Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Historical Discoveries Of Dna And Genetic Material

When most people think of DNA, scientists, laboratories, and twisted ladders come to mind. In reality, DNA makes up genetic material, which makes up proteins that form much of the body and perform vital tasks. The study of DNA and genetic material is something more people should be aware of. As a society, knowing how powerful genetic research and technology are holds the possibility to help, or possibly hurt, people now and in the future. The study of deoxyribonucleic acid, better known as DNA, sounds modern, but in reality has been around for over 150 years. In 1856, Gregor Mendel performed his famous pea plant experiment. This experiment helped determine dominant and recessive traits. Mendel’s work faded for more than 30 years. Based on his research, Reginald Punnett developed Punnett Squares. Punnett Squares predict which traits offspring will inherit based on their parents. In 1885, scientists found chromosomes in cells. Even though there were many contributing factors, one of the most important discoveries about DNA was made by Francis Crick and James Watson. Francis Crick was born in 1916, in Northampton, England. Early in his life, he studied physics but later turned to biology. He attended University in London and earned his Ph.D in molecular biology in 1954. James Watson was born April 26, 1928, in Chicago, Illinois. He enrolled in the University of Chicago when he was just 15 years old. He earned his Ph.D. when he was 22 by completing studies on bacteriophages.Show MoreRelatedHistorical Discoveries Of Dna And Genetic Material1364 Words   |  6 Pagespeople think of DNA, scientists, laboratories, and twisted ladders come to mind. In reality, DNA makes up genetic material, which makes up proteins that form much of the body and perform vital tasks. The study of DNA and genetic material is something more people should be aware of. As a society, knowing how powerful genetic research and technolog y are holds the possibility to help, or possibly hurt, people now and in the future. The study of deoxyribonucleic acid, better known as DNA, sounds modernRead MoreThe Discovery Of Dna Testing1179 Words   |  5 Pagesspecialized tools and processes while utilizing new discoveries to aid understanding of the past. One significant advancement is the discovery of Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA). The discovery of DNA has greatly enhanced our ability to analyze ancient remains and interpret the findings within the field of archeology. To fully demonstrate the impact that DNA has brought to the field of archeology it is important to understand the historical discovery of DNA and initial integration into the field of archeologyRead MoreThe Process Of Evolution And Evolution1679 Words   |  7 Pagesprocess by which different kinds of living organisms are thought to have developed and diversified from earlier forms during the history of the earth,† Google. Google. Google, n.d. Web. 11 Apr. 2015. Evolution is the reason there is change in the genetic makeup of a populat ion, the reason organisms are linked by common ancestors, and evolution is still happening today because of the constant change in environment. This paper focuses on these subjects within evolution and will explore all areas ofRead MoreTransforming Species Into Molecular Biology3591 Words   |  15 Pagesnatural history and suggested he join Captain Robert Fitzroy on a three year journey to the western hemisphere. Little did Darwin know that his curiosity and ability to apply knowledge during this time in his life, would lead him to become a notable historical scientific icon still admirable today. It was due to this opportunity that his work transformed the 19th century scientific path by creating a new mindset of the development of earth (Appleman, 1970). Two other scientists who will not be forgottenRead MoreAntony Flew on Christian Life1823 Words   |  7 Pagesaddressed arguments for the existence of God and tried to disprove them and reveal their invalidity. In this work he argued that before God’s existence can be debated, a definition of who or what God is has to be established. Today he calls this book ‘a historical relic’ (p.52) and uses the arguments for God in his debating for the Christian faith. The last book that I want to mention was published in 1971 and was called ‘The Presumption of Atheism.’ This was his final work in dealing with atheism, in whichRead MoreEthical and Legal Issues with DNA Profiling2693 Words   |  11 Pagesacidity (DNA) fingerprint scanning service is really a fundamental technique which is used all through the global communities every day. The procedure associated with DNA fingerprint scanning service was initially produced by the geneticist, Alec Jefferys, in the University of Leicester situated in England, in the year 1984 (as cited in Lampton, 1991). Both primary kinds of DNA utilized in the actual profiling procedure consist of mitochondrial as well as nuclear DNA (Adams, 2005). DNA fingerprintRead MoreUnderstanding Of The Identity And Health Of African Americans Essay1787 Words   |  8 PagesAssess the materials presented by the National Genome Research Institute in the understanding of the identity and health of African America ns. Note: you may focus on any or a combination of the following major headings: the Ancestral history from genomic information and historical records, Ethnic identity and cultural diversity from historical and genomic information, and the arts and culture from ancestral information. The symposium, The African Diaspora: Integrating Culture Genomics and HistoryRead MoreDna Forensics And The Human Genome2746 Words   |  11 Pages DNA Forensics Before the 1980s, courts relied on testimony and eyewitness accounts as a main source of evidence. Notoriously unreliable, these techniques have since faded away to the stunning reliability of DNA forensics. In 1984, British geneticist Alec Jeffreys of the University of Leicester discovered an interesting new marker in the human genome. Most DNA information is the same in every human, but the junk code between genes is unique to every person. Junk DNA used for investigative purposesRead MoreDna Forensics And The Human Genome2744 Words   |  11 Pagesmain source of evidence. Notoriously unreliable, these techniques have since faded away to the stunning reliability of DNA forensics. In 1984, British geneticist Alec Jeffreys of the University of Leicester discovered an interesting new marker in the human genome. Most DNA information is the same in every human, but the junk code between genes is unique to every person. Junk DNA used for investigative purposes can be found in blood, sa liva, perspiration, sexual fluid, skin tissue, bone marrow, dentalRead MoreMajor Themes in the Theory of Evolution Essay2101 Words   |  9 Pagesthrough these inherited traits is the raw material on which natural selection acts. Mendels paper was all but forgotten until 1890, when it was rediscovered and contributed to a growing wave of interest and research in genetics. But it was not immediately clear how to reconcile new findings about the mechanisms of inheritance with evolution through natural selection. Then, in the 1930s, a group of biologists demonstrated how the results of genetics research could both buttress and extend evolutionary

Monday, December 16, 2019

Alchemy As The Precursor to Modern Medicine Practices

In the early days of alchemy, many scholars doubted the authenticity and credibility of alchemy as a scholarly field of study. They labeled it as â€Å"mystical† and challenged greatly the possibilities of alchemical transmutations and any practitioner’s credibility. However, alchemy was still practiced and discussed in all levels of society. Alchemy has been discovered in recent times to have been central to the development of early modern science and medicine. The practice of alchemy has made many contributions to the development of modern chemical medicines. Alchemy was said to be the production of a new substance by experimenting and changing natural matters in a laboratory. These new products were regarded as artificial, as they did not occur naturally in nature (Pereira, 2000). Johann Friedrich Bà ¶ttger was the first European to discover how to produce porcelain through alchemical means when commissioned to make gold for the Elector of Saxony, August the Strong. Bà ¶ttger’s discovery proved how having knowledge of alchemy could prove to advantageous (Chang, 2007). Leonardo Fioravanti mentioned in his writings of having seen alchemical gold be made, but stated that the venture to create the gold was not productive enough to be of much profit (Eamon, 2000). Alchemy can be described in multiple ways. One way that alchemy is portrayed is as a â€Å"primitive precursor† for modern science and medicine practices (Bobory Rampling, 2012). The practical and experimental sideShow MoreRelatedAlchemy as the Precursor to Modern Medicine Practices778 Words   |  3 PagesChemical medicine originates from medical alchemy of the medieval period. Its nature was controversial and the acceptance and practice of chemical medicine caused problems with those who had strong ties with Scholasticism that rooted them in the Galenic tradition and made them wary of new practices and innovations. The fact that chemical medicine became quite popular thanks to the sixteenth-century Swiss doctor Paracelsus only increased the controversial nature. Paracelsus was well-known for hisRead MoreAstrology and Alchemy - the Occult Roots of the Mbti4990 Words   |  20 PagesBoard Psychologists and managers may be surprised to discover that the origins of the world’s most widely used psychometric instrument lie in pre-modern systems of knowledge. Astrology and alchemy – the occult roots of the MBTI by Peter Case and Garry Phillipson There appear to be no reputable investigations into the influence of astrology and alchemy on organisation and management, which is surprising given the continuing popularity of astrology. Aside from some research into how marketing executivesRead MoreBacteria As An Intermediate ( Jia Et Al. Essay1591 Words   |  7 Pagescontinuously stirred tank, and oxygen is supplied by bubbling air through the solution (Hromatka and Ebner, 1949). Employing modern applications of