this world a better place for all human beings.