Thursday, January 2, 2020

The Power Of A Myth Essay - 1763 Words

The Power of a Myth A couple of months ago, during a seminar in my philosophy class, my teacher asked the class if we believed race was biological. Prior to this encounter, I never truly pondered the validity of considering race as something based off distinct genetic differentiations. Some students tried to make an argument that race was biological based off the presence of certain traits that are seemingly specific to different races such as skin color, hair type, and the prevalence of certain diseases. Originally, these arguments appeared to be logically sound. Nevertheless, after further discussion, my class realized that these arguments did not provide solid proof of racial markers. Black, Asian, and Hispanic people all have a variety of skin colors and can be just as light or dark as someone outside of their race. There are many black people with â€Å"white features† such as naturally blond hair. Certain diseases, such as sickle cell anemia, may be prevalent amongst peo ple of African descent but it is not exclusive to black people. Researchers have also found that the purpose of sickle cell anemia is to prevent malaria which makes it a genetic adaption based off geography rather than race. My experience in my philosophy class that day opened my eyes to the irrationality of describing race as something that is biological. Prior to watching Race: The Power of an Illusion, I had a fairly solid understanding of why race was a social construct. With that being said, although IShow MoreRelatedThe Power of a Myth1195 Words   |  5 PagesThe Power of a Myth Jim Beam HU300-22 The Power of a Myth Do myths impact the reality of today’s society? Mary Pipher states (2005) â€Å"America is poisoning girls with pressures to maintain difficult standards of beauty†. This â€Å"standard† of beauty was set by people like the â€Å"Goddess of Love†. This Greek Goddess was known as Aphrodite. 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