this method, vinegar of 15% acetic acid can be prepared in only 24 hours in batch process, even 20% in 60-hour fed-batch process (Hromatka and Ebner, 1959). Historical review of acetic acid has uncovered many primitive practices that involved the use and misuse of the compound and its derivatives. Martin, 1917 reports that ancient civilizations aroundRead MoreCompilation of Mathematicians and Their Contributions11615 Words   |  47 Pagesfavourite mathematician, Euclid deserves most of my kudos for laying down the foundation of geometry. II. Mathematicians in the Medieval Ages Leonardo of Pisa Birthdate: 1170 Died: 1250 Nationality: Italian Contributions: * Best known to the modern world for the spreading of the Hindu–Arabic numeral system in Europe, primarily through the publication in 1202 of his Liber Abaci (Book of Calculation). * Fibonacci introduces the so-called Modus Indorum (method of the Indians), today known as

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Dorothy and Me free essay sample

On my sixth birthday, I sat amidst a scattering of shiny pink wrapping paper and half-eaten birthday cake, holding a wrapped rectangle on my lap. My best friend’s eyes were bright, urging me to open it. I ripped off the paper and lifted the lid and there, nestled between two folds of ivory tissue, was a pair of sparkly ruby slippers, exactly like Dorothy’s. My best friend knew that Dorothy, survivor of Earth’s most menacing disaster, conqueror of the Wicked Witch of the West, and healer of three lonely, lacking souls, was my hero. My obsession with Dorothy went beyond her adorable pigtails and breathy voice; Dorothy represented everything I wanted to be: strong-willed, compassionate, brave, independent. From that day on, I refused to part with those shoes. However, I never wore them. They meant too much to risk destruction on the playground or death-by-glue at arts and crafts. We will write a custom essay sample on Dorothy and Me or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Rather, I toted them in my schoolbag and tucked them under the covers at night, one little hand wrapped around their glittering heels. Years after my ruby slippers had begun to gather dust on a shelf in my bedroom, I began my freshman year of high school. My best friend and I—the same girl who got me the gift no one else could understand—stopped talking. It was my fault. I wanted to meet new people and try new things, and my best friend was anything but new. The texts always came when I was with my new friends. Hey! Do you want to hang out this weekend? I pounded out a flippant reply or just ignored her altogether, much to the amusement of my new friends. But keeping up with them was like trying to keep up with the Kardashians—exhausting, ultimately impossible, and maybe even a little dangerous. Later that year, I was brooding over being forbidden to go to a sleepover when the ruby slippers caught my eye. Long lost memories of my friend’s eager expression as I opened her present flooded back to me. Only then did I realize that I had strayed far from Dorothy. In reality, I was the Wizard of Oz, hiding behind a sparkly facade, pretending to be something that I would never be. It wasn’t what I wanted. I crawled onto my bed, placed the ruby slippers in my lap, picked up the phone, and called my best friend. Now, she and I have our own group of friends that I feel comfortable being myself around. While my freshman year friends stay up late partying, we sip Dr. Pepper, record songs (no, they are not good songs), and play cards in my basement. Meeting new people may be an important part of high school, but it’s just as important to stay true to yourself. Though I don’t think Dorothy would quite understand the crisp taste of a Dr. Pepper, I know she’d be proud that, ruby slippers in tow, I found my way back to Kansas.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Kite Runner Essay free essay sample

‘The only way to escape the sins of the past is to confront them’. Is this true in The Kite Runner? In the novel ‘The Kite Runner’, it is put forward that the only way to escape the sins of the past is to confront them. This can be seen through key characters in the story, such as Amir, Baba and Soraya. Amir had sinned when he was a boy with his best friend Hassan, which haunts his from that day forward. Futhermore, Baba is seen trying to repay the damage that he believed that he had caused by his act of selfishness. Finally, Soraya’s sin is not a sin to her, but to the culture that she belongs to. Therefore, these people have had to face their sins to move from the past. Amir’s betrayal of Hassan as a child haunts him throughout his childhood and as an adult. We will write a custom essay sample on Kite Runner Essay or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page He feels constant guilt and regret about what happened that winter and the following summer of 1975. From that moment onwards, he has always tried to move on, forget and get on with his life, and he does, but every time the subject of Hassan of his name is brought up, he starts to internally panic. This is seen Amir has graduated from high school, and they are sitting in Amir’s car. â€Å"A pair of steel hands closed around my windpipe at the sound of Hassan’s name†. Although he has moved on and started a new life for himself, the events of the past that are the most horrific and terrible remain with him for his life. When he received the call from Rahim Khan, and meets with him in Pakistan, this is where is indirectly faces his sin’s when he is talking to Rahim Khan, as he is reliving and discussing what happened. He then went to atone for the sins that he had committed by confronting the very person that had ruined his life all those years ago and he rescued the son of his half-brother, whom he had betrayed as a child. After the events of him going to Kabul and getting Sohrab, he had faced the sins and could move on. All through the book we are shown that Baba is doing all that he can which he believes to make amends for the crime that he has committed. We see him as a generous person, who is giving, and is well respected throughout the community. He was a proud Pashtun who had â€Å"wrestled a black bar in Baluchistan with his bare hands†. Yet he had a dark secret that could tear his family apart. Baba had done the ultimate act of betrayal an Afghan could give to another man, and more personally, to a friend of 40 years. For the rest of his life, he sees the result of his selfish act everyday in his house. He has the option of telling Ali and Hassan the truth, but there would be dire consequences. Furthermore, Baba would have thought of other important factors that come into the equation, ‘Honour, Pride, Friendship, Gossip around town’. Baba values a lot of these reason, so therefore he does not reveal it. We are shown how Baba still feels the pain that he had, when Amir graduates from high school. â€Å"[He wishes] that Hassan was [there with them]†. If he had told, Ali and Baba might have come to America and they might be alive. (Amir would have not felt that same jealousy towards Hassan, if he had known that he was half-brother to Hassan). Even though in America, he seemed to be happy with Amir and the life that they had made together, he would have still felt unhappy about that past that he could not make amends to. It is evident, that Baba would have had to deal with his past to have been truly happy and at peace. Sorayas life was ruined from the moment she had sinned against her religion. She does not sin by the committing the act herself, but is seen as a sin from her religious point of view. She had run away with another man before getting married. Now she was seen before the Afghan community as ‘unfit’ to be married to. Even though this view is discriminatory towards women as men can ‘go out to nightclubs looking for meat†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦and no one [would say] a goddamm thing†, she cannot do anything about it. Therefore she had to deal with the consequences. This type of sin cannot be confronted directly as to say sorry to someone. However, she manages to repair some of the damage done by being open to Amir before they get married. This shows that she knows that she has done wrong, and to show that she is ready to accept the consequences that may follow. Most Afghans would have abandoned the idea of marriage to her with the knowledge of her past, but in this case, she was lucky, since Amir did not back down. He did not care about her past as he â€Å"had one of [his] own†. You can see how by facing up to her past, Soraya was able to put the past behind her and move on to her new future. It has been shown that the only way to move on from the past of unatoned sins is to confront them. Key characters in the novel have had to deal with their sins that had not been resolved, to try and move on with life, whereas others spent their whole life trying to fix the problems, but never really getting a chance to do so. Amir life from one incident as a child determined the course of his life from that day forward, until he took control of his life and put his problems to rest. Baba is one character that was always trying to make amends for the wrong that he had committed, by helping others. Soraya had to deal with the hypocrisy of the society in which she lived in, only confront her sins by telling Amir of her past. Evidently, the only way to escape the sins of the past is to confront them. Kite Runner Essay free essay sample The only way to escape the sins of the past is to confront them’. Is this true in The Kite Runner? In the novel ‘The Kite Runner’, it is put forward that the only way to escape the sins of the past is to confront them. This can be seen through key characters in the story, such as Amir, Baba and Soraya. Amir had sinned when he was a boy with his best friend Hassan, which haunts his from that day forward. Futhermore, Baba is seen trying to repay the damage that he believed that he had caused by his act of selfishness. Finally, Soraya’s sin is not a sin to her, but to the culture that she belongs to. Therefore, these people have had to face their sins to move from the past. Amir’s betrayal of Hassan as a child haunts him throughout his childhood and as an adult. We will write a custom essay sample on Kite Runner Essay or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page He feels constant guilt and regret about what happened that winter and the following summer of 1975. From that moment onwards, he has always tried to move on, forget and get on with his life, and he does, but every time the subject of Hassan of his name is brought up, he starts to internally panic. This is seen Amir has graduated from high school, and they are sitting in Amir’s car. â€Å"A pair of steel hands closed around my windpipe at the sound of Hassan’s name†. Although he has moved on and started a new life for himself, the events of the past that are the most horrific and terrible remain with him for his life. When he received the call from Rahim Khan, and meets with him in Pakistan, this is where is indirectly faces his sin’s when he is talking to Rahim Khan, as he is reliving and discussing what happened. He then went to atone for the sins that he had committed by confronting the very person that had ruined his life all those years ago and he rescued the son of his half-brother, whom he had betrayed as a child. After the events of him going to Kabul and getting Sohrab, he had faced the sins and could move on. All through the book we are shown that Baba is doing all that he can which he believes to make amends for the crime that he has committed. We see him as a generous person, who is giving, and is well respected throughout the community. He was a proud Pashtun who had â€Å"wrestled a black bar in Baluchistan with his bare hands†. Yet he had a dark secret that could tear his family apart. Baba had done the ultimate act of betrayal an Afghan could give to another man, and more personally, to a friend of 40 years. For the rest of his life, he sees the result of his selfish act everyday in his house. He has the option of telling Ali and Hassan the truth, but there would be dire consequences. Furthermore, Baba would have thought of other important factors that come into the equation, ‘Honour, Pride, Friendship, Gossip around town’. Baba values a lot of these reason, so therefore he does not reveal it. We are shown how Baba still feels the pain that he had, when Amir graduates from high school. â€Å"[He wishes] that Hassan was [there with them]†. If he had told, Ali and Baba might have come to America and they might be alive. (Amir would have not felt that same jealousy towards Hassan, if he had known that he was half-brother to Hassan). Even though in America, he seemed to be happy with Amir and the life that they had made together, he would have still felt unhappy about that past that he could not make amends to. It is evident, that Baba would have had to deal with his past to have been truly happy and at peace. Sorayas life was ruined from the moment she had sinned against her religion. She does not sin by the committing the act herself, but is seen as a sin from her religious point of view. She had run away with another man before getting married. Now she was seen before the Afghan community as ‘unfit’ to be married to. Even though this view is discriminatory towards women as men can ‘go out to nightclubs looking for meat†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦and no one [would say] a goddamm thing†, she cannot do anything about it. Therefore she had to deal with the consequences. This type of sin cannot be confronted directly as to say sorry to someone. However, she manages to repair some of the damage done by being open to Amir before they get married. This shows that she knows that she has done wrong, and to show that she is ready to accept the consequences that may follow. Most Afghans would have abandoned the idea of marriage to her with the knowledge of her past, but in this case, she was lucky, since Amir did not back down. He did not care about her past as he â€Å"had one of [his] own†. You can see how by facing up to her past, Soraya was able to put the past behind her and move on to her new future. It has been shown that the only way to move on from the past of unatoned sins is to confront them. Key characters in the novel have had to deal with their sins that had not been resolved, to try and move on with life, whereas others spent their whole life trying to fix the problems, but never really getting a chance to do so. Amir life from one incident as a child determined the course of his life from that day forward, until he took control of his life and put his problems to rest. Baba is one character that was always trying to make amends for the wrong that he had committed, by helping others. Soraya had to deal with the hypocrisy of the society in which she lived in, only confront her sins by telling Amir of her past. Evidently, the only way to escape the sins of the past is to confront them. Kite Runner Essay free essay sample ‘The only way to escape the sins of the past is to confront them’. Is this true in The Kite Runner? In the novel ‘The Kite Runner’, it is put forward that the only way to escape the sins of the past is to confront them. This can be seen through key characters in the story, such as Amir, Baba and Soraya. Amir had sinned when he was a boy with his best friend Hassan, which haunts his from that day forward. Futhermore, Baba is seen trying to repay the damage that he believed that he had caused by his act of selfishness. Finally, Soraya’s sin is not a sin to her, but to the culture that she belongs to. Therefore, these people have had to face their sins to move from the past. Amir’s betrayal of Hassan as a child haunts him throughout his childhood and as an adult. We will write a custom essay sample on Kite Runner Essay or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page He feels constant guilt and regret about what happened that winter and the following summer of 1975. From that moment onwards, he has always tried to move on, forget and get on with his life, and he does, but every time the subject of Hassan of his name is brought up, he starts to internally panic. This is seen Amir has graduated from high school, and they are sitting in Amir’s car. â€Å"A pair of steel hands closed around my windpipe at the sound of Hassan’s name†. Although he has moved on and started a new life for himself, the events of the past that are the most horrific and terrible remain with him for his life. When he received the call from Rahim Khan, and meets with him in Pakistan, this is where is indirectly faces his sin’s when he is talking to Rahim Khan, as he is reliving and discussing what happened. He then went to atone for the sins that he had committed by confronting the very person that had ruined his life all those years ago and he rescued the son of his half-brother, whom he had betrayed as a child. After the events of him going to Kabul and getting Sohrab, he had faced the sins and could move on. All through the book we are shown that Baba is doing all that he can which he believes to make amends for the crime that he has committed. We see him as a generous person, who is giving, and is well respected throughout the community. He was a proud Pashtun who had â€Å"wrestled a black bar in Baluchistan with his bare hands†. Yet he had a dark secret that could tear his family apart. Baba had done the ultimate act of betrayal an Afghan could give to another man, and more personally, to a friend of 40 years. For the rest of his life, he sees the result of his selfish act everyday in his house. He has the option of telling Ali and Hassan the truth, but there would be dire consequences. Furthermore, Baba would have thought of other important factors that come into the equation, ‘Honour, Pride, Friendship, Gossip around town’. Baba values a lot of these reason, so therefore he does not reveal it. We are shown how Baba still feels the pain that he had, when Amir graduates from high school. â€Å"[He wishes] that Hassan was [there with them]†. If he had told, Ali and Baba might have come to America and they might be alive. (Amir would have not felt that same jealousy towards Hassan, if he had known that he was half-brother to Hassan). Even though in America, he seemed to be happy with Amir and the life that they had made together, he would have still felt unhappy about that past that he could not make amends to. It is evident, that Baba would have had to deal with his past to have been truly happy and at peace. Sorayas life was ruined from the moment she had sinned against her religion. She does not sin by the committing the act herself, but is seen as a sin from her religious point of view. She had run away with another man before getting married. Now she was seen before the Afghan community as ‘unfit’ to be married to. Even though this view is discriminatory towards women as men can ‘go out to nightclubs looking for meat†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦and no one [would say] a goddamm thing†, she cannot do anything about it. Therefore she had to deal with the consequences. This type of sin cannot be confronted directly as to say sorry to someone. However, she manages to repair some of the damage done by being open to Amir before they get married. This shows that she knows that she has done wrong, and to show that she is ready to accept the consequences that may follow. Most Afghans would have abandoned the idea of marriage to her with the knowledge of her past, but in this case, she was lucky, since Amir did not back down. He did not care about her past as he â€Å"had one of [his] own†. You can see how by facing up to her past, Soraya was able to put the past behind her and move on to her new future. It has been shown that the only way to move on from the past of unatoned sins is to confront them. Key characters in the novel have had to deal with their sins that had not been resolved, to try and move on with life, whereas others spent their whole life trying to fix the problems, but never really getting a chance to do so. Amir life from one incident as a child determined the course of his life from that day forward, until he took control of his life and put his problems to rest. Baba is one character that was always trying to make amends for the wrong that he had committed, by helping others. Soraya had to deal with the hypocrisy of the society in which she lived in, only confront her sins by telling Amir of her past. Evidently, the only way to escape the sins of the past is to confront them.